Yen’s ranking loopless paths algorithm


最短路问题乃图论经典问题之一,著名的算法有Dijkstra、Bellman-Ford、Floyd-Warshall等,而求第K短路径的最为经典的算法由JIN Y. YEN于1971年在其论文《Finding The K Shortest Loopless Paths In A Network》中提出,对于权值严格非负图,其算法的时间复杂度上限为K*N^3/2,空间复杂度为N^2 + KN。

在Ernesto Q.V. Martins和Marta M.B. Pascoal合著的论文《A new implementation of Yen’s ranking loopless paths algorithm》中,他们对Yen氏算法进行了优化改进,论文中的算法伪代码如下:

New Yen algorithm implementation


class Arc
    Arc() : ArcID(0), SourceID(0), DestinationID(0), cost(INF), nextArc(NULL) {}
    int ArcID;         // 
    int SourceID;      // 
    int DestinationID; // 
    int cost;
    Arc *nextArc;

class rArc // For Yen's kShortestPath
    rArc() : ArcID(0), SourceID(0), DestinationID(0), cost(INF), nextArc(NULL) {}
    int ArcID;         // 
    int SourceID;      // 
    int DestinationID; // 
    int cost;
    rArc *nextArc;

class Node
    Node() : ID(0), firstArc(NULL) {}
    int ID;
    vector<Arc*> previous; // For Yen's kShortestPath
    Arc *firstArc;

class rNode // For Yen's kShortestPath
    rNode() : ID(0), firstArc(NULL) {}
    int ID;
    vector<rArc*> previous; // For Yen's kShortestPath
    rArc *firstArc;

class Path
    Path(int d) : costSum(0), deviation(d), deviationFromWhichPath(0) {}
    Path& operator=(const Path& rhs)
        nodePath.assign(rhs.nodePath.begin(), rhs.nodePath.end());
        arcPath.assign(rhs.arcPath.begin(), rhs.arcPath.end());
        costSum = rhs.costSum;
        deviation = rhs.deviation;
        deviationFromWhichPath = rhs.deviationFromWhichPath;
        return *this;
    vector<int> nodePath;
    vector<int> arcPath;
    int costSum;
    int deviation;
    int deviationFromWhichPath;

bool pathCmp(const Path* lhs, const Path* rhs)
    if (lhs->costSum == rhs->costSum)
        if (lhs->nodePath.size() == rhs->nodePath.size())
            return lhs->deviationFromWhichPath < rhs->deviationFromWhichPath;
        return lhs->nodePath.size() < rhs->nodePath.size();
    return lhs->costSum < rhs->costSum;


void dijkstra(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    // set<int> S;
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, cmp > priorityQ;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)     {         if (SourceID != i)         {             dist[i] = INF;             pi[i] = NULL;         }     }     dist[SourceID] = 0;     pi[SourceID] = 0;     arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;     priorityQ.push(make_pair(SourceID, 0));     while (priorityQ.empty() != true)     {         u =;         priorityQ.pop();         // S.insert(u);         Arc *parc;         parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;         while (parc != NULL)         {             v = parc->DestinationID;
            if (dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->cost)
                dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->cost;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = parc->ArcID;
                priorityQ.push(make_pair(v, dist[v]));
            parc = parc->nextArc;

void rDijkstra(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    // set<int> S;
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, cmp > priorityQ;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)         if (SourceID != i)         {             Pi[i] = INF;             pi[i] = NULL;         }     Pi[SourceID] = 0;     pi[SourceID] = 0;     arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;     priorityQ.push(make_pair(SourceID, 0));     while (priorityQ.empty() != true)     {         u =;         priorityQ.pop();         // S.insert(u);         rArc *rparc;         rparc = rNodeList[u].firstArc;         while (rparc != NULL)         {             v = rparc->DestinationID;
            if (Pi[v] > Pi[u] + rparc->cost)
                Pi[v] = Pi[u] + rparc->cost;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = rparc->ArcID;
                priorityQ.push(make_pair(v, Pi[v]));
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;

void recordDirectRouteForNode(vector<int>& route, int *path, int src, int dst, bool pop_back = true)
    stack<int> S;
    while (dst != src)
        dst = path[dst];
    while (S.empty() != true)
    if (pop_back == true)

void recordDirectRouteForArc(vector<int>& route, int *path, int* pathHelper, int src, int dst)
    stack<int> S;
    int temp;
    while (dst != src)
        temp = dst;
        dst = path[dst];
        dst = pathHelper[temp];
    while (S.empty() != true)

然后是论文中提到的Correct labels of v_i^k successors using backward star form:

void correctLabels(Node *NodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, vector<bool>& isRemoved)
    unsigned int i;
    queue<int> Q;
    int x;
        x = Q.front();
        int priv;
        for (i = 0; i < NodeList[x].previous.size(); i++)         {             priv = NodeList[x].previous[i]->SourceID;
            if (isRemoved[priv] == true) // skip removed node to save time
            if (Pi[priv] > Pi[x] + NodeList[x].previous[i]->cost)
                Pi[priv] = Pi[x] + NodeList[x].previous[i]->cost; // pi_j  <--  pi_i + c_{ji}
                Q.push(priv); // list  <--  list U {j}
    while (Q.empty() != true);

void correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, vector<bool>& isRemoved)
    queue<int> Q;
    int x;
        x = Q.front();
        rArc *rparc = rNodeList[x].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            if (isRemoved[rparc->DestinationID] == true) // skip removed node to save time
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            if (Pi[rparc->DestinationID] > Pi[x] + rparc->cost)
                Pi[rparc->DestinationID] = Pi[x] + rparc->cost; // pi_j  <--  pi_i + c_{ji}                 Q.push(rparc->DestinationID); // list  <--  list U {j}             }             rparc = rparc->nextArc;
    while (Q.empty() != true);


void kShortestPath(Path& path, Node *NodeList, rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, map<int, int>& arcID2Cost, unsigned int K = 1)
    dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
    recordNodeRouteForYen(path, pi, src, dst);
    recordArcRouteForYen(path, arcRecord, pi, src, dst, arcID2Cost);
    if (K == 1)
    unsigned int i, j;
    unsigned int k = 1;
    int *Pi = new int[NodeNum];
    vector<bool> isRemoved;
    vector<bool> is_in_d;
    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)NodeNum; i++)
    bool (*path_func_ptr)(const Path*, const Path*) = pathCmp;
    set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)> X(path_func_ptr);
    set<int> *determinedStartingArcs = new set<int>[NodeNum];
    vector<int> nodePathTemp;
    vector<int> nodePath_t_2_v_i_k, arcPath_t_2_v_i_k;; // store path Tt(v_i^k)
    vector<Path*> erasedPath;
    for (i = 0; i < K-1; i++)
        erasedPath.push_back(new Path(src));
    Path path_k(src);
    int *d_p_k = new int[K];
    int deviationFrom;
    // ===============   While (X != empty and k < K) Do   ===============
    while (X.empty() != true && k < K)
        d_p_k[k-1] = (*X.begin())->deviation; // d_p_k[0] is src, for "d.insert(make_pair(&path, src));"
        path_k = **X.begin();      // p_k  <--  shortest loopless path in X
        X.erase(X.begin());        //  X   <--  X - {p_k}
        *erasedPath[k-1] = path_k; // erasedPath[k-1] is the k Shortest Path
        path = path_k;
        // ==========   Remove loopless path pk, except node t, from the network   ==========
        Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
        rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < path_k.nodePath.size()-1; i++) // size()-1 due to except node t
            int removing = path_k.nodePath[i];
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[removing].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                parc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < NodeList[removing].previous.size(); j++)
                qarc = NodeList[removing].previous[j];
                qarc->cost = INF;
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[removing].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                rparc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < rNodeList[removing].previous.size(); j++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[removing].previous[j];
                rqarc->cost = INF;
            isRemoved[removing] = true;
        // ==========   Remove arc(d(p_k), i), i in N, of p1, ..., p_{k-1} from the network   ==========
        if (k != 1)
            for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j < path_k.nodePath.size(); j++)
                    if (erasedPath[i]->nodePath[j] != path_k.nodePath[j])
                        deviationFrom = path_k.nodePath[j-1];
                if (j != erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j != path_k.nodePath.size())
        // ==========   Tt  <--  shortest tree rooted at t in the network   ==========
        rDijkstra(rNodeList, Pi, NodeNum, dst);
        // ==========   For (v_i^k in { v_{l_k-1}^k, ..., d(p_k)}) Do   ==========
        nodePathTemp.assign(path_k.nodePath.begin(), path_k.nodePath.end());
        int v_i_k, v_ip1_k; // v_ip1_k is v_{i+1}^k
        v_ip1_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            v_i_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            // ==========   Restore node v_i^k in the network   ==========
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                // when analysing d(p_k) the arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths already determined should not be used.
                if (is_in_d[v_i_k] == true && determinedStartingArcs[v_i_k].count(parc->DestinationID) != 0) // this arc has belong to another loopless path
                    parc = parc->nextArc;
                if (parc->DestinationID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[parc->DestinationID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    parc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[parc->DestinationID] + parc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[parc->DestinationID] + parc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < NodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                qarc = NodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (isRemoved[qarc->SourceID] == false)
                    qarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                if (isRemoved[rparc->DestinationID] == false)
                    rparc->cost =>ArcID);
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                // when analysing d(p_k) the arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths already determined should not be used.
                if (is_in_d[v_i_k] == true && determinedStartingArcs[v_i_k].count(rqarc->SourceID) != 0) // this arc has belong to another loopless path
                if (rqarc->SourceID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[rqarc->SourceID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    rqarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[rqarc->SourceID] + rqarc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[rqarc->SourceID] + rqarc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
            isRemoved[v_i_k] = false; // Restore node v_i^k in the network
            // ==========   If (pi_{v_i^k} is defined) Then   ==========
            if (Pi[v_i_k] != INF)
                // =====   Correct labels of v_i^k successors using backward star form   =====
                correctLabels(NodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                // =====   p  <--  sub_{p_k}(s, v_i^k) square T_t(v_i^k)   =====
                rDijkstra(rNodeList, Pi, NodeNum, dst);
                recordDirectRouteForNode(nodePath_t_2_v_i_k, pi, dst, v_i_k, false);
                recordDirectRouteForArc(arcPath_t_2_v_i_k, arcRecord, pi, dst, v_i_k);
                for (i = path.nodePath.size()-1; ; i--)
                    if (path.nodePath[i] == v_i_k)
                for (i = nodePath_t_2_v_i_k.size()-1; i > 0; i--)
                // =====   d(p)  <--  v_i^k   =====
                is_in_d[v_i_k] = true;
                // X  <--  X U {p}
                path.costSum = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < path.arcPath.size(); i++)
                    path.costSum +=[i]);
                path.deviation = v_i_k;
                path.deviationFromWhichPath = k - 1;
                Path *newPath = new Path(src);
                *newPath = path;
            } // EndIf
            // ==========   Restore (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) in the network   ==========
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->DestinationID == v_ip1_k) // now, arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore
                    parc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[v_ip1_k] + parc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[v_ip1_k] + parc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
                    // Correct labels of v_i^k successors using backward star form
                    correctLabels(NodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (rqarc->SourceID == v_ip1_k) // now, arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore
                    rqarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
            v_ip1_k = v_i_k;
        while (v_i_k != d_p_k[k-1]); // EndFor

        // ==========   Restore nodes and arcs of path p_k from s to d(p_k) in the network   ==========
        for (i = 0; i < path_k.nodePath.size(); i++) // sub_{p_k}(s, v_i^k), because d[k] = v_i^k
            int restoring = path_k.nodePath[i];
            if (isRemoved[restoring] == false) // if it has been restored, skip it to save time
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[restoring].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                parc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < NodeList[restoring].previous.size(); j++)
                qarc = NodeList[restoring].previous[j];
                qarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[restoring].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                rparc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < rNodeList[restoring].previous.size(); j++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[restoring].previous[j];
                rqarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            isRemoved[restoring] = false;
        // ==========   Restore arcs (d(p_k), i), i in N, of p_1, ..., p_{k-1} in the network   ==========
        if (k != 1)
            for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j < path_k.nodePath.size(); j++)
                    if (erasedPath[i]->nodePath[j] != path_k.nodePath[j])
                        deviationFrom = path_k.nodePath[j-1];
                if (j != erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j != path_k.nodePath.size())
        // ==========   Restore arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths in the network   ==========
        nodePathTemp.assign(path_k.nodePath.begin(), path_k.nodePath.end());
        v_ip1_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            v_i_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->DestinationID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[parc->DestinationID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    parc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (rqarc->SourceID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[rqarc->SourceID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    rqarc->cost =>ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            v_ip1_k = v_i_k;
        while (v_i_k != d_p_k[k-1]); // EndFor
    path = **X.begin();
    for (set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)>::iterator its = X.begin(); its != X.end(); ++its)
        delete *its;
    X.erase(X.begin(), X.end());
    for (vector<Path*>::iterator itv = erasedPath.begin(); itv != erasedPath.end(); ++itv)
        delete *itv;
    delete []determinedStartingArcs;
    delete []d_p_k;
    delete []Pi;






    // 3. ==========   construct graph   ==========
    sort(AllUnion.begin(), AllUnion.end(), sourceCompare);
    Node *NodeList = new Node[NodeNum];
    unsigned int NodeId = 0;
    unsigned int rank = 2;
    Arc *firstarc = new Arc, *parc, *qarc;
    firstarc->ArcID = AllUnion[0].second.first;
    firstarc->SourceID = AllUnion[0].first.first;
    firstarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[0].first.second;
    firstarc->cost = AllUnion[0].second.second;
    firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
    NodeId = AllUnion[0].first.first; // node index start with 0
    arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
    NodeList[NodeId].ID =>SourceID);
    NodeList[NodeId].firstArc = firstarc;
    for (i = 1; i < ArcNum; i++)
        if (AllUnion[i].first.first == AllUnion[i-1].first.first)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                parc = new Arc;
                parc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
                parc->SourceID = AllUnion[i].first.first;
                parc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.second;
                parc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
                parc->nextArc = NULL;
                if (rank == 2)
                    firstarc->nextArc = parc;
                    qarc->nextArc = parc;
                qarc = new Arc;
                qarc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
                qarc->SourceID = AllUnion[i].first.first;
                qarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.second;
                qarc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
                qarc->nextArc = NULL;
                parc->nextArc = qarc;
            rank = 2;
            NodeId = AllUnion[i].first.first;
            arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
            firstarc = new Arc;
            firstarc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
            firstarc->SourceID = NodeId;
            firstarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.second;
            firstarc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
            firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
            NodeList[NodeId].ID =;
            NodeList[NodeId].firstArc = firstarc;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (arcIsAdded[i] == false)
            NodeList[i].ID =;
            NodeList[i].firstArc = NULL;

    // 4. ==========   construct reverse graph   ==========
    sort(AllUnion.begin(), AllUnion.end(), terminalCompare);
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        arcIsAdded[i] = false;
    NodeId = 0;
    rank = 2;
    rNode *rNodeList = new rNode[NodeNum];
    rArc *rfirstarc = new rArc, *rparc, *rqarc;
    rfirstarc->ArcID = AllUnion[0].second.first;
    rfirstarc->SourceID = AllUnion[0].first.second;
    rfirstarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[0].first.first;
    rfirstarc->cost = AllUnion[0].second.second;
    rfirstarc->nextArc = NULL;
    NodeId = AllUnion[0].first.second; // NodeId ?= 0, maybe not
    arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
    rNodeList[NodeId].ID =>SourceID);
    rNodeList[NodeId].firstArc = rfirstarc;
    for (i = 1; i < ArcNum; i++)
        if (AllUnion[i].first.second == AllUnion[i-1].first.second)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                rparc = new rArc;
                rparc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
                rparc->SourceID = AllUnion[i].first.second;
                rparc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.first;
                rparc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
                rparc->nextArc = NULL;
                if (rank == 2)
                    rfirstarc->nextArc = rparc;
                    rqarc->nextArc = rparc;
                rqarc = new rArc;
                rqarc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
                rqarc->SourceID = AllUnion[i].first.second;
                rqarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.first;
                rqarc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
                rqarc->nextArc = NULL;
                rparc->nextArc = rqarc;
            rank = 2;
            NodeId = AllUnion[i].first.second;
            arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
            rfirstarc = new rArc;
            rfirstarc->ArcID = AllUnion[i].second.first;
            rfirstarc->SourceID = NodeId;
            rfirstarc->DestinationID = AllUnion[i].first.first;
            rfirstarc->cost = AllUnion[i].second.second;
            rfirstarc->nextArc = NULL;
            rNodeList[NodeId].ID =;
            rNodeList[NodeId].firstArc = rfirstarc;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (arcIsAdded[i] == false)
            rNodeList[i].ID =;
            rNodeList[i].firstArc = NULL;

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