2016 Huawei CodeCraft


3 月 4 日开始的华为软件精英挑战赛区域复赛落下帷幕,最终止步 16 强,5000 多行的代码发上来留个纪念。

题目如下,一道类似 TSP 问题的图论题:


代码的 Makefile 如下:

# This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com>
OBJS = Graph.o Yen.o StringParse.o FileIO.o Ant.o main.o
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c++11
future_net: $(OBJS)
    $(CC) -o $@ $^
Graph.o: Graph.cxx Graph.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
Yen.o: Yen.cxx Yen.hxx Graph.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
StringParse.o: StringParse.cxx StringParse.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
FileIO.o: FileIO.cxx FileIO.hxx StringParse.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
Ant.o: Ant.cxx Ant.hxx Yen.hxx Graph.hxx FiloIO.hxx StringParse.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
main.o: main.cxx Ant.hxx Yen.hxx Graph.hxx FileIO.hxx StringParse.hxx
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
.PHONY: clean
    rm *.o



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __GRAPH_HXX__
#define __GRAPH_HXX__

#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>

#define INF    0x00ffffff
#define USE_REVERSE_GRAPH    0

typedef enum
    White = 0,
} colortype;

class Arc
    Arc() : ArcID(0), SourceID(0), DestinationID(0), cost(INF), nextArc(NULL) {}
    int ArcID;         // 
    int SourceID;      // 
    int DestinationID; // 
    int cost;
    Arc *nextArc;

class rArc
    rArc() : ArcID(0), SourceID(0), DestinationID(0), cost(INF), nextArc(NULL) {}
    int ArcID;         // 
    int SourceID;      // 
    int DestinationID; // 
    int cost;
    rArc *nextArc;

class Node
    Node() : ID(0), firstArc(NULL) {}
    int ID;
    std::vector<Arc*> previous;
    Arc *firstArc;

class rNode
    rNode() : ID(0), firstArc(NULL) {}
    int ID;
    std::vector<rArc*> previous;
    rArc *firstArc;

struct cmp
    bool operator()(std::pair<int, int> a, std::pair<int, int> b)
        return a.second > b.second;

void tarjan(Node *NodeList, int u);

void reconstructGraph(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum);

void BFS(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID);

void dijkstra(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID);

void rBFS(rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID);

void rDijkstra(rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID);

void recordDirectRouteForNode(std::vector<int>& route, int *path, int src, int dst, bool pop_back = true);

void recordDirectRouteForArc(std::vector<int>& route, int *path, int* pathHelper, int src, int dst);

void removeSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, const std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved);

void removeListOfNodes(Node *NodeList, const std::vector<int>& removeList, bool *isRemoved);

void restoreSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, const std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved);

void restoreListOfNodes(Node *NodeList, const std::vector<int>& restoreList, bool *isRemoved);

void removeSpecifiedArcs(const std::vector<int>& specifiedArc);

void restoreSpecifiedArcs(const std::vector<int>& specifiedArc);

void rRemoveSpecifiedNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved);

void rRemoveListOfNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const std::vector<int>& removeList, bool *isRemoved);

void rRestoreSpecifiedNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved);

void rRestoreListOfNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const std::vector<int>& restoreList, bool *isRemoved);

void rRemoveSpecifiedArcs(const std::vector<int>& specifiedArc);

void rRestoreSpecifiedArcs(const std::vector<int>& specifiedArc);



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __YEN_HXX__
#define __YEN_HXX__

#include "Graph.hxx"


class Path
    // Constructor
    Path(int d);
    Path(const Path& rhs);

    // Destructor

    // operator override
    Path& operator=(const Path& rhs);
    Path operator+(const Path& rhs);
    Path& operator+=(const Path& rhs);

    void clear();

    std::vector<int> nodePath;
    std::vector<int> arcPath;
    int costSum;
    unsigned int visitingSpecifiedNodes;
    int deviation;
    int deviationFromWhichPath;

void recordNodeRoute(Path& route, int *path, int src, int dst);

void recordArcRoute(Path& route, int *path, int* pathHelper, int src, int dst);

bool computeAnotherBestPath(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, Path& bestPath1, Path& bestPath2);

bool computeBothBestPaths(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, Path& bestPath1, Path& bestPath2);

bool pathCmp(const Path* lhs, const Path* rhs);

void rDijkstra(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int NodeNum, int SourceID);

void correctLabels(Node *NodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, std::vector<bool>& isRemoved);

void correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, std::vector<bool>& isRemoved);

void kShortestPath(Path *pathArray, Path *admissiblePath, Node *NodeList, rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, unsigned int K = 1, bool isShortestPathCaculate = true, unsigned int requiredPathNum = INF);



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

namespace std {

class StringParse
    // Constructor
    explicit StringParse(string& s);
    StringParse(StringParse& rhs);
    StringParse& operator=(const StringParse& rhs);

    class CurrentPosition
        inline explicit CurrentPosition(const StringParse& sp) : mSP(sp) {}

        operator const char*() const
            return mSP.mPosition;

        const char& operator*() const
            return *mSP.mPosition;

        const StringParse& mSP;
    CurrentPosition position() const { return CurrentPosition(*this); }
    CurrentPosition skipWhitespace();
    CurrentPosition skipChar(char c);
    CurrentPosition skipToChar(char c);
    CurrentPosition skipToEnd();

    bool eof() const { return mPosition >= mEnd; }

    void getValue(string &str, const char *start) const;
    string mString;
    const char* mStart;
    const char* mPosition;
    const char* mEnd;




 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __FILEIO_HXX__
#define __FILEIO_HXX__

#include "StringParse.hxx"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>


class Tuple
    Tuple(int st, int nd, int rd, int th) : first(st), second(nd), third(rd), four(th) {}
    Tuple(const Tuple& rhs) : first(rhs.first), second(rhs.second), third(rhs.third), four(rhs.four) {}

    int first;
    int second;
    int third;
    int four;

int sourceCompare(const Tuple left, const Tuple right);

int sourceCompareReverse(const Tuple left, const Tuple right);

int sourceCompareRandom(const Tuple left, const Tuple right);

int terminalCompare(const Tuple left, const Tuple right);

void inputFromTopoFile(const char *topoFile, std::list<Tuple>& AllUnion);

void inputFromDemandFile(const char *demandFile, int& SourceID, int& DestinationID, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode1, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode2);

void outputSolutionToFile(const char *resultFile, std::vector<int>& resultPath1, std::vector<int>& resultPath2);

void outputNAToFile(const char *resultFile);

bool isReplicate(std::vector<int>& vec);

bool binarySearch(const std::vector<int>& vec, const int e);

int identicalElementNum(std::vector<int>& vec1, std::vector<int>& vec2);

int identicalElementNum(std::list<int>& li1, std::list<int>& li2);

void identicalElements(std::list<int>& li, std::list<int>& li1, std::list<int>& li2);

unsigned int mergeVector(std::vector<int>& vec, std::vector<int>& vec1, std::vector<int>& vec2);

void obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(std::list<Tuple>& AllUnion, std::vector<int>& Source, std::vector<int>& Destination);



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __ANT_HXX__
#define __ANT_HXX__

#include <cmath>
#include "Yen.hxx"
#include "FileIO.hxx"

#define FILE_INFO                          0
#define CONSOLE_INFO                       1
#define TIMMING_INFO                       1
#define CONSOLE_DEBUG                      0

#define USE_FORWARD_BFS_PATH               0
#define USE_REVERSE_BFS_PATH               0
#define USE_RANDOM_BFS_PATH                1


#ifndef WIN32
const char * const INFO_FILE_PATH = "./info_file";
const char * const INFO_FILE_PATH = "C:\\Users\\acer\\Desktop\\info_file.txt";

typedef enum
    VeryEasy = 1,
} ComplexityDescription;

class Ant
    Ant(const Ant& rhs);

    Ant& operator=(const Ant& rhs);

    void reset();
    void clear();

    bool visited[100];
    bool noNodeToGo;
    bool specifiedNodeEnough;
    Path route;
    std::vector<int> routeRecord;

class AntArc
    AntArc() : eta(0.0), tau(1.0), delta_tau(0.0), mu(1.0) {}
    AntArc(const AntArc& rhs);

    double eta;
    double tau;
    double delta_tau;
    double mu;

class TSPPath
    TSPPath() : from(0), to(0) {}
    TSPPath(int f, int t) : from(f), to(t) {}
    TSPPath(const TSPPath& rhs);

    TSPPath& operator=(const TSPPath& rhs);
    bool operator==(const TSPPath& rhs) const { return from == rhs.from && to == rhs.to; }

    int from;
    int to;

void printVector(const std::vector<int>& vec, const char *str);

void printList(const std::list<int>& li, const char *str);

ComplexityDescription defineComplexity(int NodeNum, size_t Vs);

ComplexityDescription defineComplexity(int NodeNum, size_t Vs1, size_t Vs2);

void adjustParameters(ComplexityDescription complexity);

void obtainPathFromSrcToSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, Path *P_s_v_i, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool USE_DIJKSTRA = false);

void obtainPathBetweenSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, Path **P_i_j, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool USE_DIJKSTRA = false);

void obtainForbiddenPath(Node *NodeList, Path **P_i_j, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, std::set<std::pair<size_t, size_t> >& forbiddenPath, int src);

void expandForbiddenPath(Path **P_i_j, size_t Vs, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, std::set<std::pair<size_t, size_t> >& forbiddenPath);

void initArcID2InPath(Path *P_s_v_i1, Path *P_s_v_i2, Path **P_i_j1, Path **P_i_j2, size_t Vs1, size_t Vs2);

void antGroupAlgorithm(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode, Path &bestPath, bool USE_DIJKSTRA = false, unsigned int seed = 1);

void antGroupAlgorithm(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode1, std::vector<int>& specifiedNode2, Path &bestPath1, Path &bestPath2, bool USE_DIJKSTRA = false, unsigned int seed = 1);



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Graph.hxx"

using namespace std;

colortype color[2000];
int dist[2000];
int pi[2000];
int arcRecord[2000];
extern unordered_map<int, int> arcID2Cost;
extern unordered_map<int, Arc*> arcID2Arc;
extern unordered_map<int, rArc*> arcID2rArc;

static int timeStamp = 0;
static int low[2000];
int dfn[2000];
static bool inStack[2000];
stack<int> tarjanStack;
extern list<set<int>* > block;
extern list<pair<int, int> > bridge;

void tarjan(Node *NodeList, int u)
    dfn[u] = low[u] = ++timeStamp;
    inStack[u] = true;
    Arc *parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
    while (parc != NULL)
        int v = parc->DestinationID;
        if (dfn[v] == 0)
            tarjan(NodeList, v);
            low[u] = (low[u] < low[v]) ? low[u] : low[v]; // low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
            if (low[v] > dfn[u]) // bridge
                bridge.push_back(make_pair(u, v));
        else if (inStack[v] == true)
            low[u] = (low[u] < dfn[v]) ? low[u] : dfn[v]; // low[u] = min(low[u], dfn[v]);
        parc = parc->nextArc;
    if (dfn[u] == low[u])
        set<int> *blockSet = new set<int>;
        int vtx;
        do {
            vtx = tarjanStack.top();
            inStack[vtx] = false;
        } while(vtx != u);

void reconstructGraph(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum)
    Arc *firstarc = NULL, *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        firstarc = NodeList[i].firstArc;
        parc = NULL;
        while (firstarc != NULL)
            qarc = firstarc->nextArc;
            firstarc->nextArc = parc;
            parc = firstarc;
            firstarc = qarc;
        NodeList[i].firstArc = parc;

void BFS(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (SourceID != i)
            color[i] = White;
            dist[i] = INF;
            pi[i] = 0;
    color[SourceID] = Gray;
    dist[SourceID] = 0;
    pi[SourceID] = 0;
    arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;
    queue<int> Q;
    while (Q.empty() != true)
        u = Q.front();
        Arc *parc;
        parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            v = parc->DestinationID;
            if (color[v] == White && parc->cost != INF)
                color[v] = Gray;
                dist[v] = dist[u] + 1;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = parc->ArcID;
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        color[u] = Black;

void dijkstra(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    // set<int> S;
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, cmp > priorityQ;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (SourceID != i)
            dist[i] = INF;
            pi[i] = 0;
    dist[SourceID] = 0;
    pi[SourceID] = 0;
    arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;
    priorityQ.push(make_pair(SourceID, 0));
    while (priorityQ.empty() != true)
        u = priorityQ.top().first;
        // S.insert(u);
        Arc *parc;
        parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            v = parc->DestinationID;
            if (dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->cost)
                dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->cost;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = parc->ArcID;
                priorityQ.push(make_pair(v, dist[v]));
            parc = parc->nextArc;

void rBFS(rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (SourceID != i)
            color[i] = White;
            dist[i] = INF;
            pi[i] = 0;
    color[SourceID] = Gray;
    dist[SourceID] = 0;
    pi[SourceID] = 0;
    arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;
    queue<int> Q;
    while (Q.empty() != true)
        u = Q.front();
        rArc *rparc;
        rparc = rNodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            v = rparc->DestinationID;
            if (color[v] == White && rparc->cost != INF)
                color[v] = Gray;
                dist[v] = dist[u] + 1;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = rparc->ArcID;
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
        color[u] = Black;

void rDijkstra(rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    // set<int> S;
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, cmp > priorityQ;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (SourceID != i)
            dist[i] = INF;
            pi[i] = 0;
    dist[SourceID] = 0;
    pi[SourceID] = 0;
    arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;
    priorityQ.push(make_pair(SourceID, 0));
    while (priorityQ.empty() != true)
        u = priorityQ.top().first;
        // S.insert(u);
        rArc *rparc;
        rparc = rNodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            v = rparc->DestinationID;
            if (dist[v] > dist[u] + rparc->cost)
                dist[v] = dist[u] + rparc->cost;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = rparc->ArcID;
                priorityQ.push(make_pair(v, dist[v]));
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;

void recordDirectRouteForNode(vector<int>& route, int *path, int src, int dst, bool pop_back)
    stack<int> S;
    while (dst != src)
        dst = path[dst];
    while (S.empty() != true)
    if (pop_back == true)

void recordDirectRouteForArc(vector<int>& route, int *path, int* pathHelper, int src, int dst)
    stack<int> S;
    int temp;
    while (dst != src)
        temp = dst;
        dst = path[dst];
        dst = pathHelper[temp];
    while (S.empty() != true)

void removeSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, const vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved)
    Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedNode.size(); m++) // remove Vs first
        int removing = specifiedNode[m];
        // forward graph, out-degree
        parc = NodeList[removing].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            parc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        // forward graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < NodeList[removing].previous.size(); n++)
            qarc = NodeList[removing].previous[n];
            qarc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
        isRemoved[removing] = true;

void removeListOfNodes(Node *NodeList, const vector<int>& removeList, bool *isRemoved)
    Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    // m starts from 1 to avoid removing source node, size()-1 due to last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 and size()-1 due to the first and last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 due to first node must in Vs, size()-1 is to avoid removing destination node
    for (unsigned int m = 1; m < removeList.size()-1; m++)
        int removing = removeList[m];
        if (isRemoved[removing] == true) // skip node that has been removed to save time
        // forward graph, out-degree
        parc = NodeList[removing].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            parc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        // forward graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < NodeList[removing].previous.size(); n++)
            qarc = NodeList[removing].previous[n];
            qarc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
        isRemoved[removing] = true;

void restoreSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, const vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved)
    Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedNode.size(); m++) // restore Vs first
        int restoring = specifiedNode[m];
        // forward graph, out-degree
        parc = NodeList[restoring].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        // forward graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < NodeList[restoring].previous.size(); n++)
            qarc = NodeList[restoring].previous[n];
            qarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(qarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
        isRemoved[restoring] = false;

void restoreListOfNodes(Node *NodeList, const vector<int>& restoreList, bool *isRemoved)
    Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    // m starts from 1 to avoid restoring source node, size()-1 due to last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 and size()-1 due to the first and last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 due to first node must in Vs, size()-1 is to avoid restoring destination node
    for (unsigned int m = 1; m < restoreList.size()-1; m++)
        int restoring = restoreList[m];
        if (isRemoved[restoring] == false) // skip node that has been restored to save time
        // forward graph, out-degree
        parc = NodeList[restoring].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        // forward graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < NodeList[restoring].previous.size(); n++)
            qarc = NodeList[restoring].previous[n];
            qarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(qarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
        isRemoved[restoring] = false;

void removeSpecifiedArcs(const vector<int>& specifiedArc)
    Arc *parc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedArc.size(); m++)
        parc = arcID2Arc.at(specifiedArc[m]);
        parc->cost = INF;

void restoreSpecifiedArcs(const vector<int>& specifiedArc)
    Arc *parc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedArc.size(); m++)
        parc = arcID2Arc.at(specifiedArc[m]);
        parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID);

void rRemoveSpecifiedNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved)
    rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedNode.size(); m++) // remove Vs first
        int removing = specifiedNode[m];
        // reverse graph, out-degree
        rparc = rNodeList[removing].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            rparc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
        // reverse graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < rNodeList[removing].previous.size(); n++)
            rqarc = rNodeList[removing].previous[n];
            rqarc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
        isRemoved[removing] = true;

void rRemoveListOfNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const vector<int>& removeList, bool *isRemoved)
    rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
    // m starts from 1 to avoid removing source node, size()-1 due to last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 and size()-1 due to the first and last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 due to first node must in Vs, size()-1 is to avoid removing destination node
    for (unsigned int m = 1; m < removeList.size()-1; m++)
        int removing = removeList[m];
        if (isRemoved[removing] == true) // skip node that has been removed to save time
        // reverse graph, out-degree
        rparc = rNodeList[removing].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            rparc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
        // reverse graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < rNodeList[removing].previous.size(); n++)
            rqarc = rNodeList[removing].previous[n];
            rqarc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
        isRemoved[removing] = true;

void rRestoreSpecifiedNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool *isRemoved)
    rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedNode.size(); m++) // restore Vs first
        int restoring = specifiedNode[m];
        // reverse graph, out-degree
        rparc = rNodeList[restoring].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            rparc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rparc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
        // reverse graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < rNodeList[restoring].previous.size(); n++)
            rqarc = rNodeList[restoring].previous[n];
            rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
        isRemoved[restoring] = false;

void rRestoreListOfNodes(rNode *rNodeList, const vector<int>& restoreList, bool *isRemoved)
    rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
    // m starts from 1 to avoid restoring source node, size()-1 due to last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 and size()-1 due to the first and last node must in Vs
    // m starts from 1 due to first node must in Vs, size()-1 is to avoid restoring destination node
    for (unsigned int m = 1; m < restoreList.size()-1; m++)
        int restoring = restoreList[m];
        if (isRemoved[restoring] == false) // skip node that has been restored to save time
        // reverse graph, out-degree
        rparc = rNodeList[restoring].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            rparc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rparc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
        // reverse graph, in-degree
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < rNodeList[restoring].previous.size(); n++)
            rqarc = rNodeList[restoring].previous[n];
            rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
        isRemoved[restoring] = false;

void rRemoveSpecifiedArcs(const vector<int>& specifiedArc)
    rArc *rparc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedArc.size(); m++)
        rparc = arcID2rArc.at(specifiedArc[m]);
        rparc->cost = INF;

void rRestoreSpecifiedArcs(const vector<int>& specifiedArc)
    rArc *rparc = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < specifiedArc.size(); m++)
        rparc = arcID2rArc.at(specifiedArc[m]);
        rparc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rparc->ArcID);


 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Yen.hxx"

using namespace std;

extern int dist[];
extern int pi[];
extern int arcRecord[];
extern unordered_map<int, int> arcID2Cost;

Path::Path() : costSum(0), visitingSpecifiedNodes(0)
    deviation = 0;
    deviationFromWhichPath = 0;

Path::Path(int d) : costSum(0), visitingSpecifiedNodes(0)
    deviation = d;
    deviationFromWhichPath = 0;

Path::Path(const Path& rhs)
    nodePath.assign(rhs.nodePath.begin(), rhs.nodePath.end());
    arcPath.assign(rhs.arcPath.begin(), rhs.arcPath.end());
    costSum = rhs.costSum;
    visitingSpecifiedNodes = rhs.visitingSpecifiedNodes;
    deviation = rhs.deviation;
    deviationFromWhichPath = rhs.deviationFromWhichPath;


Path& Path::operator=(const Path& rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    nodePath.assign(rhs.nodePath.begin(), rhs.nodePath.end());
    arcPath.assign(rhs.arcPath.begin(), rhs.arcPath.end());
    costSum = rhs.costSum;
    visitingSpecifiedNodes = rhs.visitingSpecifiedNodes;
    deviation = rhs.deviation;
    deviationFromWhichPath = rhs.deviationFromWhichPath;
    return *this;

Path Path::operator+(const Path& rhs)
    Path temp(*this);
    temp.nodePath.insert(temp.nodePath.end(), rhs.nodePath.begin()+1, rhs.nodePath.end());
    temp.arcPath.insert(temp.arcPath.end(), rhs.arcPath.begin(), rhs.arcPath.end());
    temp.costSum += rhs.costSum;
    temp.visitingSpecifiedNodes += rhs.visitingSpecifiedNodes-1;
    return temp;

Path& Path::operator+=(const Path& rhs)
    nodePath.insert(nodePath.end(), rhs.nodePath.begin()+1, rhs.nodePath.end());
    arcPath.insert(arcPath.end(), rhs.arcPath.begin(), rhs.arcPath.end());
    costSum += rhs.costSum;
    visitingSpecifiedNodes += rhs.visitingSpecifiedNodes-1;
    return *this;

void Path::clear()
    costSum = 0;
    visitingSpecifiedNodes = 0;

void recordNodeRoute(Path& route, int *path, int src, int dst)
    stack<int> S;
    while (dst != src)
        dst = path[dst];
    while (S.empty() != true)

void recordArcRoute(Path& route, int *path, int* pathHelper, int src, int dst)
    stack<int> S;
    int temp;
    while (dst != src)
        temp = dst;
        dst = path[dst];
        dst = pathHelper[temp];
    while (S.empty() != true)
        route.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(S.top());

bool computeAnotherBestPath(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, Path& bestPath1, Path& bestPath2)
    bool isFirstToCompute = (bestPath1.costSum == INF) ? true : false;
    if (isFirstToCompute == true)
        bestPath1.costSum = 0;
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(bestPath1, pi, src, dst);
            recordArcRoute(bestPath1, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
            return false;
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
            recordNodeRoute(bestPath1, pi, src, dst);
            recordArcRoute(bestPath1, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
            return true;
        bestPath2.costSum = 0;
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(bestPath2, pi, src, dst);
            recordArcRoute(bestPath2, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
            return false;
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
            recordNodeRoute(bestPath2, pi, src, dst);
            recordArcRoute(bestPath2, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
            return true;

bool computeBothBestPaths(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, Path& bestPath1, Path& bestPath2)
    bestPath1.costSum = 0;
    bestPath2.costSum = 0;
    dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
    recordNodeRoute(bestPath1, pi, src, dst);
    recordArcRoute(bestPath1, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
    dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
    if (dist[dst] != INF)
        recordNodeRoute(bestPath2, pi, src, dst);
        recordArcRoute(bestPath2, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
        return false;
        BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
        recordNodeRoute(bestPath2, pi, src, dst);
        recordArcRoute(bestPath2, arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
        return true;

bool pathCmp(const Path* lhs, const Path* rhs)
    if (lhs->costSum == rhs->costSum)
        if (lhs->nodePath.size() == rhs->nodePath.size())
            //if (lhs->deviationFromWhichPath == rhs->deviationFromWhichPath)
            //    return lhs->visitingSpecifiedNodes < rhs->visitingSpecifiedNodes;
            return lhs->deviationFromWhichPath < rhs->deviationFromWhichPath;
        return lhs->nodePath.size() < rhs->nodePath.size();
    return lhs->costSum < rhs->costSum;

void rDijkstra(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int NodeNum, int SourceID)
    int i, u, v;
    // set<int> S;
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, cmp > priorityQ;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (SourceID != i)
            Pi[i] = INF;
            pi[i] = 0;
    Pi[SourceID] = 0;
    pi[SourceID] = 0;
    arcRecord[SourceID] = 0;
    priorityQ.push(make_pair(SourceID, 0));
    while (priorityQ.empty() != true)
        u = priorityQ.top().first;
        // S.insert(u);
        rArc *rparc;
        rparc = rNodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            v = rparc->DestinationID;
            if (Pi[v] > Pi[u] + rparc->cost)
                Pi[v] = Pi[u] + rparc->cost;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = rparc->ArcID;
                priorityQ.push(make_pair(v, Pi[v]));
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;

void correctLabels(Node *NodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, vector<bool>& isRemoved)
    unsigned int i;
    queue<int> Q;
    int x;
        x = Q.front();
        int priv;
        for (i = 0; i < NodeList[x].previous.size(); i++)
            priv = NodeList[x].previous[i]->SourceID;
            if (isRemoved[priv] == true) // skip removed node to save time
            if (Pi[priv] > Pi[x] + NodeList[x].previous[i]->cost)
                Pi[priv] = Pi[x] + NodeList[x].previous[i]->cost; // pi_j  <--  pi_i + c_{ji}
                Q.push(priv); // list  <--  list U {j}
    while (Q.empty() != true);

void correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNode *rNodeList, int *Pi, int v_i_k, vector<bool>& isRemoved)
    queue<int> Q;
    int x;
        x = Q.front();
        rArc *rparc = rNodeList[x].firstArc;
        while (rparc != NULL)
            if (isRemoved[rparc->DestinationID] == true) // skip removed node to save time
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            if (Pi[rparc->DestinationID] > Pi[x] + rparc->cost)
                Pi[rparc->DestinationID] = Pi[x] + rparc->cost; // pi_j  <--  pi_i + c_{ji}
                Q.push(rparc->DestinationID); // list  <--  list U {j}
            rparc = rparc->nextArc;
    while (Q.empty() != true);

void kShortestPath(Path *pathArray, Path *admissiblePath, Node *NodeList, rNode *rNodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, unsigned int K, bool isShortestPathCaculate, unsigned int requiredPathNum)
    if (isShortestPathCaculate == true)
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(pathArray[0], pi, src, dst);
            recordArcRoute(pathArray[0], arcRecord, pi, src, dst);
            pathArray[0].costSum = INF;
    if (K == 1)
    unsigned int i, j;
    unsigned int k = 1;
    int *Pi = new int[NodeNum];
    vector<bool> isRemoved;
    vector<bool> is_in_d;
    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)NodeNum; i++)
    bool (*path_func_ptr)(const Path*, const Path*) = pathCmp;
    set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)> X(path_func_ptr);
    set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)>::iterator itx; // avoid memory leak
    set<int> *determinedStartingArcs = new set<int>[NodeNum];
    vector<int> nodePathTemp;
    vector<int> nodePath_t_2_v_i_k, arcPath_t_2_v_i_k;; // store path Tt(v_i^k)
    vector<Path*> erasedPath;
    for (i = 0; i < K-1; i++)
        erasedPath.push_back(new Path(src));
    Path path(src), path_k(src);
    int *d_p_k = new int[K];
    int deviationFrom;
    unsigned int requiredNum = 0;
    // ===============   While (X != empty and k < K) Do   ===============
    while (X.empty() != true && k < K)
        d_p_k[k-1] = (*X.begin())->deviation; // d_p_k[0] is src, for "d.insert(make_pair(&path, src));"
        path_k = **X.begin();      // p_k  <--  shortest loopless path in X
        if (k != 1)
            pathArray[k-1] = path_k;
            itx = X.begin();
            delete *itx;           // prevent memory leak
        X.erase(X.begin());        //  X   <--  X - {p_k}
        *erasedPath[k-1] = path_k; // erasedPath[k-1] is the k Shortest Path
        path = path_k;
        // ==========   Remove loopless path pk, except node t, from the network   ==========
        Arc *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
        rArc *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < path_k.nodePath.size()-1; i++) // size()-1 due to except node t
            int removing = path_k.nodePath[i];
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[removing].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                parc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < NodeList[removing].previous.size(); j++)
                qarc = NodeList[removing].previous[j];
                qarc->cost = INF;
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[removing].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                rparc->cost = INF; // equivalent to remove from the network
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < rNodeList[removing].previous.size(); j++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[removing].previous[j];
                rqarc->cost = INF;
            isRemoved[removing] = true;
        // ==========   Remove arc(d(p_k), i), i in N, of p1, ..., p_{k-1} from the network   ==========
        if (k != 1)
            for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j < path_k.nodePath.size(); j++)
                    if (erasedPath[i]->nodePath[j] != path_k.nodePath[j])
                        deviationFrom = path_k.nodePath[j-1];
                if (j != erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j != path_k.nodePath.size())
        // ==========   Tt  <--  shortest tree rooted at t in the network   ==========
        rDijkstra(rNodeList, Pi, NodeNum, dst);
        // ==========   For (v_i^k in { v_{l_k-1}^k, ..., d(p_k)}) Do   ==========
        nodePathTemp.assign(path_k.nodePath.begin(), path_k.nodePath.end());
        int v_i_k, v_ip1_k; // v_ip1_k is v_{i+1}^k
        v_ip1_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            v_i_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            // ==========   Restore node v_i^k in the network   ==========
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                // when analysing d(p_k) the arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths already determined should not be used.
                if (is_in_d[v_i_k] == true && determinedStartingArcs[v_i_k].count(parc->DestinationID) != 0) // this arc has belong to another loopless path
                    parc = parc->nextArc;
                if (parc->DestinationID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[parc->DestinationID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[parc->DestinationID] + parc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[parc->DestinationID] + parc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < NodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                qarc = NodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (isRemoved[qarc->SourceID] == false)
                    qarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(qarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                if (isRemoved[rparc->DestinationID] == false)
                    rparc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rparc->ArcID);
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                // when analysing d(p_k) the arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths already determined should not be used.
                if (is_in_d[v_i_k] == true && determinedStartingArcs[v_i_k].count(rqarc->SourceID) != 0) // this arc has belong to another loopless path
                if (rqarc->SourceID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[rqarc->SourceID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[rqarc->SourceID] + rqarc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[rqarc->SourceID] + rqarc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
            isRemoved[v_i_k] = false; // Restore node v_i^k in the network
            // ==========   If (pi_{v_i^k} is defined) Then   ==========
            if (Pi[v_i_k] != INF)
                // =====   Correct labels of v_i^k successors using backward star form   =====
                correctLabels(NodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                // =====   p  <--  sub_{p_k}(s, v_i^k) square T_t(v_i^k)   =====
                rDijkstra(rNodeList, Pi, NodeNum, dst);
                recordDirectRouteForNode(nodePath_t_2_v_i_k, pi, dst, v_i_k, false);
                recordDirectRouteForArc(arcPath_t_2_v_i_k, arcRecord, pi, dst, v_i_k);
                for (i = path.nodePath.size()-1; ; i--)
                    if (path.nodePath[i] == v_i_k)
                for (i = nodePath_t_2_v_i_k.size()-1; i > 0; i--)
                // =====   d(p)  <--  v_i^k   =====
                is_in_d[v_i_k] = true;
                // X  <--  X U {p}
                path.costSum = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < path.arcPath.size(); i++)
                    path.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(path.arcPath[i]);
                path.deviation = v_i_k;
                path.deviationFromWhichPath = k - 1;

                admissiblePath[requiredNum++] = path;
                if (requiredNum == requiredPathNum)
                    for (set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)>::iterator its = X.begin(); its != X.end(); ++its)
                        delete *its;
                    for (vector<Path*>::iterator itv = erasedPath.begin(); itv != erasedPath.end(); ++itv)
                        delete *itv;
                    delete []determinedStartingArcs;
                    delete []d_p_k;
                    delete []Pi;
                Path *newPath = new Path(src);
                *newPath = path;
            } // EndIf
            // ==========   Restore (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) in the network   ==========
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->DestinationID == v_ip1_k) // now, arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore
                    parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    if (Pi[v_i_k] > Pi[v_ip1_k] + parc->cost)
                        Pi[v_i_k] = Pi[v_ip1_k] + parc->cost; // Calculate pi_{v_i^k} using forward star form
                    // Correct labels of v_i^k successors using backward star form
                    correctLabels(NodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (rqarc->SourceID == v_ip1_k) // now, arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore
                    rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                    correctLabelsReverseGraph(rNodeList, Pi, v_i_k, isRemoved);
            v_ip1_k = v_i_k;
        while (v_i_k != d_p_k[k-1]); // EndFor

        // ==========   Restore nodes and arcs of path p_k from s to d(p_k) in the network   ==========
        for (i = 0; i < path_k.nodePath.size(); i++) // sub_{p_k}(s, v_i^k), because d[k] = v_i^k
            int restoring = path_k.nodePath[i];
            if (isRemoved[restoring] == false) // if it has been restored, skip it to save time
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[restoring].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // forward graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < NodeList[restoring].previous.size(); j++)
                qarc = NodeList[restoring].previous[j];
                qarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(qarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            // reverse graph, out-degree
            rparc = rNodeList[restoring].firstArc;
            while (rparc != NULL)
                rparc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rparc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                rparc = rparc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (j = 0; j < rNodeList[restoring].previous.size(); j++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[restoring].previous[j];
                rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            isRemoved[restoring] = false;
        // ==========   Restore arcs (d(p_k), i), i in N, of p_1, ..., p_{k-1} in the network   ==========
        if (k != 1)
            for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j < path_k.nodePath.size(); j++)
                    if (erasedPath[i]->nodePath[j] != path_k.nodePath[j])
                        deviationFrom = path_k.nodePath[j-1];
                if (j != erasedPath[i]->nodePath.size() && j != path_k.nodePath.size())
        // ==========   Restore arcs starting in d(p_k) which belong to other loopless paths in the network   ==========
        nodePathTemp.assign(path_k.nodePath.begin(), path_k.nodePath.end());
        v_ip1_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            v_i_k = nodePathTemp.back();
            // forward graph, out-degree
            parc = NodeList[v_i_k].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->DestinationID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[parc->DestinationID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    parc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(parc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            // reverse graph, in-degree
            for (i = 0; i < rNodeList[v_i_k].previous.size(); i++)
                rqarc = rNodeList[v_i_k].previous[i];
                if (rqarc->SourceID != v_ip1_k && isRemoved[rqarc->SourceID] == false) // arc (v_i^k, v_{i+1}^k) restore after
                    rqarc->cost = arcID2Cost.at(rqarc->ArcID); // equivalent to restore in the network
            v_ip1_k = v_i_k;
        while (v_i_k != d_p_k[k-1]); // EndFor

        if (X.empty() == true)
            pathArray[k-1].costSum = -1;
            for (vector<Path*>::iterator itv = erasedPath.begin(); itv != erasedPath.end(); ++itv)
                delete *itv;
            delete []determinedStartingArcs;
            delete []d_p_k;
            delete []Pi;
    pathArray[k-1] = **X.begin();
    for (set<Path*, bool (*)(const Path*, const Path*)>::iterator its = X.begin(); its != X.end(); ++its)
        delete *its;
    for (vector<Path*>::iterator itv = erasedPath.begin(); itv != erasedPath.end(); ++itv)
        delete *itv;
    delete []determinedStartingArcs;
    delete []d_p_k;
    delete []Pi;



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "StringParse.hxx"

using namespace std;

StringParse::StringParse(string& s) : mString(s), mStart(s.data()), mPosition(mStart), mEnd(mStart + s.size())

StringParse::StringParse(StringParse& rhs) : mString(rhs.mString), mStart(rhs.mStart), mPosition(rhs.mPosition), mEnd(rhs.mEnd)

StringParse& StringParse::operator=(const StringParse& rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    mString = rhs.mString;
    mStart = rhs.mStart;
    mPosition = rhs.mPosition;
    mEnd = rhs.mEnd;
    return *this;

StringParse::CurrentPosition StringParse::skipWhitespace()
    while (mPosition < mEnd)
        switch (*mPosition)
            case ' ' :
            case '\t' : 
            case '\r' : 
            case '\n' : 
            default : 
                return CurrentPosition(*this);
    return CurrentPosition(*this);

StringParse::CurrentPosition StringParse::skipChar(char c)
    if (*mPosition != c)
        cerr << "skipChar failed!" << endl;
    return CurrentPosition(*this);

StringParse::CurrentPosition StringParse::skipToChar(char c)
    mPosition = (const char*)memchr(mPosition, c, mEnd - mPosition);
    if (!mPosition)
        mPosition = mEnd;
    return CurrentPosition(*this);

StringParse::CurrentPosition StringParse::skipToEnd()
    mPosition = mEnd;
    return CurrentPosition(*this);

void StringParse::getValue(string &str, const char *start) const
    if (!(mStart <= start && start <= mPosition))
        cerr << "getValue failed!" << endl;
    str.resize((unsigned int)(mPosition - start));


 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "FileIO.hxx"

using namespace std;

extern unordered_map<int, int> arcID2Cost;

int sourceCompare(const Tuple left, const Tuple right)
    if (left.second == right.second)
        if (left.third == right.third)
            return left.four < right.four;
        return left.third < right.third;
    return left.second < right.second;

int sourceCompareReverse(const Tuple left, const Tuple right)
    if (left.second == right.second)
        if (left.third == right.third)
            return left.four < right.four;
        return left.third > right.third;
    return left.second < right.second;

int sourceCompareRandom(const Tuple left, const Tuple right)
    if (left.second == right.second)
        if (left.third == right.third)
            return left.four < right.four;
        return (left.third % RANDOM_FACTOR_FOR_BFS_PATH) < (right.third % RANDOM_FACTOR_FOR_BFS_PATH);
    return left.second < right.second;

int terminalCompare(const Tuple left, const Tuple right)
    if (left.third == right.third)
        return left.second < right.second;
    return left.third < right.third;

void inputFromTopoFile(const char *topoFile, std::list<Tuple>& AllUnion)
    ifstream fin;
    fin.open(topoFile, ios_base::in);
    if (!fin.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open " << topoFile << "!" << endl;
        string inputLine;
        string field1, field2, field3, field4;
        int fieldValue1 = 0, fieldValue2 = 0, fieldValue3 = 0, fieldValue4 = 0;
        const char *pos;
        while (getline(fin, inputLine))
            StringParse sp(inputLine);

            pos = sp.position();
            sp.getValue(field1, pos);

            pos = sp.position();
            sp.getValue(field2, pos);

            pos = sp.position();
            sp.getValue(field3, pos);

            pos = sp.position();
            sp.getValue(field4, pos);

            fieldValue1 = atoi(field1.c_str());
            fieldValue2 = atoi(field2.c_str());
            fieldValue3 = atoi(field3.c_str());
            fieldValue4 = atoi(field4.c_str());

            arcID2Cost.insert(make_pair(fieldValue1, fieldValue4));
            AllUnion.push_back(Tuple(fieldValue1, fieldValue2, fieldValue3, fieldValue4));

void inputFromDemandFile(const char *demandFile, int& SourceID, int& DestinationID, vector<int>& specifiedNode1, vector<int>& specifiedNode2)
    ifstream fin;
    fin.open(demandFile, ios_base::in);
    if (!fin.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open " << demandFile << "!" << endl;
        string inputLine;
        string field, fieldSourceID, fieldDestinationID;
        const char *pos;
        // ==========   read the first line in demandfile   ==========
        getline(fin, inputLine);
        StringParse sp1(inputLine);


        pos = sp1.position();
        sp1.getValue(fieldSourceID, pos);
        SourceID = atoi(fieldSourceID.c_str());

        pos = sp1.position();
        sp1.getValue(fieldDestinationID, pos);
        DestinationID = atoi(fieldDestinationID.c_str());

        pos = sp1.position();
        sp1.getValue(field, pos);
        if (field != string("NA"))
            StringParse fsp(field);
            string subfield;
            pos = fsp.position();
            fsp.getValue(subfield, pos);
            while (!fsp.eof())
                pos = fsp.position();
                fsp.getValue(subfield, pos);
        // ==========   read the second line in demandfile   ==========
        getline(fin, inputLine);
        StringParse sp2(inputLine);


        pos = sp2.position();
        sp2.getValue(field, pos);
        if (field != string("NA"))
            StringParse fsp(field);
            string subfield;
            pos = fsp.position();
            fsp.getValue(subfield, pos);
            while (!fsp.eof())
                pos = fsp.position();
                fsp.getValue(subfield, pos);

void outputSolutionToFile(const char *resultFile, vector<int>& resultPath1, vector<int>& resultPath2)
    // ===============   convert vector to output string   ===============
    unsigned int i;
    string outputString1, outputString2;
    stringstream ss;
    for (i = 0; i < resultPath1.size() - 1; i++)
        ss << resultPath1[i];
    ss << resultPath1[i];
    for (i = 0; i < resultPath2.size() - 1; i++)
        ss << resultPath2[i];
    ss << resultPath2[i];
    // ===============   output to file   ===============
    ofstream fout;
    fout.open(resultFile, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
    if (!fout.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open " << resultFile << "!" << endl;
        fout << outputString1 << endl << outputString2 << endl;

void outputNAToFile(const char *resultFile)
    string outputString("NA");
    // ===============   output to file   ===============
    ofstream fout;
    fout.open(resultFile, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
    if (!fout.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open " << resultFile << "!" << endl;
        fout << outputString << endl;

bool isReplicate(vector<int>& vec)
    unordered_map<int, int> hashMap;
    for (vector<int>::reverse_iterator itv = vec.rbegin(); itv != vec.rend(); ++itv)
        if (++hashMap[*itv] > 1)
                return true;
    return false;

bool binarySearch(const vector<int>& vec, const int e)
    int low = 0, high = (int)vec.size()-1, mid;
    while (low <= high)
        mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
        if (e == vec[mid])
            return true;
        else if (e < vec[mid])
            high = mid - 1;
            low = mid + 1;
    return false;

int identicalElementNum(vector<int>& vec1, vector<int>& vec2)
    int count = 0;
    size_t i;
    unordered_set<int> hashSet;
    for (i = 0; i < vec1.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < vec2.size(); i++)
        if (hashSet.count(vec2[i]) != 0)
    return count;

int identicalElementNum(list<int>& li1, list<int>& li2)
    int count = 0;
    list<int>::iterator it;
    unordered_set<int> hashSet;
    for (it = li1.begin(); it != li1.end(); ++it)
    for (it = li2.begin(); it != li2.end(); ++it)
        if (hashSet.count(*it) != 0)
    return count;

void identicalElements(list<int>& li, list<int>& li1, list<int>& li2)
    list<int>::iterator it;
    unordered_set<int> hashSet;
    for (it = li1.begin(); it != li1.end(); ++it)
    for (it = li2.begin(); it != li2.end(); ++it)
        if (hashSet.count(*it) != 0)

unsigned int mergeVector(vector<int>& vec, vector<int>& vec1, vector<int>& vec2) // Complexity  O(L1 + L2)
    unsigned int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0;
    if (vec1[0] <= vec2[0])
    for (; pos1 < vec1.size() && pos2 < vec2.size();)
        if (vec1[pos1] <= vec2[pos2])
            if (vec.back() != vec1[pos1])
            if (vec.back() != vec2[pos2])
    if (pos1 == vec1.size())
        if (vec.back() != vec2[pos2])
        for (; pos2 < vec2.size(); pos2++)
    else // pos2 == vec2.size()
        if (vec.back() != vec1[pos1])
        for (; pos1 < vec1.size(); pos1++)
    return vec.size();

void obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(list<Tuple>& AllUnion, vector<int>& Source, vector<int>& Destination)
    size_t i;
    vector<int> repeatSource, repeatDestination;
    for (list<Tuple>::iterator itU = AllUnion.begin(); itU != AllUnion.end(); ++itU)
    for (i = 1; i < repeatSource.size(); i++)
        if (repeatSource[i] != repeatSource[i-1])
    sort(repeatDestination.begin(), repeatDestination.end());
    for (i = 1; i < repeatDestination.size(); i++)
        if (repeatDestination[i] != repeatDestination[i-1])



 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com                                                   *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Ant.hxx"

using namespace std;

Ant::Ant() : noNodeToGo(false), specifiedNodeEnough(false)
    memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited));

Ant::Ant(const Ant& rhs)
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        visited[i] = rhs.visited[i];
    noNodeToGo = rhs.noNodeToGo;
    specifiedNodeEnough = rhs.specifiedNodeEnough;
    route = rhs.route;
    routeRecord.assign(rhs.routeRecord.begin(), rhs.routeRecord.end());

Ant& Ant::operator=(const Ant& rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        visited[i] = rhs.visited[i];
    noNodeToGo = rhs.noNodeToGo;
    specifiedNodeEnough = rhs.specifiedNodeEnough;
    route = rhs.route;
    routeRecord.assign(rhs.routeRecord.begin(), rhs.routeRecord.end());
    return *this;

void Ant::reset()
    memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited));
    noNodeToGo = false;
    specifiedNodeEnough = false;

void Ant::clear()

AntArc::AntArc(const AntArc& rhs)
    eta = rhs.eta;
    tau = rhs.tau;
    delta_tau = rhs.delta_tau;
    mu = rhs.mu;

TSPPath::TSPPath(const TSPPath& rhs)
    from = rhs.from;
    to = rhs.to;

TSPPath& TSPPath::operator=(const TSPPath& rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    from = rhs.from;
    to = rhs.to;
    return *this;

extern colortype color[];
extern int dist[];
extern int pi[];
extern int arcRecord[];

 ***************   parameters used by ant group algorithm   ***************
static unsigned int ANTS_EACH_SPECIFIED_NODE = 2;         // initial status, there is certain number of ants start at each specified node
static unsigned int MAX_ITERATION_FOR_ANT_ALGORITHM = 10; // no need to explain
static unsigned int MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1 = 0;     // once there is certain number of ants have visited all specified nodes set1, exiting the iteration
static unsigned int MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2 = 0;     // once there is certain number of ants have visited all specified nodes set2, exiting the iteration

static const double tao_min = 0.05;  // lower bound of pheromone
static const double tao_max = 30.0;  // upper bound of pheromone
static const double alpha = 1.6;     // pow(tau, alpha)
static const double beta = 0.8;      // pow(eta, beta)
static const double nu = 2.0;        // pow(mu, nu)
static const double rho = 0.1;       // pheromone volatile factor 
static const double antQ1 = 46.0;    // positive feed back pheromone intensity for ant who has visited all specified nodes
static const double antQ2 = 22.0;    // positive feed back pheromone intensity for ant who hasn't visited all specified nodes
static const double antQ3 = 32.0;    // negative feed back pheromone intensity for ant who hasn't visited all specified nodes
static const double mu_attenuation = 0.05; // mu's attenuation factor according to the scale of the graph
static double eta0 = 500.0;          // eta's initial value according to the scale of the graph

unordered_map<int, int> arcID2InPath;

struct hash_func
    size_t operator()(const TSPPath& path) const
        return path.from * 30 + path.to;

unordered_map<TSPPath, AntArc, hash_func> TSPPath2AntArc;
unordered_map<TSPPath, AntArc, hash_func> TSPPath2AntArc1;
unordered_map<TSPPath, AntArc, hash_func> TSPPath2AntArc2;

void printVector(const vector<int>& vec, const char *str)
    cout << str;
    copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
    cout << endl;

void printList(const list<int>& li, const char *str)
    cout << str;
    copy(li.begin(), li.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
    cout << endl;

ComplexityDescription defineComplexity(int NodeNum, size_t Vs)
    if (Vs >= 80)
        return ExtremelyHard;
    if (Vs >= 60 || NodeNum >= 1500)
        return VeryHard;
    if (Vs >= 45 || NodeNum >= 1000)
        return Hard;
    if (Vs >= 30 || NodeNum >= 600)
        return General;
    if (Vs >= 20 || NodeNum >= 300)
        return Easy;
    return VeryEasy;

ComplexityDescription defineComplexity(int NodeNum, size_t Vs1, size_t Vs2)
    if (Vs1 >= 60 || Vs2 >= 60)
        return ExtremelyHard;
    if (Vs1 >= 45 || Vs2 >= 45 || NodeNum >= 1500)
        return VeryHard;
    if (Vs1 >= 30 || Vs2 >= 30 || NodeNum >= 1000)
        return Hard;
    if (Vs1 >= 20 || Vs2 >= 20 || NodeNum >= 500)
        return General;
    if (Vs1 >= 10 || Vs2 >= 10 || NodeNum >= 200)
        return Easy;
    return VeryEasy;

void adjustParameters(ComplexityDescription complexity)
    ANTS_EACH_SPECIFIED_NODE = 4 - (unsigned int)complexity / 2; // 4  3  3  2  2  1
    eta0 = (double)complexity * 150.0 + 50.0;
    switch (complexity)
    case VeryEasy:
    case Easy:
    case General:
    case Hard:
    case VeryHard:
    case ExtremelyHard:

void obtainPathFromSrcToSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, Path *P_s_v_i, vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool USE_DIJKSTRA)
    if (USE_DIJKSTRA == true)
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
        BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, src);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < specifiedNode.size(); i++)
        recordNodeRoute(P_s_v_i[i], pi, src, specifiedNode[i]);
        recordArcRoute(P_s_v_i[i], arcRecord, pi, src, specifiedNode[i]);

void obtainPathBetweenSpecifiedNodes(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, Path **P_i_j, vector<int>& specifiedNode, bool USE_DIJKSTRA)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < specifiedNode.size(); i++)
        if (USE_DIJKSTRA == true)
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode[i]);
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode[i]);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < specifiedNode.size(); j++)
            if (i != j)
                if (dist[specifiedNode[j]] != INF)
                    recordNodeRoute(P_i_j[i][j], pi, specifiedNode[i], specifiedNode[j]);
                    recordArcRoute(P_i_j[i][j], arcRecord, pi, specifiedNode[i], specifiedNode[j]);
                    P_i_j[i][j].costSum = INF;
                for (size_t k = 0; k < P_i_j[i][j].nodePath.size(); k++)
                    if (binarySearch(specifiedNode, P_i_j[i][j].nodePath[k]) == true)

void obtainForbiddenPath(Node *NodeList, Path **P_i_j, vector<int>& specifiedNode, set<pair<size_t, size_t> >& forbiddenPath, int src)
    size_t i, j, k, Vs = specifiedNode.size();
    list<int>::iterator itl;
    vector<list<int> > rightSubpaths;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        if (NodeList[specifiedNode[i]].previous.size() == 1)
            Arc *parc = NodeList[specifiedNode[i]].previous[0];
            list<int> rightSubpath;
            while (NodeList[parc->SourceID].previous.size() == 1 && parc->SourceID != src && binarySearch(specifiedNode, parc->SourceID) == false)
                parc = NodeList[parc->SourceID].previous[0];
            cout << "qarc->ArcID: " << parc->ArcID << ",SourceID :" << parc->SourceID << ",DestinationID: " << parc->DestinationID << endl;
    bool *hasAddedToHashMap = new bool[rightSubpaths.size()];
    for (i = 0; i < rightSubpaths.size(); i++)
        hasAddedToHashMap[i] = false;
    unordered_map<int, int> hashMap;
    for (i = 0; i < rightSubpaths.size(); i++)
        if (hasAddedToHashMap[i] == true)
        int startOfSubpath = rightSubpaths[i].front();
        size_t subpathLength = rightSubpaths[i].size();
        size_t maxLengthSubpathIndex = i;
        for (j = 0; j < rightSubpaths.size(); j++)
            if (i != j && startOfSubpath == rightSubpaths[j].front())
                hasAddedToHashMap[j] = true;
                if (subpathLength < rightSubpaths[j].size())
                    subpathLength = rightSubpaths[j].size();
                    maxLengthSubpathIndex = j;
        hashMap.insert(make_pair(startOfSubpath, (int)maxLengthSubpathIndex));
    delete []hasAddedToHashMap;
    vector<int> frontNodeOfRightSubpaths;
    for (i = 0; i < rightSubpaths.size(); i++)
    sort(frontNodeOfRightSubpaths.begin(), frontNodeOfRightSubpaths.end());
    for (i = 0; i < rightSubpaths.size(); i++)
        cout << "rightSubpaths[" << i << "]: ";
        for (itl = rightSubpaths[i].begin(); itl != rightSubpaths[i].end(); ++itl)
            cout << *itl << ' ';
        cout << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++)
            if (i != j)
                if (P_i_j[i][j].costSum == INF)
                    forbiddenPath.insert(make_pair(i, j));
                bool isForbidden = false;
                for (k = 1; k < P_i_j[i][j].nodePath.size(); k++)
                    if (binarySearch(frontNodeOfRightSubpaths, P_i_j[i][j].nodePath[k]) == true)
                        int whichSubpath = hashMap.at(P_i_j[i][j].nodePath[k]);
                        for (itl = rightSubpaths[whichSubpath].begin(); itl != rightSubpaths[whichSubpath].end() && k < P_i_j[i][j].nodePath.size(); ++itl, k++)
                            if (P_i_j[i][j].nodePath[k] != *itl)
                                isForbidden = true;
                    if (isForbidden == true)
                if (isForbidden == true)
                    forbiddenPath.insert(make_pair(i, j));
    for (i = 0; i < rightSubpaths.size(); i++)
    cout << "forbiddenPath: ";
    for (set<pair<size_t, size_t> >::iterator itf = forbiddenPath.begin(); itf != forbiddenPath.end(); ++itf)
        cout << '(' << (*itf).first << ',' << (*itf).second << "), ";
    cout << endl;

void expandForbiddenPath(Path **P_i_j, size_t Vs, vector<int>& specifiedNode, set<pair<size_t, size_t> >& forbiddenPath)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < Vs; j++)
            if (i != j)
                int cnt = 0;
                for (size_t k = 0; k < specifiedNode.size(); k++)
                    if (binarySearch(P_i_j[i][j].nodePath, specifiedNode[k]) == true)
                cout << cnt << ' ';
                if (cnt >= 5)
                    forbiddenPath.insert(make_pair(i, j));

void initArcID2InPath(Path *P_s_v_i1, Path *P_s_v_i2, Path **P_i_j1, Path **P_i_j2, size_t Vs1, size_t Vs2)
    size_t i, j;
    list<int> arcList;
    vector<int>::iterator itv;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        for (itv = P_s_v_i1[i].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_s_v_i1[i].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        for (itv = P_s_v_i2[i].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_s_v_i2[i].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
            for (itv = P_i_j1[i][j].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j1[i][j].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
            for (itv = P_i_j2[i][j].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j2[i][j].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
    for (list<int>::iterator itl = arcList.begin(); itl != arcList.end(); ++itl)
        arcID2InPath.insert(make_pair(*itl, 0));

void antGroupAlgorithm(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, vector<int>& specifiedNode, Path &bestPath, bool USE_DIJKSTRA, unsigned int seed)
    ofstream fout;
    fout.open(INFO_FILE_PATH, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
    if (!fout.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open info_file.txt!" << endl;
    size_t i, j, k;
    size_t Vs = specifiedNode.size();
    size_t antNum = ANTS_EACH_SPECIFIED_NODE * Vs;
    if (Vs < 25)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT = 27 - Vs / 5 * 3; // 27  24  21  18  15
    else if (Vs >= 25 && Vs < 50)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT = 18 - Vs / 5;     // 13  12  11  10   9
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT = 12 - Vs / 10;    //  7   6   5   4   3   2

    // ===============   define complexity of the problem, according to the scale of this graph   ===============
    ComplexityDescription complexity = defineComplexity(NodeNum, Vs);
    bool *isRemoved = new bool[NodeNum];
    for (i = 0; i < (size_t)NodeNum; i++)
        isRemoved[i] = false;

    unordered_map<int, size_t> specifiedPosition;
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNode.size(); i++)
        specifiedPosition.insert(make_pair(specifiedNode[i], i));

    Path *P_s_v_i = new Path[Vs];
    Path *P_v_i_v_j = new Path[Vs*Vs];
    Path **P_i_j = new Path*[Vs]; // a point array, convenient to use form P_i_j[i][j]
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        P_i_j[i] = P_v_i_v_j + i*Vs;

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved);

    obtainPathFromSrcToSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, src, P_s_v_i, specifiedNode, USE_DIJKSTRA);

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);
    obtainPathBetweenSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, P_i_j, specifiedNode, USE_DIJKSTRA);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++)
            printVector(P_i_j[i][j].nodePath, "P_i_j[i][j].nodePath: ");
    AntArc antArc, *pAntArc;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++)
            if (i != j && P_i_j[i][j].costSum != INF)
                antArc.eta = eta0 / P_i_j[i][j].costSum;
                TSPPath2AntArc.insert(make_pair(TSPPath(i, j), antArc));

    vector<int>::iterator itv;
    set<pair<size_t, size_t> > forbiddenPath;
    obtainForbiddenPath(NodeList, P_i_j, specifiedNode, forbiddenPath, src);

    // ==========   initialize all the ants   ==========
    Ant *ant = new Ant[antNum];
    Ant *backup = new Ant[antNum];
    for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
        for (itv = P_s_v_i[i % Vs].nodePath.begin(); itv != P_s_v_i[i % Vs].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
            if (specifiedPosition.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode, *itv) == true)
                ant[i].visited[specifiedPosition.at(*itv)] = true;
        ant[i].route.arcPath.assign(P_s_v_i[i % Vs].arcPath.begin(), P_s_v_i[i % Vs].arcPath.end());
        ant[i].route.costSum = P_s_v_i[i % Vs].costSum;

    fout << "===============   ant[i]:   ===============" << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
        fout << "ant[i].route[" << i << "].nodePath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant[i].route.nodePath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant[i].route.nodePath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tvisitingSpecifiedNodes: " << ant[i].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes << endl;
        fout << "ant[i].route[" << i << "].arcPath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant[i].route.arcPath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tcostSum: " << ant[i].route.costSum << endl;
    fout << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
        backup[i] = ant[i];

    // ========================================================
    // ===============   Iteration begins ...   ===============
    // ========================================================
    vector<int> routeValidator;
    vector<Path> resultAntsPath;
    for (unsigned int Nc = 1; Nc <= MAX_ITERATION_FOR_ANT_ALGORITHM; Nc++)
        size_t I;
        size_t currentPosition;
        double numerator, denominator, drand;
        // ===============   ants aiming for specified nodes set 1 start to go !!!   ===============
        for (I = 0; I < antNum; I++)
            if (Nc != 1)
                ant[I] = backup[I];
            if (resultAntsPath.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT) // its order after renew state is to avoid update pheromone
            i = I % Vs;
            while (true)
                numerator = 0.0;
                denominator = 0.0;
                drand = (double)(rand() % 10000) / 10001.0;
                bool alreadyGreaterThandrand = false;
                currentPosition = specifiedPosition.at(ant[I].route.nodePath.back());
                for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        denominator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta);
                for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        if (alreadyGreaterThandrand == false)
                            numerator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) / denominator;
                        if (numerator > drand)
                            alreadyGreaterThandrand = true;
                            routeValidator.assign(ant[I].route.nodePath.begin(), ant[I].route.nodePath.end());
                            routeValidator.insert(routeValidator.end(), P_i_j[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin()+1, P_i_j[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end());
                            if (isReplicate(routeValidator) == false) // it indicates loopless
                                ant[I].route += P_i_j[currentPosition][j];
                                itv = P_i_j[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin();
                                for (; itv != P_i_j[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
                                    if (specifiedPosition.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode, *itv) == true)
                                        ant[I].visited[specifiedPosition.at(*itv)] = true;
                    } // end if
                } // end for
                if (ant[I].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes == Vs)
                    ant[I].specifiedNodeEnough = true;
                if (j == Vs) // it indicates can't find a loopless path join for any j fits numerator > drand
                    ant[I].noNodeToGo = true;
            } // end while (true)
            if (ant[I].specifiedNodeEnough == true)
                for (k = 0; k < resultAntsPath.size(); k++)
                    if (resultAntsPath[k].costSum == ant[I].route.costSum && resultAntsPath[k].nodePath.size() == ant[I].route.nodePath.size())
                if (k == resultAntsPath.size())

        if (resultAntsPath.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT)

        cout << "==========   In iteration " << Nc << "   ==========" << endl << "ant: ";
        for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
            cout << ant[i].noNodeToGo << ' ';
        cout << endl;
        // ===============   update delta tau for ant   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
            if (ant[i].noNodeToGo == false)
                for (k = 0; k < ant[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(ant[i].routeRecord[k], ant[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ1 / ant[i].route.costSum;
                if (ant[i].routeRecord.size() < 3)
                for (k = 0; k < ant[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(ant[i].routeRecord[k], ant[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ2 / ant[i].route.costSum;
                for (k = ant[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k < ant[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(ant[i].routeRecord[k], ant[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau -= antQ3 / ant[i].route.costSum;

        // ===============   update tau for ant   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < Vs; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < Vs; j++)
                if (i != j && P_i_j[i][j].costSum != INF)
                    pAntArc = &TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(i, j));
                    pAntArc->tau = (1 - rho)*pAntArc->tau + pAntArc->delta_tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau < tao_min) ? tao_min : pAntArc->tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau > tao_max) ? tao_max : pAntArc->tau;

        // ===============   clear delta tau for ant   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < ant[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                TSPPath2AntArc.at(TSPPath(ant[i].routeRecord[k], ant[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau = 0.0;
    // ===============   Iteration ends ...   ===============

    // ==================================================================================================================================
    // ===============   join the path from src to ant route's back node and the path from ant route's back node to dst   ===============
    // ==================================================================================================================================
    vector<Path> admissiblePath;
    Path antRouteBack2dst, P_s_t;
    P_s_t.costSum = INF;
    int routeBack;
    vector<int> nodePathBackup;
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved); // restore dst in the graph, src hasn't been restored yet
    // ===============   join the last path to dst for resultAntsPath   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath.size(); i++)
        nodePathBackup.assign(resultAntsPath[i].nodePath.begin(), resultAntsPath[i].nodePath.end());
        routeBack = nodePathBackup.back();
        removeListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        if (NodeNum < 1000)
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(antRouteBack2dst, pi, routeBack, dst);
            recordArcRoute(antRouteBack2dst, arcRecord, pi, routeBack, dst);
            resultAntsPath[i] += antRouteBack2dst;
            if (P_s_t.costSum > resultAntsPath[i].costSum)
                P_s_t = resultAntsPath[i];
        restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved); // avoid restoring src wrongly by restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved)
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);

    // ===============   free memory   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath.size(); i++)

    bestPath = P_s_t;

    cout << "==========   P_s_t(" << admissiblePath.size() << "):   ==========" << endl;
    cout << "P_s_t.nodePath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t.nodePath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t.nodePath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t.arcPath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t.arcPath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t.arcPath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t.costSum: " << P_s_t.costSum << endl;

    // ===============   free memory   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < antNum; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < admissiblePath.size(); i++)
    delete []P_s_v_i;
    delete []P_i_j;
    delete []P_v_i_v_j;
    delete []ant;
    // !!!!!!!!!! there exists a problem, sometimes it will failed !!!!!!!!!!
    delete []backup;
    delete []isRemoved;

void antGroupAlgorithm(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, vector<int>& specifiedNode1, vector<int>& specifiedNode2, Path &bestPath1, Path &bestPath2, bool USE_DIJKSTRA, unsigned int seed)
    ofstream fout;
    fout.open(INFO_FILE_PATH, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
    if (!fout.is_open())
        cerr << "Cannot open info_file.txt!" << endl;
    size_t i, j, k;
    size_t Vs1 = specifiedNode1.size(), Vs2 = specifiedNode2.size();
    size_t antNum1 = ANTS_EACH_SPECIFIED_NODE * Vs1;
    size_t antNum2 = ANTS_EACH_SPECIFIED_NODE * Vs2;
    if (Vs1 < 25)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1 = 27 - Vs1 / 5 * 3; // 27  24  21  18  15
    else if (Vs1 >= 25 && Vs1 < 50)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1 = 18 - Vs1 / 5;     // 13  12  11  10   9
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1 = 12 - Vs1 / 10;    //  7   6   5   4   3   2
    if (Vs2 < 25)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2 = 27 - Vs2 / 5 * 3; // 27  24  21  18  15
    else if (Vs2 >= 25 && Vs2 < 50)
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2 = 18 - Vs2 / 5;     // 13  12  11  10   9
        MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2 = 12 - Vs2 / 10;    //  7   6   5   4   3   2

    // ===============   define complexity of the problem, according to the scale of this graph   ===============
    ComplexityDescription complexity = defineComplexity(NodeNum, Vs1, Vs2);
    bool *isRemoved = new bool[NodeNum];
    for (i = 0; i < (size_t)NodeNum; i++)
        isRemoved[i] = false;

    unordered_map<int, size_t> specifiedPosition1, specifiedPosition2;
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNode1.size(); i++)
        specifiedPosition1.insert(make_pair(specifiedNode1[i], i));
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNode2.size(); i++)
        specifiedPosition2.insert(make_pair(specifiedNode2[i], i));

    Path *P_s_v_i1 = new Path[Vs1];
    Path *P_s_v_i2 = new Path[Vs2];
    Path *P_v_i_v_j1 = new Path[Vs1*Vs1];
    Path *P_v_i_v_j2 = new Path[Vs2*Vs2];
    Path **P_i_j1 = new Path*[Vs1]; // a point array, convenient to use form P_i_j1[i][j]
    Path **P_i_j2 = new Path*[Vs2]; // a point array, convenient to use form P_i_j2[i][j]
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        P_i_j1[i] = P_v_i_v_j1 + i*Vs1;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        P_i_j2[i] = P_v_i_v_j2 + i*Vs2;

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved);

    obtainPathFromSrcToSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, src, P_s_v_i1, specifiedNode1, USE_DIJKSTRA);
    obtainPathFromSrcToSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, src, P_s_v_i2, specifiedNode2, USE_DIJKSTRA);

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);
    obtainPathBetweenSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, P_i_j1, specifiedNode1, USE_DIJKSTRA);
    obtainPathBetweenSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, NodeNum, P_i_j2, specifiedNode2, USE_DIJKSTRA);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
            printVector(P_i_j1[i][j].nodePath, "P_i_j1[i][j].nodePath: ");
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
            printVector(P_i_j2[i][j].nodePath, "P_i_j2[i][j].nodePath: ");
    initArcID2InPath(P_s_v_i1, P_s_v_i2, P_i_j1, P_i_j2, Vs1, Vs2);

    AntArc antArc, *pAntArc;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
            if (i != j || P_i_j1[i][j].costSum != INF)
                antArc.eta = eta0 / P_i_j1[i][j].costSum;
                TSPPath2AntArc1.insert(make_pair(TSPPath(i, j), antArc));
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
            if (i != j || P_i_j2[i][j].costSum != INF)
                antArc.eta = eta0 / P_i_j2[i][j].costSum;
                TSPPath2AntArc2.insert(make_pair(TSPPath(i, j), antArc));

    vector<int>::iterator itv;
    set<pair<size_t, size_t> > forbiddenPath1, forbiddenPath2;
    obtainForbiddenPath(NodeList, P_i_j1, specifiedNode1, forbiddenPath1, src);
    obtainForbiddenPath(NodeList, P_i_j2, specifiedNode2, forbiddenPath2, src);

    cout << "cnt1: ";
    expandForbiddenPath(P_i_j1, Vs1, specifiedNode2, forbiddenPath1);
    cout << endl << "cnt2: ";
    expandForbiddenPath(P_i_j2, Vs2, specifiedNode1, forbiddenPath2);
    cout << endl;

    // ==========   initialize all the ants   ==========
    Ant *ant1 = new Ant[antNum1];
    Ant *ant2 = new Ant[antNum2];
    Ant *backup1 = new Ant[antNum1];
    Ant *backup2 = new Ant[antNum2];
    for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
        for (itv = P_s_v_i1[i % Vs1].nodePath.begin(); itv != P_s_v_i1[i % Vs1].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
            if (specifiedPosition1.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition1.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode1, *itv) == true)
                ant1[i].visited[specifiedPosition1.at(*itv)] = true;
        ant1[i].route.arcPath.assign(P_s_v_i1[i % Vs1].arcPath.begin(), P_s_v_i1[i % Vs1].arcPath.end());
        ant1[i].route.costSum = P_s_v_i1[i % Vs1].costSum;
    for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
        for (itv = P_s_v_i2[i % Vs2].nodePath.begin(); itv != P_s_v_i2[i % Vs2].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
            if (specifiedPosition2.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition2.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode2, *itv) == true)
                ant2[i].visited[specifiedPosition2.at(*itv)] = true;
        ant2[i].route.arcPath.assign(P_s_v_i2[i % Vs2].arcPath.begin(), P_s_v_i2[i % Vs2].arcPath.end());
        ant2[i].route.costSum = P_s_v_i2[i % Vs2].costSum;

    fout << "===============   ant1[i]:   ===============" << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        fout << "ant1[i].route[" << i << "].nodePath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].route.nodePath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant1[i].route.nodePath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tvisitingSpecifiedNodes: " << ant1[i].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes << endl;
        fout << "ant1[i].route[" << i << "].arcPath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant1[i].route.arcPath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tcostSum: " << ant1[i].route.costSum << endl;
    fout << endl << "===============   ant2[i]:   ===============" << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        fout << "ant2[i].route[" << i << "].nodePath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].route.nodePath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant2[i].route.nodePath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tvisitingSpecifiedNodes: " << ant2[i].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes << endl;
        fout << "ant2[i].route[" << i << "].arcPath: ";
        for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
            fout << ant2[i].route.arcPath[k] << ' ';
        fout << "\tcostSum: " << ant2[i].route.costSum << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
        backup1[i] = ant1[i];
    for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
        backup2[i] = ant2[i];

    // ========================================================
    // ===============   Iteration begins ...   ===============
    // ========================================================
    vector<int> routeValidator;
    vector<Path> resultAntsPath1, resultAntsPath2;
    for (unsigned int Nc = 1; Nc <= MAX_ITERATION_FOR_ANT_ALGORITHM; Nc++)
        size_t I;
        size_t currentPosition;
        double numerator, denominator, drand;
        // ===============   ants aiming for specified nodes set 1 start to go !!!   ===============
        for (I = 0; I < antNum1; I++)
            if (Nc != 1)
                ant1[I] = backup1[I];
            if (resultAntsPath1.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1) // its order after renew state is to avoid update pheromone
            i = I % Vs1;
            while (true)
                numerator = 0.0;
                denominator = 0.0;
                drand = (double)(rand() % 10000) / 10001.0;
                bool alreadyGreaterThandrand = false;
                currentPosition = specifiedPosition1.at(ant1[I].route.nodePath.back());
                for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant1[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath1.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        denominator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) * pow(antArc.mu, nu);
                        denominator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta);
                for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant1[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath1.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        if (alreadyGreaterThandrand == false)
                            numerator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) * pow(antArc.mu, nu) / denominator;
                            numerator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) / denominator;
                        if (numerator > drand)
                            alreadyGreaterThandrand = true;
                            routeValidator.assign(ant1[I].route.nodePath.begin(), ant1[I].route.nodePath.end());
                            routeValidator.insert(routeValidator.end(), P_i_j1[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin()+1, P_i_j1[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end());
                            if (isReplicate(routeValidator) == false) // it indicates loopless
                                ant1[I].route += P_i_j1[currentPosition][j];
                                itv = P_i_j1[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin();
                                for (; itv != P_i_j1[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
                                    if (specifiedPosition1.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition1.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode1, *itv) == true)
                                        ant1[I].visited[specifiedPosition1.at(*itv)] = true;
                    } // end if
                } // end for
                if (ant1[I].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes == Vs1)
                    ant1[I].specifiedNodeEnough = true;
                if (j == Vs1) // it indicates can't find a loopless path join for any j fits numerator > drand
                    ant1[I].noNodeToGo = true;
            } // end while (true)
            if (ant1[I].specifiedNodeEnough == true)
                for (k = 0; k < resultAntsPath1.size(); k++)
                    if (resultAntsPath1[k].costSum == ant1[I].route.costSum && resultAntsPath1[k].nodePath.size() == ant1[I].route.nodePath.size())
                if (k == resultAntsPath1.size())
        // ===============   ants aiming for specified nodes set 2 start to go !!!   ===============
        for (I = 0; I < antNum2; I++)
            if (Nc != 1)
                ant2[I] = backup2[I];
            if (resultAntsPath2.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2) // its order after renew state is to avoid update pheromone
            i = I % Vs2;
            while (true)
                numerator = 0.0;
                denominator = 0.0;
                drand = (double)(rand() % 10000) / 10001.0;
                bool alreadyGreaterThandrand = false;
                currentPosition = specifiedPosition2.at(ant2[I].route.nodePath.back());
                for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant2[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath2.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        denominator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) * pow(antArc.mu, nu);
                        denominator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta);
                for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++) // permitted
                    if (currentPosition != j && ant2[I].visited[j] == false && forbiddenPath2.count(make_pair(currentPosition, j)) == 0)
                        antArc = TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(currentPosition, j));
                        if (alreadyGreaterThandrand == false)
                            numerator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) * pow(antArc.mu, nu) / denominator;
                            numerator += pow(antArc.tau, alpha) * pow(antArc.eta, beta) / denominator;
                        if (numerator > drand)
                            alreadyGreaterThandrand = true;
                            routeValidator.assign(ant2[I].route.nodePath.begin(), ant2[I].route.nodePath.end());
                            routeValidator.insert(routeValidator.end(), P_i_j2[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin()+1, P_i_j2[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end());
                            if (isReplicate(routeValidator) == false) // it indicates loopless
                                ant2[I].route += P_i_j2[currentPosition][j];
                                itv = P_i_j2[currentPosition][j].nodePath.begin();
                                for (; itv != P_i_j2[currentPosition][j].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
                                    if (specifiedPosition2.find(*itv) != specifiedPosition2.end()) // if (binarySearch(specifiedNode2, *itv) == true)
                                        ant2[I].visited[specifiedPosition2.at(*itv)] = true;
                    } // end if
                } // end for
                if (ant2[I].route.visitingSpecifiedNodes == Vs2)
                    ant2[I].specifiedNodeEnough = true;
                if (j == Vs2) // it indicates can't find a loopless path join for any j fits numerator > drand
                    ant2[I].noNodeToGo = true;
            } // end while (true)
            if (ant2[I].specifiedNodeEnough == true)
                for (k = 0; k < resultAntsPath2.size(); k++)
                    if (resultAntsPath2[k].costSum == ant2[I].route.costSum && resultAntsPath2[k].nodePath.size() == ant2[I].route.nodePath.size())
                if (k == resultAntsPath2.size())

        if (resultAntsPath1.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT1 && resultAntsPath2.size() >= MIN_RESULT_PATH_NUM_FOR_ANT2)

        cout << "==========   In iteration " << Nc << "   ==========" << endl << "ant1: ";
        for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
            cout << ant1[i].noNodeToGo << ' ';
        cout << endl << "ant2: ";
        for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
            cout << ant2[i].noNodeToGo << ' ';
        cout << endl;
        // ===============   update delta tau for ant1   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
            if (ant1[i].noNodeToGo == false)
                for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(ant1[i].routeRecord[k], ant1[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ1 / ant1[i].route.costSum;
                if (ant1[i].routeRecord.size() < 3)
                for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(ant1[i].routeRecord[k], ant1[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ2 / ant1[i].route.costSum;
                for (k = ant1[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k < ant1[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(ant1[i].routeRecord[k], ant1[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau -= antQ3 / ant1[i].route.costSum;
        // ===============   update delta tau for ant2   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
            if (ant2[i].noNodeToGo == false)
                for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(ant2[i].routeRecord[k], ant2[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ1 / ant2[i].route.costSum;
                if (ant2[i].routeRecord.size() < 3)
                for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(ant2[i].routeRecord[k], ant2[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau += antQ2 / ant2[i].route.costSum;
                for (k = ant2[i].routeRecord.size()-3; k < ant2[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(ant2[i].routeRecord[k], ant2[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau -= antQ3 / ant2[i].route.costSum;

        // ===============   update tau for ant1   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
                if (i != j && P_i_j1[i][j].costSum != INF)
                    pAntArc = &TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(i, j));
                    pAntArc->tau = (1 - rho)*pAntArc->tau + pAntArc->delta_tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau < tao_min) ? tao_min : pAntArc->tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau > tao_max) ? tao_max : pAntArc->tau;

        // ===============   update tau for ant2   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
                if (i != j && P_i_j2[i][j].costSum != INF)
                    pAntArc = &TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(i, j));
                    pAntArc->tau = (1 - rho)*pAntArc->tau + pAntArc->delta_tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau < tao_min) ? tao_min : pAntArc->tau;
                    pAntArc->tau = (pAntArc->tau > tao_max) ? tao_max : pAntArc->tau;

        // ===============   clear delta tau for ant1   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(ant1[i].routeRecord[k], ant1[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau = 0.0;
        // ===============   clear delta tau for ant2   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(ant2[i].routeRecord[k], ant2[i].routeRecord[k+1])).delta_tau = 0.0;

        // ===============   update mu for ant1   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
                arcID2InPath.at(ant1[i].route.arcPath[k]) = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < antNum2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < ant2[j].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    int from = ant2[j].routeRecord[k], to = ant2[j].routeRecord[k+1];
                    int repassArcCount = 0;
                    for (itv = P_i_j2[from][to].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j2[from][to].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
                        repassArcCount += arcID2InPath.at(*itv);
                    TSPPath2AntArc2.at(TSPPath(from, to)).mu *= (1.0 - (double)repassArcCount * mu_attenuation);
            for (k = 0; k < ant1[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
                arcID2InPath.at(ant1[i].route.arcPath[k]) = 0;
        // ===============   update mu for ant2   ===============
        for (i = 0; i < antNum2; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
                arcID2InPath.at(ant2[i].route.arcPath[k]) = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < antNum1; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < ant1[j].routeRecord.size()-1; k++)
                    int from = ant1[j].routeRecord[k], to = ant1[j].routeRecord[k+1];
                    int repassArcCount = 0;
                    for (itv = P_i_j1[from][to].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j1[from][to].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
                        repassArcCount += arcID2InPath.at(*itv);
                    TSPPath2AntArc1.at(TSPPath(from, to)).mu *= (1.0 - (double)repassArcCount * mu_attenuation);
            for (k = 0; k < ant2[i].route.arcPath.size(); k++)
                arcID2InPath.at(ant2[i].route.arcPath[k]) = 0;
    // ===============   Iteration ends ...   ===============

    // ==================================================================================================================================
    // ===============   join the path from src to ant route's back node and the path from ant route's back node to dst   ===============
    // ==================================================================================================================================
    vector<Path> admissiblePath1, admissiblePath2;
    Path antRouteBack2dst, P_s_t1, P_s_t2;
    P_s_t1.costSum = INF;
    P_s_t2.costSum = INF;
    int routeBack;
    vector<int> nodePathBackup;
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved); // restore dst in the graph, src hasn't been restored yet
    // ===============   join the last path to dst for resultAntsPath1   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath1.size(); i++)
        nodePathBackup.assign(resultAntsPath1[i].nodePath.begin(), resultAntsPath1[i].nodePath.end());
        routeBack = nodePathBackup.back();
        removeListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        if (NodeNum < 1000)
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(antRouteBack2dst, pi, routeBack, dst);
            recordArcRoute(antRouteBack2dst, arcRecord, pi, routeBack, dst);
            resultAntsPath1[i] += antRouteBack2dst;
            if (P_s_t1.costSum > resultAntsPath1[i].costSum)
                P_s_t1 = resultAntsPath1[i];
        restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved); // avoid restoring src wrongly by restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved)

    // ===============   join the last path to dst for resultAntsPath2   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath2.size(); i++)
        nodePathBackup.assign(resultAntsPath2[i].nodePath.begin(), resultAntsPath2[i].nodePath.end());
        routeBack = nodePathBackup.back();
        removeListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        if (NodeNum < 1000)
            dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, routeBack);
        if (dist[dst] != INF)
            recordNodeRoute(antRouteBack2dst, pi, routeBack, dst);
            recordArcRoute(antRouteBack2dst, arcRecord, pi, routeBack, dst);
            resultAntsPath2[i] += antRouteBack2dst;
            if (P_s_t2.costSum > resultAntsPath2[i].costSum)
                P_s_t2 = resultAntsPath2[i];
        restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved);
        removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved); // avoid restoring src wrongly by restoreListOfNodes(NodeList, nodePathBackup, isRemoved)
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);

    // ===============   free memory   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath1.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < resultAntsPath2.size(); i++)

    // ======================================================================================================================
    // ===============   select the best combaination path pair between admissiblePath1 and admissiblePath2   ===============
    // ======================================================================================================================
    size_t admissiblePathCount1 = admissiblePath1.size(), admissiblePathCount2 = admissiblePath2.size();
    int minIdenticalArcNum = INF, minCostAddedup = INF;
    for (i = 0; i < admissiblePathCount1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < admissiblePathCount2; j++)
            int currentIdenticalArcNum = identicalElementNum(admissiblePath1[i].arcPath, admissiblePath2[j].arcPath);
            int currentCostAddedup = admissiblePath1[i].costSum + admissiblePath2[j].costSum;
            if (minIdenticalArcNum > currentIdenticalArcNum  ||  (minIdenticalArcNum == currentIdenticalArcNum && minCostAddedup > currentCostAddedup))
                P_s_t1 = admissiblePath1[i];
                P_s_t2 = admissiblePath2[j];
                minIdenticalArcNum = currentIdenticalArcNum;
                minCostAddedup = currentCostAddedup;

    bestPath1 = P_s_t1;
    bestPath2 = P_s_t2;

    cout << "==========   P_s_t1(" << admissiblePathCount1 << "):   ==========" << endl;
    cout << "P_s_t1.nodePath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t1.nodePath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t1.nodePath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t1.arcPath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t1.arcPath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t1.arcPath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t1.costSum: " << P_s_t1.costSum << endl;
    cout << "==========   P_s_t2(" << admissiblePathCount2 << "):   ==========" << endl;
    cout << "P_s_t2.nodePath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t2.nodePath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t2.nodePath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t2.arcPath: ";
    for (k = 0; k < P_s_t2.arcPath.size(); k++)
        cout << P_s_t2.arcPath[k] << ' ';
    cout << endl << "P_s_t2.costSum: " << P_s_t2.costSum << endl;
    cout << "identical ArcNum: " << minIdenticalArcNum << "\t\t\t\tcostSum - Added up: " << P_s_t1.costSum + P_s_t2.costSum << endl << endl;

    // ===============   free memory   ===============
    for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < antNum1; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < admissiblePath1.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < admissiblePath2.size(); i++)
    delete []P_s_v_i1;
    delete []P_s_v_i2;
    delete []P_i_j1;
    delete []P_i_j2;
    delete []P_v_i_v_j1;
    delete []P_v_i_v_j2;
    delete []ant1;
    delete []ant2;
    // !!!!!!!!!! there exists a problem, sometimes it will failed !!!!!!!!!!
    delete []backup1;
    delete []backup2;
    delete []isRemoved;


 * @author: Lv chon chon                                                             *
 * @email:  xmutongxinXuLe@163.com, 276843223@qq.com                                 *
 * This file is part of 2016 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "Ant.hxx"

using namespace std;

#define RELEASE                         0
#define USE_DIJKSTRA_FIRST              1

#define EXTRA_HOP_COUNT                 3
#define MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT          3
#define MAX_GO_AHEAD_HOP_COUNT          3

#define REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath, arcPath, itNodeStart, itNodeEnd, itArcStart, itArcEnd, nodePathHashSet) \
            while (itNodeStart != itNodeEnd)                                                    \
            {                                                                                    \
                nodePathHashSet.erase(*itNodeStart);                                            \
                itNodeStart = nodePath.erase(itNodeStart);                                        \
            }                                                                                    \
            for (itrl = replacedNodeID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedNodeID.rend(); ++itrl)            \
            {                                                                                    \
                nodePathHashSet.insert(*itrl);                                                    \
                itNodeStart = nodePath.insert(itNodeStart, *itrl);                                \
            }                                                                                    \
            int pos = arcPathHashMap1.at(*itArcStart);                                            \
            while (itArcStart != itArcEnd1)                                                        \
            {                                                                                    \
                costSum1 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itArcStart);                                            \
                arcPathHashMap1.erase(*itArcStart);                                                \
                itArcStart = arcPath.erase(itArcStart);                                            \
            }                                                                                    \
            pos += (int)replacedArcID.size() - 1;                                                \
            for (itrl = replacedArcID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedArcID.rend(); ++itrl, pos--)    \
            {                                                                                    \
                costSum1 += arcID2Cost.at(*itrl);                                                \
                arcPathHashMap1.insert(make_pair(*itrl, pos));                                    \
                itArcStart = arcPath.insert(itArcStart, *itrl);                                    \
            }                                                                                    \
            pos += (int)replacedArcID.size() + 1;                                                \
            for (itl = itArcEnd; itl != arcPath.end(); ++itl, pos++)                            \
                arcPathHashMap1.at(*itl) = pos;

#define REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath, arcPath, itNodeStart, itNodeEnd, itArcStart, itArcEnd, nodePathHashSet) \
            while (itNodeStart != itNodeEnd)                                                    \
            {                                                                                    \
                nodePathHashSet.erase(*itNodeStart);                                            \
                itNodeStart = nodePath.erase(itNodeStart);                                        \
            }                                                                                    \
            for (itrl = replacedNodeID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedNodeID.rend(); ++itrl)            \
            {                                                                                    \
                nodePathHashSet.insert(*itrl);                                                    \
                itNodeStart = nodePath.insert(itNodeStart, *itrl);                                \
            }                                                                                    \
            while (itArcStart != itArcEnd)                                                        \
            {                                                                                    \
                costSum2 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itArcStart);                                            \
                itArcStart = arcPath.erase(itArcStart);                                            \
            }                                                                                    \
            for (itrl = replacedArcID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedArcID.rend(); ++itrl)            \
            {                                                                                    \
                costSum2 += arcID2Cost.at(*itrl);                                                \
                itArcStart = arcPath.insert(itArcStart, *itrl);                                    \

extern colortype color[];
extern int dist[];
extern int pi[];
extern int arcRecord[];
unordered_map<int, int> arcID2Cost;
unordered_map<int, Arc*> arcID2Arc;
unordered_map<int, rArc*> arcID2rArc;

unordered_map<int, int> workArcID2BackArcID;

extern int dfn[];
list<set<int>* > block;
list<pair<int, int> > bridge;

int replacedByDijkstra(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, vector<int>& specifiedNodes1, vector<int>& specifiedNodes2, list<int>& nodePath1, list<int>& nodePath2, list<int>& arcPath1, list<int>& arcPath2, int& costSum1, int& costSum2)
    size_t i, k;
    size_t Vs1 = specifiedNodes1.size(), Vs2 = specifiedNodes2.size();
    list<int>::iterator itl, itl1, itl2;
    int identicalArcNum = identicalElementNum(arcPath1, arcPath2);

    // 1 ===============   obtain specified nodes sequence in order in optimizeNeededPath   ===============
    vector<int> specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2;
    unordered_map<int, unsigned int> specifiedPosition1, specifiedPosition2;
    itl = nodePath1.begin();
    for (i = 1; i < nodePath1.size()-1; ++itl, i++)
        if (binarySearch(specifiedNodes1, *itl) == true)
            specifiedPosition1.insert(make_pair(*itl, i));
    itl = nodePath2.begin();
    for (i = 1; i < nodePath2.size()-1; ++itl, i++)
        if (binarySearch(specifiedNodes2, *itl) == true)
            specifiedPosition2.insert(make_pair(*itl, i));

    // 2 ===============   P(v_i, v_j), both v_i and v_j are in Vs   ===============
    bool *isRemoved = new bool[NodeNum];
    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)NodeNum; i++)
        isRemoved[i] = false;

    Path *P_i_j1 = new Path[Vs1-1];
    Path *P_i_j2 = new Path[Vs2-1];

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);
    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved);
    clock_t tBeginTime = clock();
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1-1; i++)
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode1[i]);
        recordNodeRoute(P_i_j1[i], pi, specifiedNode1[i], specifiedNode1[i+1]);
        recordArcRoute(P_i_j1[i], arcRecord, pi, specifiedNode1[i], specifiedNode1[i+1]);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2-1; i++)
        dijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode2[i]);
        recordNodeRoute(P_i_j2[i], pi, specifiedNode2[i], specifiedNode2[i+1]);
        recordArcRoute(P_i_j2[i], arcRecord, pi, specifiedNode2[i], specifiedNode2[i+1]);
    clock_t tEndTime = clock();
    double fCostTime = (double)(tEndTime - tBeginTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    cout << "[clock] Dijkstra algorithm time = " << fCostTime << 's' << endl;
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, src), isRemoved);
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, dst), isRemoved);
    // 3 ===============   replace BFS path by dijkstra path   ===============
    unsigned int begin, end;
    vector<int>::iterator itv;
    unordered_map<int, int> hashMap;
    cout << "Path1 could replace:";
    begin = specifiedPosition1.at(specifiedNode1[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1-1; i++)
        bool couldReplace = true;
        end = specifiedPosition1.at(specifiedNode1[i+1]);
        if (P_i_j1[i].arcPath.size() == (end - begin)) // need to judge if the subpath is the same, if it is same, there is no need to replace
            itl = arcPath1.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < begin; k++)
            for (itv = P_i_j1[i].arcPath.begin(); k < end; ++itv, ++itl, k++)
                if (*itl != *itv)
            if (k == end) // is same
                couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if the replace action will lead to loop
            for (itv = P_i_j1[i].nodePath.begin(); itv != P_i_j1[i].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
            for (itl = nodePath1.begin(), k = 0; k < begin && couldReplace == true; ++itl, k++)
                if (++hashMap[*itl] > 1)
                    couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if the replace action will lead to loop
            itl = nodePath1.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < end+1; k++)
            for (; k < nodePath1.size() && couldReplace == true; ++itl, k++)
                if (++hashMap[*itl] > 1)
                    couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if identical arc num will increase
            int identicalArcNumTemp = 0;
            unordered_set<int> identicalHelper;
            itl1 = arcPath1.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin);
            for (itl = arcPath1.begin(); itl != itl1; ++itl)
            for (itl = itl2; itl != arcPath1.end(); ++itl)
            for (itv = P_i_j1[i].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j1[i].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
            for (itl = arcPath2.begin(); itl != arcPath2.end(); ++itl)
                if (identicalHelper.find(*itl) != identicalHelper.end())
            if (identicalArcNumTemp > identicalArcNum)
                couldReplace = false;
                identicalArcNum = identicalArcNumTemp;
        if (couldReplace == true) // replace action
            int difference = (int)P_i_j1[i].arcPath.size() - (int)(end - begin);

            itl = arcPath1.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < begin; k++)
            for (; k < end; ++itl, k++)    // minus BFS path's cost
                costSum1 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itl);
            costSum1 += P_i_j1[i].costSum; // plus dijkstra path's cost

            itl1 = nodePath1.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin+1);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin-1);
            itl1 = nodePath1.erase(itl1, itl2); // itl1 points now to end
            nodePath1.insert(itl1, P_i_j1[i].nodePath.begin()+1, P_i_j1[i].nodePath.end()-1);

            itl1 = arcPath1.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin);
            itl1 = arcPath1.erase(itl1, itl2); // itl1 points now to end
            arcPath1.insert(itl1, P_i_j1[i].arcPath.begin(), P_i_j1[i].arcPath.end());

            if (difference > 0)
                for (k = i+2; k < Vs1; k++)
                    specifiedPosition1.at(specifiedNode1[k]) += (unsigned int)difference;
            else if (difference < 0)
                for (k = i+2; k < Vs1; k++)
                    specifiedPosition1.at(specifiedNode1[k]) -= (unsigned int)(0 - difference);
            if (difference > 0)
                end += (unsigned int)difference;
            else if (difference < 0)
                end -= (unsigned int)(0 - difference);
        cout << ' ' << couldReplace;
        begin = end;
    delete []P_i_j1;
    cout << endl << "Path2 could replace:";
    begin = specifiedPosition2.at(specifiedNode2[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2-1; i++)
        bool couldReplace = true;
        end = specifiedPosition2.at(specifiedNode2[i+1]);
        if (P_i_j2[i].arcPath.size() == (end - begin)) // need to judge if the subpath is the same, if it is same, there is no need to replace
            itl = arcPath2.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < begin; k++)
            for (itv = P_i_j2[i].arcPath.begin(); k < end; ++itv, ++itl, k++)
                if (*itl != *itv)
            if (k == end) // is same
                couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if the replace action will lead to loop
            for (itv = P_i_j2[i].nodePath.begin(); itv != P_i_j2[i].nodePath.end(); ++itv)
            for (itl = nodePath2.begin(), k = 0; k < begin && couldReplace == true; ++itl, k++)
                if (++hashMap[*itl] > 1)
                    couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if the replace action will lead to loop
            itl = nodePath2.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < end+1; k++)
            for (; k < nodePath2.size() && couldReplace == true; ++itl, k++)
                if (++hashMap[*itl] > 1)
                    couldReplace = false;
        if (couldReplace == true) // test if identical arc num will increase
            int identicalArcNumTemp = 0;
            unordered_set<int> identicalHelper;
            itl1 = arcPath2.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin);
            for (itl = arcPath2.begin(); itl != itl1; ++itl)
            for (itl = itl2; itl != arcPath2.end(); ++itl)
            for (itv = P_i_j2[i].arcPath.begin(); itv != P_i_j2[i].arcPath.end(); ++itv)
            for (itl = arcPath1.begin(); itl != arcPath1.end(); ++itl)
                if (identicalHelper.find(*itl) != identicalHelper.end())
            if (identicalArcNumTemp > identicalArcNum)
                couldReplace = false;
                identicalArcNum = identicalArcNumTemp;
        if (couldReplace == true) // replace action
            int difference = (int)P_i_j2[i].arcPath.size() - (int)(end - begin);

            itl = arcPath2.begin();
            for (k = 0; k < begin; k++)
            for (; k < end; ++itl, k++)    // minus BFS path's cost
                costSum2 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itl);
            costSum2 += P_i_j2[i].costSum; // plus dijkstra path's cost

            itl1 = nodePath2.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin+1);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin-1);
            itl1 = nodePath2.erase(itl1, itl2); // itl1 points now to end
            nodePath2.insert(itl1, P_i_j2[i].nodePath.begin()+1, P_i_j2[i].nodePath.end()-1);

            itl1 = arcPath2.begin();
            advance(itl1, begin);
            itl2 = itl1;
            advance(itl2, end-begin);
            itl1 = arcPath2.erase(itl1, itl2); // itl1 points now to end
            arcPath2.insert(itl1, P_i_j2[i].arcPath.begin(), P_i_j2[i].arcPath.end());

            if (difference > 0)
                for (k = i+2; k < Vs2; k++)
                    specifiedPosition2.at(specifiedNode2[k]) += (unsigned int)difference;
            else if (difference < 0)
                for (k = i+2; k < Vs2; k++)
                    specifiedPosition2.at(specifiedNode2[k]) -= (unsigned int)(0 - difference);
            if (difference > 0)
                end += (unsigned int)difference;
            else if (difference < 0)
                end -= (unsigned int)(0 - difference);
        cout << ' ' << couldReplace;
        begin = end;
    delete []P_i_j2;
    cout << endl;

    // 4 ===============   free memory   ===============
    delete []isRemoved;
    return identicalArcNum;

bool findReplacedPath(Node *NodeList, Arc *currArc, int& endNode, int& maxHop, list<int>& replacedNodeID, list<int>& replacedArcID, unordered_set<int>& pathNode, unordered_set<int>& arcInSamePath)
    if (arcInSamePath.count(currArc->ArcID) != 0)
        return false;

    if (currArc->DestinationID == endNode)
        return true;

    if (pathNode.count(currArc->DestinationID) != 0) // lead to loop
        return false;

    bool hasReplacedPath = false;

    static int hopCount = 0;

    if (++hopCount < maxHop)
        Arc *nextArc = NodeList[currArc->DestinationID].firstArc;
        while (nextArc != NULL && hasReplacedPath == false)
            if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, nextArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, pathNode, arcInSamePath) == true)
                hasReplacedPath = true;
                nextArc = nextArc->nextArc;
        if (hasReplacedPath == false)
    return hasReplacedPath;

void optimizeAdmissiblePathPair(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, vector<int>& specifiedNodes1, vector<int>& specifiedNodes2, Path& optimizeNeededPath1, Path& optimizeNeededPath2, bool executeDijkstra = true)
    cout << endl << "===============   Function optimizeAdmissiblePathPair()   ===============" << endl;
    size_t i;
    size_t Vs1 = specifiedNodes1.size(), Vs2 = specifiedNodes2.size();
    list<int> nodePath1, nodePath2, arcPath1, arcPath2;
    list<int>::iterator itl, itl1, itl2;

    // 1 ===============   read data from optimizeNeededPath, organized as list form for the convenience of insert and erase   ===============
    int costSum1 = optimizeNeededPath1.costSum;
    int costSum2 = optimizeNeededPath2.costSum;
    for (i = 0; i < optimizeNeededPath1.nodePath.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < optimizeNeededPath2.nodePath.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < optimizeNeededPath1.arcPath.size(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < optimizeNeededPath2.arcPath.size(); i++)

    // 2 ===============   replace BFS path by dijkstra path   ===============
    int identicalArcNum;
    ComplexityDescription complexity = defineComplexity(NodeNum, Vs1, Vs2);
    // decide whether to execute this algorithm according to its time consuming, for the most time is on calculating dijkstra path
    if ((complexity == VeryEasy || complexity == Easy || complexity == General || complexity == Hard) && Vs1 > 1 && Vs2 > 1 && executeDijkstra == true) // avoid particular occasion when only exists one specified node or even no specified node require
        identicalArcNum = replacedByDijkstra(NodeList, NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodes1, specifiedNodes2, nodePath1, nodePath2, arcPath1, arcPath2, costSum1, costSum2);
    else // complexity == VeryHard || complexity == ExtremelyHard
        identicalArcNum = identicalElementNum(arcPath1, arcPath2);
    cout << "After replaced by dijkstra, identical ArcNum: " << identicalArcNum << endl;
    // 3 ===============   replace work arc by back arc   ===============
    list<int> identicalArcs;
    identicalElements(identicalArcs, arcPath1, arcPath2);
    for (itl1 = identicalArcs.begin(); itl1 != identicalArcs.end();)
        for (itl2 = arcPath2.begin(); itl2 != arcPath2.end(); ++itl2)
            if (*itl1 == *itl2)
                if (workArcID2BackArcID.find(*itl2) != workArcID2BackArcID.end()) // has a back arc, replace the work arc
                    int backArcID = workArcID2BackArcID.at(*itl2);
                    costSum2 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itl2);
                    *itl2 = backArcID;
                    costSum2 += arcID2Cost.at(*itl2);
                if (itl1 == identicalArcs.end())
    cout << "After replaced by back arc, identical ArcNum: " << identicalArcNum << endl;
    printList(nodePath1, "nodePath1: ");
    printList(nodePath2, "nodePath2: ");

    // 4 ===============   find replaceable subpath only to reduce the identical arc num   ===============
    clock_t tBeginTime = clock();

    unordered_set<int> specifiedNodesHashSet1;
    unordered_set<int> specifiedNodesHashSet2;
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNodes1.size(); ++i)
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNodes2.size(); ++i)

    unordered_set<int> nodePathHashSet1;
    unordered_set<int> nodePathHashSet2;
    for (itl = nodePath1.begin(); itl != nodePath1.end(); ++itl)
    for (itl = nodePath2.begin(); itl != nodePath2.end(); ++itl)

    unordered_map<int, int> arcPathHashMap1;
    unordered_map<int, int>::iterator itum;
    for (itl = arcPath1.begin(), i = 0; itl != arcPath1.end(); ++itl, i++)
        arcPathHashMap1.insert(make_pair(*itl, i));
    bool hasSpecifiedNodes1 = false, hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
    bool hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
    int startNode = -1, endNode = -1;
    int maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
    int lastArcID = arcPath2.back();
    Arc *curArc = NULL;
    list<int> replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, originPathNode;
    list<int>::iterator itNodeStart1, itArcStart1, itNodeStart2, itArcStart2;
    list<int>::iterator itNodeEnd1, itArcEnd1, itNodeEnd2, itArcEnd2;
    list<int>::iterator tmpNode, specifiedNode1Loc, specifiedArc1Loc, specifiedNode2Loc, specifiedArc2Loc;
    list<int>::reverse_iterator itrl;
    unordered_set<int> arcInSamePath;
    cout << endl << "==========   find replaceable subpath without rollback or go ahead   ==========" <<  endl;
    for (itl1 = nodePath2.begin(), itl2 = arcPath2.begin(), i = 0; itl2 != arcPath2.end(); ++itl1, ++itl2)
        if ((itum = arcPathHashMap1.find(*itl2)) != arcPathHashMap1.end())
            if (startNode == -1)
                cout << endl << "[1]. The same arcPath is: " << *itl2;
                startNode = *itl1;
                itNodeStart2 = itl1;
                itArcStart2 = itl2;
                itNodeStart1 = nodePath1.begin();
                advance(itNodeStart1, itum->second + 1);
                itArcStart1 = arcPath1.begin();
                advance(itArcStart1, itum->second);
                cout << ' '<< *itl2;
                if (specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(*itl1) != 0)
                    specifiedNode1Loc = itl1;
                    specifiedArc1Loc = itl2;
                    cout << " {1:" << *itl1 << '}';
                    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = true;
                if (specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(*itl1) != 0)
                    specifiedNode2Loc = itl1;
                    specifiedArc2Loc = itl2;
                    cout << " {2:" << *itl1 << '}';
                    hasSpecifiedNodes2 = true;

            if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == true && specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(*itl1) != 0)
                endNode = *itl1;
                curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                while (tmpNode != itl1)
                while (curArc != NULL)
                    if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                        printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                        printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                        hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                        // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                        REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath2, arcPath2, itNodeStart2, itl1, itArcStart2, itl2, nodePathHashSet2)
                        curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == true)
                    maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
                    startNode = -1;
                    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = false;
                    hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                    while (*tmpNode != *specifiedNode1Loc)
                    tmpNode = specifiedArc1Loc;
                    while (tmpNode != itl2)
                    endNode = *specifiedNode1Loc;
                    curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                    while (curArc != NULL)
                        if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                            printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                            printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                            hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                            // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                            itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1;
                            itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                            while (*itNodeEnd1 != *specifiedNode1Loc) 
                            // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                            REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath1, arcPath1, itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1, itArcStart1, itArcEnd1, nodePathHashSet1)
                            curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                        while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
                    itNodeStart2 = specifiedNode1Loc;
                    itArcStart2 = specifiedArc1Loc;
                    maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
                    tmpNode = specifiedArc1Loc;
                    while (tmpNode != itl2)
                    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = false;
                    startNode = *specifiedNode1Loc;
                    itum = arcPathHashMap1.find(*specifiedArc1Loc);
                    itNodeStart1 = nodePath1.begin();
                    advance(itNodeStart1, itum->second + 1);
                    itArcStart1 = arcPath1.begin();
                    advance(itArcStart1, itum->second);
            else if (hasSpecifiedNodes2 == true && specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(*itl1) != 0)
                endNode = *itl1;
                curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                while (*tmpNode != *itl1)
                while (curArc != NULL)
                    if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                        printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                        printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                        hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                        // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                        itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1;
                        itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                        advance(itNodeEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT - 1);
                        advance(itArcEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT);
                        // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                        REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath1, arcPath1, itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1, itArcStart1, itArcEnd1, nodePathHashSet1)
                        curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == true)
                    maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
                    startNode = -1;
                    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = false;
                    hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                    while (*tmpNode != *specifiedNode2Loc)
                    tmpNode = specifiedArc2Loc;
                    while (tmpNode != itl2) 
                    endNode = *specifiedNode2Loc;
                    curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                    // For the case that there is not alternate path from startNode to specifiedNode2Loc
                    while (curArc != NULL)
                        if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                            printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                            printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                            hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                            // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                            REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath2, arcPath2, itNodeStart2, specifiedNode2Loc, itArcStart2, specifiedArc2Loc, nodePathHashSet2)
                            curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                        while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
                    maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
                    tmpNode = specifiedNode2Loc;
                    while (tmpNode != itl1) 
                    itNodeStart2 = specifiedNode2Loc;
                    itArcStart2 = specifiedArc2Loc;
                    hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
                    startNode = *specifiedNode2Loc;
            else if (*itl2 == lastArcID)
                endNode = *itl1;
                curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == false)
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                    while (*tmpNode != endNode)
                    while (curArc != NULL)
                        if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                            printList(replacedNodeID, "Replaced node ID path: ");
                            printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                            hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                            // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                            itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1;
                            itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                            advance(itNodeEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT - 1);
                            advance(itArcEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT);
                            // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                            REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath1, arcPath1, itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1, itArcStart1, itArcEnd1, nodePathHashSet1)
                            curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                        while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
                else if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == true && hasSpecifiedNodes2 == false)
                    hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                    while (*tmpNode != endNode)
                    while (curArc != NULL)
                        if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                            printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                            printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                            hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                            // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                            REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath2, arcPath2, itNodeStart2, itl1, itArcStart2, arcPath2.end(), nodePathHashSet2)
                            curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                        while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
        else if (startNode != -1)
            cout << endl;
            endNode = *itl1;
            curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
            hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
            if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == false)
                tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                while (*tmpNode != *itl1)
                while (curArc != NULL)
                    if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                        printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                        printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                        hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                        // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                        itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1;
                        itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                        advance(itNodeEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT - 1);
                        advance(itArcEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT);
                        // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                        REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath1, arcPath1, itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1, itArcStart1, itArcEnd1, nodePathHashSet1)
                        curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
            else if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == true && hasSpecifiedNodes2 == false)
                tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                while (tmpNode != itl1)
                while (curArc != NULL)
                    if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                        printList(replacedNodeID, "\nReplaced node ID path: ");
                        printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                        hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                        // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                        REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath2, arcPath2, itNodeStart2, itl1, itArcStart2, itl2, nodePathHashSet2)
                        curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
            maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
            startNode = -1;
            hasSpecifiedNodes1 = false;
            hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;

    cout << endl << "==========   find replaceable subpath with rollback or go ahead   ==========" <<  endl;
    unsigned int I, J;
    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
    startNode = -1;
    maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
    lastArcID = arcPath2.back();
    for (itl1 = nodePath2.begin(), itl2 = arcPath2.begin(); itl2 != arcPath2.end(); ++itl1, ++itl2)
        if ((itum = arcPathHashMap1.find(*itl2)) != arcPathHashMap1.end())
            if (startNode == -1)
                cout << endl << "[2]. The same arcPath is: " << *itl2;
                startNode = *itl1;
                itNodeStart2 = itl1;
                itArcStart2 = itl2;
                itNodeStart1 = nodePath1.begin();
                advance(itNodeStart1, itum->second + 1);
                itArcStart1 = arcPath1.begin();
                advance(itArcStart1, itum->second);
                cout << ' '<< *itl2;
                if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == false && specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(*itl1) != 0)
                    hasSpecifiedNodes1 = true;
                else if (hasSpecifiedNodes2 == false && specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(*itl1) != 0)
                    hasSpecifiedNodes2 = true;

            if (*itl2 == lastArcID)
                endNode = *itl1;
                hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == false)
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                    while (*tmpNode != endNode)
                    for (I = 0; I < MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT && hasFoundReplacedPath == false; I++)
                        if (specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(*itNodeStart1) == 0 && itNodeStart1 != nodePath1.begin()) 
                            startNode = *itNodeStart1;
                            if (specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(startNode) != 0 || startNode == src)
                                I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                            I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                        curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                        while (curArc != NULL && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                            if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                                printList(replacedNodeID, "Replaced node ID path: ");
                                printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                                hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                                // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                                itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1, itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                                advance(itNodeEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT - 1);
                                advance(itArcEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT);
                                // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                                itNodeStart1 = nodePath1.erase(itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1);
                                nodePath1.insert(itNodeStart1, replacedNodeID.begin(), replacedNodeID.end());
                                while (itArcStart1 != itArcEnd1) // itArcStart1 = arcPath1.erase(itArcStart1, itArcEnd1);
                                    costSum1 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itArcStart1);
                                    itArcStart1 = arcPath1.erase(itArcStart1);
                                for (list<int>::reverse_iterator itrl = replacedArcID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedArcID.rend(); ++itrl) // arcPath1.insert(itArcStart1, replacedArcID.begin(), replacedArcID.end());
                                    costSum1 += arcID2Cost.at(*itrl);
                                    itArcStart1 = arcPath1.insert(itArcStart1, *itrl);
                                curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                if (hasSpecifiedNodes2 == false && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                    tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                    while (tmpNode != itl1)
                    hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                    for (I = 0; I < MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT && hasFoundReplacedPath == false; I++)
                        if (specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(*itNodeStart2) == 0 && itNodeStart2 != nodePath2.begin())
                            startNode = *itNodeStart2;
                            if (specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(startNode) != 0 || startNode == src)
                                I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                            I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                        curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                        while (curArc != NULL && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                            if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                                printList(replacedNodeID, "Replaced node ID path: ");
                                printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                                hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                                // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                                itNodeStart2 = nodePath2.erase(itNodeStart2, itl1);
                                nodePath2.insert(itNodeStart2, replacedNodeID.begin(), replacedNodeID.end());
                                while (itArcStart2 != arcPath2.end()) // itArcStart2 = arcPath2.erase(itArcStart2, itl2);
                                    costSum2 -= arcID2Cost.at(*itArcStart2);
                                    itArcStart2 = arcPath2.erase(itArcStart2);
                                for (list<int>::reverse_iterator itrl = replacedArcID.rbegin(); itrl != replacedArcID.rend(); ++itrl) // arcPath2.insert(itArcStart2, replacedArcID.begin(), replacedArcID.end());
                                    costSum2 += arcID2Cost.at(*itrl);
                                    itArcStart2 = arcPath2.insert(itArcStart2, *itrl);
                                curArc = curArc->nextArc;
        else if (startNode != -1)
            cout << endl;
            bool hasReachedEnd = false;
            hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
            if (hasSpecifiedNodes1 == false)
                endNode = *itl1;
                // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                itNodeEnd1 = itNodeStart1, itArcEnd1 = itArcStart1;
                advance(itNodeEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT - 1);
                advance(itArcEnd1, maxHop - EXTRA_HOP_COUNT);
                tmpNode = itNodeStart1;
                while (*tmpNode != *itl1)
                for (I = 0; I < MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT && hasFoundReplacedPath == false; I++)
                    if (specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(*itNodeStart1) == 0 && itNodeStart1 != nodePath1.begin()) 
                        startNode = *itNodeStart1;
                        if (specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(startNode) != 0 || startNode == src)
                            I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                        I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                    hasReachedEnd = false;
                    for (J = 0; J < MAX_GO_AHEAD_HOP_COUNT; J++)
                        curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                        while (curArc != NULL && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                            if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet1, arcInSamePath) == true)
                                printList(replacedNodeID, "Replaced node ID path: ");
                                printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                                hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                                // =====   update nodePath1 and arcPath1   =====
                                REPLACE_WORK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath1, arcPath1, itNodeStart1, itNodeEnd1, itArcStart1, itArcEnd1, nodePathHashSet1)
                                curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                        if (hasFoundReplacedPath == true)
                        if (++itNodeEnd1 == nodePath1.end() || specifiedNodesHashSet1.count(endNode) != 0)
                            hasReachedEnd = true;
                            for (; J > 0; J--)
                            endNode = *itNodeEnd1;
                        endNode = *itNodeEnd1;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false && hasReachedEnd == false)
                        for (; J > 0; J--)
                        endNode = *itNodeEnd1;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
            if (hasSpecifiedNodes2 == false && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                endNode = *itl1;
                // =====   move the end iterator to the right position   =====
                itNodeEnd2 = itl1, itArcEnd2 = itl2;
                hasFoundReplacedPath = false;
                tmpNode = itNodeStart2;
                while (tmpNode != itl1)
                for (I = 0; I < MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT && hasFoundReplacedPath == false; I++)
                    if (specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(*itNodeStart2) == 0 && itNodeStart2 != nodePath2.begin())
                        startNode = *itNodeStart2;
                        if (specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(startNode) != 0 || startNode == src)
                            I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                        I = MAX_ROLLBACK_HOP_COUNT;
                    hasReachedEnd = false;
                    for (J = 0; J < MAX_GO_AHEAD_HOP_COUNT; J++)
                        curArc = NodeList[startNode].firstArc;
                        while (curArc != NULL && hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                            if (findReplacedPath(NodeList, curArc, endNode, maxHop, replacedNodeID, replacedArcID, nodePathHashSet2, arcInSamePath) == true)
                                printList(replacedNodeID, "Replaced node ID path: ");
                                printList(replacedArcID, "Replaced arc ID path: ");
                                hasFoundReplacedPath = true;
                                // =====   update nodePath2 and arcPath2   =====
                                REPLACE_BACK_PATH_ACTION(nodePath2, arcPath2, itNodeStart2, itNodeEnd2, itArcStart2, itArcEnd2, nodePathHashSet2)
                                itl1 = itNodeEnd2;
                                itl2 = itArcEnd2;
                                curArc = curArc->nextArc;
                        if (hasFoundReplacedPath == true)
                        if (++itNodeEnd2 == nodePath2.end() || specifiedNodesHashSet2.count(endNode) != 0)
                            hasReachedEnd = true;
                            for (; J > 0; J--)
                        endNode = *itNodeEnd2;
                    if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false && hasReachedEnd == false)
                        for (; J > 0; J--)
                    itNodeEnd2 = itl1;
                    endNode = *itNodeEnd2;
                if (hasFoundReplacedPath == false)
                    while (originPathNode.empty() == false)
            maxHop = EXTRA_HOP_COUNT;
            startNode = -1;
            hasSpecifiedNodes1 = hasSpecifiedNodes2 = false;
    clock_t tEndTime = clock();
    double fCostTime = (double)(tEndTime - tBeginTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    cout << endl << "[clock] Find replaceable path time = " << fCostTime << 's' << endl;

    identicalElements(identicalArcs, arcPath1, arcPath2);
    printList(identicalArcs, "Final identicalArcs: ");

    // 5 ===============   write back to optimizeNeededPath   ===============
    for (itl = nodePath1.begin(); itl != nodePath1.end(); ++itl)
    for (itl = nodePath2.begin(); itl != nodePath2.end(); ++itl)
    for (itl = arcPath1.begin(); itl != arcPath1.end(); ++itl)
    for (itl = arcPath2.begin(); itl != arcPath2.end(); ++itl)
    optimizeNeededPath1.costSum = costSum1;
    optimizeNeededPath2.costSum = costSum2;

    // 6 ===============   free memory   ===============

bool checkValidityOfSolution(Node *NodeList, int NodeNum, int src, int dst, vector<int>& specifiedNodes1, vector<int>& specifiedNodes2, Path& bestPath1, Path& bestPath2)
    size_t i;
    Arc *parc = NULL;
    if (bestPath1.nodePath.front() != src || bestPath2.nodePath.front() != src)
        cerr << "Wrong src node!" << endl;
        return false;
    if (bestPath1.nodePath.back() != dst || bestPath2.nodePath.back() != dst)
        cerr << "Wrong dst node!" << endl;
        return false;
    unordered_map<int, Arc*> hashMap;
    for (i = 0; i < bestPath1.nodePath.size()-1; i++)
        if (workArcID2BackArcID.find(bestPath1.arcPath[i]) != workArcID2BackArcID.end())
            int backArcID = workArcID2BackArcID.at(bestPath1.arcPath[i]);
            hashMap.insert(make_pair(backArcID, arcID2Arc.at(bestPath1.arcPath[i])));
        parc = NodeList[bestPath1.nodePath[i]].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            if (parc->ArcID == bestPath1.arcPath[i])
                if (parc->DestinationID != bestPath1.nodePath[i+1])
                    cerr << "Work path link " << parc->ArcID << " wrong!" << endl;
                    return false;
            parc = parc->nextArc;
    for (i = 0; i < bestPath2.nodePath.size()-1; i++)
        if (hashMap.find(bestPath2.arcPath[i]) != hashMap.end())
            parc = hashMap.at(bestPath2.arcPath[i]);
            if (parc->SourceID != bestPath2.nodePath[i] || parc->DestinationID != bestPath2.nodePath[i+1])
                cerr << "Back path link " << parc->ArcID << " wrong!" << endl;
                return false;
        parc = NodeList[bestPath2.nodePath[i]].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            if (parc->ArcID == bestPath2.arcPath[i])
                if (parc->DestinationID != bestPath2.nodePath[i+1])
                    cerr << "Back path link " << parc->ArcID << " wrong!" << endl;
                    return false;
            parc = parc->nextArc;
    if (isReplicate(bestPath1.nodePath) == true)
        cerr << "Work path has loop!" << endl;
        return false;
    if (isReplicate(bestPath2.nodePath) == true)
        cerr << "Back path has loop!" << endl;
        return false;
    vector<int> nodePath1, nodePath2;
    nodePath1.assign(bestPath1.nodePath.begin(), bestPath1.nodePath.end());
    nodePath2.assign(bestPath2.nodePath.begin(), bestPath2.nodePath.end());
    sort(nodePath1.begin(), nodePath1.end());
    sort(nodePath2.begin(), nodePath2.end());
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNodes1.size(); i++)
        if (binarySearch(nodePath1, specifiedNodes1[i]) == false)
            cerr << "Work path omit a specified node " << specifiedNodes1[i] << " !" << endl;
            return false;
    for (i = 0; i < specifiedNodes2.size(); i++)
        if (binarySearch(nodePath2, specifiedNodes2[i]) == false)
            cerr << "Back path omit a specified node " << specifiedNodes2[i] << " !" << endl;
            return false;
    int costSum1 = 0, costSum2 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < bestPath1.arcPath.size(); i++)
        costSum1 += arcID2Cost.at(bestPath1.arcPath[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < bestPath2.arcPath.size(); i++)
        costSum2 += arcID2Cost.at(bestPath2.arcPath[i]);
    cout << "Total cost: " << costSum1+costSum2 << endl;
    return true;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *topoFile = argv[1];
    const char *demandFile = argv[2];
    const char *resultFile = argv[3];
    const char *topoFile = "topo.csv";
    const char *demandFile = "demand.csv";
    const char *resultFile = "result.csv";
    struct timeval beginTime, endTime;
    gettimeofday(&beginTime, NULL);
    clock_t tBeginTime = clock();
     ********************     Time elapsing ...     ********************
    size_t i, j;
    int SourceID, DestinationID;
    list<Tuple> AllUnion;
    vector<int> specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2;
    unordered_map<int, int> nodeID2Index, nodeIndex2ID;
    //    ===========================================================
    // 1. ===============   read data from topofile   ===============
    //    ===========================================================
    inputFromTopoFile(topoFile, AllUnion);

    //    =============================================================================================================================================
    // 2. ===============   unique AllUnion, get total node number and sort AllUnion by Node index for convenience to construct graph   ===============
    //    =============================================================================================================================================
    AllUnion.sort(sourceCompare); // forward sort
    AllUnion.sort(sourceCompareReverse); // reverse sort
#else // #elif USE_RANDOM_BFS_PATH
    AllUnion.sort(sourceCompareRandom); // random sort
    list<Tuple>::iterator itU1 = AllUnion.begin();
    list<Tuple>::iterator itU2 = AllUnion.begin();
    while (true)
        bool isBackArc = true;
        if (itU2 == AllUnion.end())
        while ((*itU1).second == (*itU2).second && (*itU1).third == (*itU2).third)
            if (isBackArc == true)
                workArcID2BackArcID.insert(make_pair((*itU1).first, (*itU2).first));
                isBackArc = false;
            itU2 = AllUnion.erase(itU2); // delete arcs that from same src to same dst
            if (itU2 == AllUnion.end())  // avoid the case that the last record in AllUnion have to be delete
        if (itU2 == AllUnion.end())

    //    =============================================================
    // 3. ===============   read data from demandfile   ===============
    //    =============================================================
    inputFromDemandFile(demandFile, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2);

    vector<int> Source, Destination;
    obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(AllUnion, Source, Destination);

    if (AllUnion.size() > 1000)
        // ==========   remove the nodes that have no in-degree or no out-degree [ first time ]   ==========
        for (itU1 = AllUnion.begin(); itU1 != AllUnion.end(); ++itU1)
            while ((binarySearch(Destination, (*itU1).second) == false && SourceID != (*itU1).second) || (binarySearch(Source, (*itU1).third) == false && DestinationID != (*itU1).third))
                itU1 = AllUnion.erase(itU1);
                if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())  // avoid the case that the last record in AllUnion have to be delete
            if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())
        obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(AllUnion, Source, Destination);

    if (AllUnion.size() > 2000)
        // ==========   remove the nodes that have no in-degree or no out-degree [ second time ]   ==========
        for (itU1 = AllUnion.begin(); itU1 != AllUnion.end(); ++itU1)
            while ((binarySearch(Destination, (*itU1).second) == false && SourceID != (*itU1).second) || (binarySearch(Source, (*itU1).third) == false && DestinationID != (*itU1).third))
                itU1 = AllUnion.erase(itU1);
                if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())  // avoid the case that the last record in AllUnion have to be delete
            if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())
        obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(AllUnion, Source, Destination);

    if (AllUnion.size() > 5000)
        // ==========   remove the nodes that have no in-degree or no out-degree [ third time ]   ==========
        for (itU1 = AllUnion.begin(); itU1 != AllUnion.end(); ++itU1)
            while ((binarySearch(Destination, (*itU1).second) == false && SourceID != (*itU1).second) || (binarySearch(Source, (*itU1).third) == false && DestinationID != (*itU1).third))
                itU1 = AllUnion.erase(itU1);
                if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())  // avoid the case that the last record in AllUnion have to be delete
            if (itU1 == AllUnion.end())
        obtainUniqueSourceAndDestination(AllUnion, Source, Destination);

    vector<int> nodeTypes;
    unsigned int NodeNum = mergeVector(nodeTypes, Source, Destination);
    unsigned int ArcNum = AllUnion.size();
    cout << "NodeNum: " << NodeNum << ", ArcNum: " << ArcNum << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        nodeIndex2ID.insert(make_pair(i, nodeTypes[i]));
        nodeID2Index.insert(make_pair(nodeTypes[i], i));
    unsigned int Vs1 = specifiedNode1.size(); // Vs1 is specified nodes number of P'
    unsigned int Vs2 = specifiedNode2.size(); // Vs2 is specified nodes number of P''
    bool hasSpecifiedRequire1 = (Vs1 > 0) ? true : false;
    bool hasSpecifiedRequire2 = (Vs2 > 0) ? true : false;
    cout << "Vs1: " << Vs1 << ", Vs2: " << Vs2 << endl;

    //    ==============================================================
    // 4. ===============   transvert node ID to index   ===============
    //    ==============================================================
    for (itU1 = AllUnion.begin(); itU1 != AllUnion.end(); ++itU1)
        (*itU1).second = nodeID2Index.at((*itU1).second);
        (*itU1).third = nodeID2Index.at((*itU1).third);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
        specifiedNode1[i] = nodeID2Index.at(specifiedNode1[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
        specifiedNode2[i] = nodeID2Index.at(specifiedNode2[i]);
    if (hasSpecifiedRequire1 == true)
        sort(specifiedNode1.begin(), specifiedNode1.end());
    if (hasSpecifiedRequire2 == true)
        sort(specifiedNode2.begin(), specifiedNode2.end());

    SourceID = nodeID2Index.at(SourceID);
    DestinationID = nodeID2Index.at(DestinationID);
    cout << "SourceID: " << SourceID << ", DestinationID: " << DestinationID << endl;

    //    ===========================================================
    // 5. ===============   construct forward graph   ===============
    //    ===========================================================
    Node *NodeList = new Node[NodeNum];
    vector<bool> arcIsAdded(NodeNum, false);
    unsigned int NodeId = 0;
    unsigned int rank = 2;
    itU1 = AllUnion.begin();
    Arc *firstarc = new Arc, *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL;
    firstarc->ArcID = (*itU1).first;
    firstarc->SourceID = (*itU1).second;
    firstarc->DestinationID = (*itU1).third;
    firstarc->cost = (*itU1).four;
    firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
    NodeId = (*itU1).second; // node index start with 0
    arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
    NodeList[NodeId].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(firstarc->SourceID);
    NodeList[NodeId].firstArc = firstarc;
    arcID2Arc.insert(make_pair(firstarc->ArcID, firstarc));
    while (true)
        itU2 = itU1; // itU2 is always a forword element of itU1
        if (itU2 == AllUnion.end())
        if ((*itU2).second == (*itU1).second)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                parc = new Arc;
                parc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
                parc->SourceID = (*itU2).second;
                parc->DestinationID = (*itU2).third;
                parc->cost = (*itU2).four;
                parc->nextArc = NULL;
                if (rank == 2)
                    firstarc->nextArc = parc;
                    qarc->nextArc = parc;
                arcID2Arc.insert(make_pair(parc->ArcID, parc));
                qarc = new Arc;
                qarc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
                qarc->SourceID = (*itU2).second;
                qarc->DestinationID = (*itU2).third;
                qarc->cost = (*itU2).four;
                qarc->nextArc = NULL;
                parc->nextArc = qarc;
                arcID2Arc.insert(make_pair(qarc->ArcID, qarc));
            rank = 2;
            NodeId = (*itU2).second;
            arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
            firstarc = new Arc;
            firstarc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
            firstarc->SourceID = NodeId;
            firstarc->DestinationID = (*itU2).third;
            firstarc->cost = (*itU2).four;
            firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
            NodeList[NodeId].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(NodeId);
            NodeList[NodeId].firstArc = firstarc;
            arcID2Arc.insert(make_pair(firstarc->ArcID, firstarc));
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (arcIsAdded[i] == false)
            NodeList[i].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(i);
            NodeList[i].firstArc = NULL;

    //    ===================================================================================================================
    // 6. ===============   use breadth-first search algorithm to see hop count among these specified nodes   ===============
    //    ===================================================================================================================
    bool *isRemoved = new bool[NodeNum];
    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)NodeNum; i++)
        isRemoved[i] = false;

    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, SourceID), isRemoved);      // src node has been removed
    removeSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, DestinationID), isRemoved); // dst node has been removed
    if (hasSpecifiedRequire1 == true)
        int *D_v_i_v_j1 = new int[Vs1*Vs1];
        int **D_i_j1 = new int*[Vs1]; // a point array, convenient to use form D_i_j1[i][j]
        for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
            D_i_j1[i] = D_v_i_v_j1 + i*Vs1;
        for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode1[i]);
            for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
                D_i_j1[i][j] = dist[specifiedNode1[j]];
        cout << "=====   BFS1[i][j]:   =====" << endl;
        for (i = 0; i < Vs1; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < Vs1; j++)
                cout << D_i_j1[i][j] << ' ';
            cout << endl;
        delete []D_i_j1;
        delete []D_v_i_v_j1;
    if (hasSpecifiedRequire2 == true)
        int *D_v_i_v_j2 = new int[Vs2*Vs2];
        int **D_i_j2 = new int*[Vs2]; // a point array, convenient to use form D_i_j2[i][j]
        for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
            D_i_j2[i] = D_v_i_v_j2 + i*Vs2;
        for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
            BFS(NodeList, NodeNum, specifiedNode2[i]);
            for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
                D_i_j2[i][j] = dist[specifiedNode2[j]];
        cout << "=====   BFS2[i][j]:   =====" << endl;
        for (i = 0; i < Vs2; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < Vs2; j++)
                cout << D_i_j2[i][j] << ' ';
            cout << endl;
        delete []D_i_j2;
        delete []D_v_i_v_j2;

    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, SourceID), isRemoved);      // src node has been restored
    restoreSpecifiedNodes(NodeList, vector<int>(1, DestinationID), isRemoved); // dst node has been restored
    delete []isRemoved;

    //    ===========================================================
    // 7. ===============   construct reverse graph   ===============
    //    ===========================================================
    rNode *rNodeList = new rNode[NodeNum];
    itU1 = AllUnion.begin();
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        arcIsAdded[i] = false;
    NodeId = 0;
    rank = 2;
    rArc *rfirstarc = new rArc, *rparc = NULL, *rqarc = NULL;
    rfirstarc->ArcID = (*itU1).first;
    rfirstarc->SourceID = (*itU1).third;
    rfirstarc->DestinationID = (*itU1).second;
    rfirstarc->cost = (*itU1).four;
    rfirstarc->nextArc = NULL;
    NodeId = (*itU1).third; // NodeId ?= 0, maybe not, but it doesn't matters
    arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
    rNodeList[NodeId].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(rfirstarc->SourceID);
    rNodeList[NodeId].firstArc = rfirstarc;
    arcID2rArc.insert(make_pair(rfirstarc->ArcID, rfirstarc));
    while (true)
        itU2 = itU1; // itU2 is always a forword element of itU1
        if (itU2 == AllUnion.end())
        if ((*itU2).third == (*itU1).third)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                rparc = new rArc;
                rparc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
                rparc->SourceID = (*itU2).third;
                rparc->DestinationID = (*itU2).second;
                rparc->cost = (*itU2).four;
                rparc->nextArc = NULL;
                if (rank == 2)
                    rfirstarc->nextArc = rparc;
                    rqarc->nextArc = rparc;
                arcID2rArc.insert(make_pair(rparc->ArcID, rparc));
                rqarc = new rArc;
                rqarc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
                rqarc->SourceID = (*itU2).third;
                rqarc->DestinationID = (*itU2).second;
                rqarc->cost = (*itU2).four;
                rqarc->nextArc = NULL;
                rparc->nextArc = rqarc;
                arcID2rArc.insert(make_pair(rqarc->ArcID, rqarc));
            rank = 2;
            NodeId = (*itU2).third;
            arcIsAdded[NodeId] = true;
            rfirstarc = new rArc;
            rfirstarc->ArcID = (*itU2).first;
            rfirstarc->SourceID = NodeId;
            rfirstarc->DestinationID = (*itU2).second;
            rfirstarc->cost = (*itU2).four;
            rfirstarc->nextArc = NULL;
            rNodeList[NodeId].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(NodeId);
            rNodeList[NodeId].firstArc = rfirstarc;
            arcID2rArc.insert(make_pair(rfirstarc->ArcID, rfirstarc));
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (arcIsAdded[i] == false)
            rNodeList[i].ID = nodeIndex2ID.at(i);
            rNodeList[i].firstArc = NULL;

    //    =========================================================
    // 8. ===============   display forward graph   ===============
    //    =========================================================
    cout << "Forward graph displays: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        Arc *darc;
        cout << "node: " << NodeList[i].ID << ";  arc: ";
        darc = NodeList[i].firstArc;
        while (darc != NULL)
            cout << '(' << darc->DestinationID << ", " << darc->cost << ')' << " | ";
            darc = darc->nextArc;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "Forward graph previous nodes displays: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < NodeList[i].previous.size(); j++)
            cout << NodeList[i].previous[j]->SourceID << ' ';
        cout << endl;

    //    =========================================================
    // 9. ===============   display reverse graph   ===============
    //    =========================================================
    cout << "Reverse graph displays: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        rArc *rdarc;
        cout << "node: " << rNodeList[i].ID << ";  arc: ";
        rdarc = rNodeList[i].firstArc;
        while (rdarc != NULL)
            cout << '(' << rdarc->DestinationID << ", " << rdarc->cost << ')' << " | ";
            rdarc = rdarc->nextArc;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "Reverse graph previous nodes displays: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < rNodeList[i].previous.size(); j++)
            cout << rNodeList[i].previous[j]->SourceID << ' ';
        cout << endl;

    //     =====================================================================================
    // 10. ===============   use tarjan algorithm obtain bridges that in graph   ===============
    //     =====================================================================================
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        if (dfn[i] == 0)
            tarjan(NodeList, (int)i);

    list<set<int>* >::iterator itBlock;
    list<pair<int, int> >::iterator itBridge;

    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        cout << "vertexs in block[i]: ";
        for (set<int>::iterator its = (*itBlock)->begin(); its != (*itBlock)->end(); ++its)
            cout << nodeIndex2ID.at(*its) << ' ';
        cout << endl;

    // ==========   delete the bridges that cross between blocks one of which's size less than 5   ==========
    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        if ((*itBlock)->size() < 5)
            for (itBridge = bridge.begin(); itBridge != bridge.end(); ++itBridge)
                while ((*itBlock)->count(itBridge->first) != 0 || (*itBlock)->count(itBridge->second) != 0)
                    itBridge = bridge.erase(itBridge);
                    if (itBridge == bridge.end())
                if (itBridge == bridge.end())
    // ==========   delete the blocks whose size less than 5   ==========
    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        while ((*itBlock)->size() < 5)
            delete *itBlock;
            itBlock = block.erase(itBlock);
            if (itBlock == block.end())
        if (itBlock == block.end())

    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        cout << "vertexs in block[i]: ";
        for (set<int>::iterator its = (*itBlock)->begin(); its != (*itBlock)->end(); ++its)
            cout << nodeIndex2ID.at(*its) << ' ';
        cout << endl;

    // ==========   delete the bridges whose two terminals are in the same block   ==========
    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        for (itBridge = bridge.begin(); itBridge != bridge.end(); ++itBridge)
            while ((*itBlock)->count(itBridge->first) != 0 && (*itBlock)->count(itBridge->second) != 0)
                itBridge = bridge.erase(itBridge);
                if (itBridge == bridge.end())
            if (itBridge == bridge.end())

    cout << "bridge: ";
    for (itBridge = bridge.begin(); itBridge != bridge.end(); ++itBridge)
        cout << nodeIndex2ID.at(itBridge->first) << ',' << nodeIndex2ID.at(itBridge->second) << ' ';
    cout << endl;

    // ==========   add src, dst and specified nodes into blocks that reserved to avoid wrongly removing   ==========
    bool hasInsert = false;
    parc = NodeList[SourceID].firstArc;
    while (parc != NULL)
        for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
            if ((*itBlock)->count(parc->DestinationID) != 0)
                hasInsert = true;
        if (hasInsert == true)
        parc = parc->nextArc;
    hasInsert = false;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeList[DestinationID].previous.size(); i++)
        for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
            if ((*itBlock)->count(NodeList[DestinationID].previous[i]->SourceID) != 0)
                hasInsert = true;
        if (hasInsert == true)

    vector<Arc*> bridgeArc1, bridgeArc2;
    vector<vector<int> > specifiedNodeArray1, specifiedNodeArray2;

    if (bridge.size() != 0) // it indicates this graph exists bridge
        vector<bool> isBlockCounted(block.size(), false);
        vector<bool> hasSpecifiedNode1(block.size(), true);
        vector<bool> hasSpecifiedNode2(block.size(), true);
        vector<Arc*> bridgeArc;
        queue<int> bridgeQ;
        unordered_map<int, unsigned int> fromWhichBlock;
        for (i = bridge.size()+1; i > 0; i--)
            int nodeToSearch = bridgeQ.front();
            vector<int> specifiedNodeTemp;
            for (itBlock = block.begin(), j = 0; itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock, j++)
                if ((*itBlock)->count(nodeToSearch) != 0 && isBlockCounted[j] == false)
                    isBlockCounted[j] = true;
                    // ==========   obtain the bridge arc pointer   ==========
                    for (itBridge = bridge.begin(); itBridge != bridge.end(); ++itBridge)
                        if ((*itBlock)->count(itBridge->first) != 0)
                            parc = NodeList[itBridge->first].firstArc;
                            while (parc != NULL)
                                if (parc->DestinationID == itBridge->second)
                                parc = parc->nextArc;
                            fromWhichBlock.insert(make_pair(itBridge->second, j));
                        } // end if
                    } // end for (itBridge ...)

                    // ==========   obtain the specified nodes in this block   ==========
                    vector<int>::iterator itv;
                    for (itv = specifiedNode1.begin(); itv != specifiedNode1.end(); ++itv)
                        if ((*itBlock)->count(*itv) != 0)
                    if (specifiedNodeTemp.empty() == false)
                        hasSpecifiedNode1[j] = false;

                    for (itv = specifiedNode2.begin(); itv != specifiedNode2.end(); ++itv)
                        if ((*itBlock)->count(*itv) != 0)
                    if (specifiedNodeTemp.empty() == false)
                        hasSpecifiedNode2[j] = false;
                } // end if
            } // end for (itBlock ...)

        // ==========   obtain the bridges needed to cross for P' and P''   ==========
        for (i = 0; i < bridgeArc.size(); i++)
            parc = bridgeArc[i];
            for (itBlock = block.begin(), j = 0; itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock, j++)
                if ((*itBlock)->count(parc->DestinationID) != 0)
                    if (hasSpecifiedNode1[j] == true && hasSpecifiedNode1[fromWhichBlock.at(parc->DestinationID)] == true)
                    if (hasSpecifiedNode2[j] == true && hasSpecifiedNode2[fromWhichBlock.at(parc->DestinationID)] == true)

    // ==========   free memory   ==========
    for (itBlock = block.begin(); itBlock != block.end(); ++itBlock)
        delete *itBlock;
    //     ================================================================================
    // 11. ===============   use ant group algorithm to solve the problem   ===============
    //     ================================================================================
    Path bestPath1, bestPath2, subBestPath1, subBestPath2;
    bestPath1.costSum = bestPath2.costSum = INF;
    int src, src1, src2, dst, dst1, dst2;

    if (hasSpecifiedRequire1 == true && hasSpecifiedRequire2 == true)
        src = src1 = src2 = SourceID;
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < bridgeArc1.size() || j < bridgeArc2.size();)
            if (bridgeArc1[i]->ArcID == bridgeArc2[j]->ArcID)
                subBestPath1.costSum = subBestPath2.costSum = INF;
                dst = bridgeArc1[i]->SourceID;
                antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2);
                if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF || subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
                    reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
                if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
                    antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2);
                else if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum != INF)
                    antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
                else if (subBestPath1.costSum != INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
                    antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
                src1 = src2 = src = bridgeArc1[i]->DestinationID;
                if (i == 0)
                    bestPath1 = subBestPath1;
                    bestPath1 += subBestPath1;
                bestPath1.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc1[i]->ArcID);
                if (j == 0)
                    bestPath2 = subBestPath2;
                    bestPath2 += subBestPath2;
                bestPath2.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc2[j]->ArcID);
            else if (i < bridgeArc1.size())
                dst1 = bridgeArc1[i]->SourceID;
                antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src1, dst1, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
                src1 = bridgeArc1[i]->DestinationID;
                if (i == 0)
                    bestPath1 = subBestPath1;
                    bestPath1 += subBestPath1;
                bestPath1.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc1[i]->ArcID);
            else if (j < bridgeArc2.size())
                dst2 = bridgeArc2[i]->SourceID;
                antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src2, dst2, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
                src2 = bridgeArc2[i]->DestinationID;
                if (j == 0)
                    bestPath2 = subBestPath2;
                    bestPath2 += subBestPath2;
                bestPath2.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc2[j]->ArcID);
        dst = dst1 = dst2 = DestinationID;
        subBestPath1.costSum = subBestPath2.costSum = INF;
        bool executeDijkstra = true;
        antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2, true);
        if (subBestPath1.costSum != INF && subBestPath2.costSum != INF && i == 0 && j == 0)
            executeDijkstra = false;
        if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2);
        else if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum != INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
        else if (subBestPath1.costSum != INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
        antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2);
        if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF || subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
        if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath1, subBestPath2);
        else if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF && subBestPath2.costSum != INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
        else if (subBestPath1.costSum != INF && subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src, dst, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
        if (i == 0)
            bestPath1 = subBestPath1;
            bestPath1 += subBestPath1;
        if (j == 0)
            bestPath2 = subBestPath2;
            bestPath2 += subBestPath2;
        if (bestPath1.costSum != INF && bestPath2.costSum != INF)
            optimizeAdmissiblePathPair(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2, bestPath1, bestPath2, executeDijkstra);
    else if (hasSpecifiedRequire1 == true && hasSpecifiedRequire2 == false)
        src1 = SourceID;
        for (i = 0; i < bridgeArc1.size(); i++)
            subBestPath1.costSum = INF;
            dst1 = bridgeArc1[i]->SourceID;
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src1, dst1, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
            if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF)
                reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
                antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src1, dst1, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
            src1 = bridgeArc1[i]->DestinationID;
            if (i == 0)
                bestPath1 = subBestPath1;
                bestPath1 += subBestPath1;
            bestPath1.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc1[i]->ArcID);
        dst1 = DestinationID;
        subBestPath1.costSum = INF;
        antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src1, dst1, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
        if (subBestPath1.costSum == INF)
            reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src1, dst1, specifiedNodeArray1[i], subBestPath1);
        if (i == 0)
            bestPath1 = subBestPath1;
            bestPath1 += subBestPath1;
        if (computeAnotherBestPath(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, bestPath1, bestPath2) == true)
            optimizeAdmissiblePathPair(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2, bestPath1, bestPath2, false);
    else if (hasSpecifiedRequire1 == false && hasSpecifiedRequire2 == true)
        src2 = SourceID;
        for (j = 0; j < bridgeArc2.size(); j++)
            subBestPath2.costSum = INF;
            dst2 = bridgeArc2[j]->SourceID;
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src2, dst2, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
            if (subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
                reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
                antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src2, dst2, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
            src2 = bridgeArc2[j]->DestinationID;
            if (j == 0)
                bestPath2 = subBestPath2;
                bestPath2 += subBestPath2;
            bestPath2.costSum += arcID2Cost.at(bridgeArc2[j]->ArcID);
        dst2 = DestinationID;
        subBestPath2.costSum = INF;
        antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src2, dst2, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
        if (subBestPath2.costSum == INF)
            reconstructGraph(NodeList, (int)NodeNum);
            antGroupAlgorithm(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, src2, dst2, specifiedNodeArray2[j], subBestPath2);
        if (j == 0)
            bestPath2 = subBestPath2;
            bestPath2 += subBestPath2;
        if (computeAnotherBestPath(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, bestPath1, bestPath2) == true)
            optimizeAdmissiblePathPair(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2, bestPath1, bestPath2, false);
    else // hasSpecifiedRequire1 == false && hasSpecifiedRequire2 == false
        if (computeBothBestPaths(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, bestPath1, bestPath2) == true)
            optimizeAdmissiblePathPair(NodeList, (int)NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2, bestPath1, bestPath2, false);

    if (bestPath1.costSum != INF && bestPath2.costSum != INF)
        outputSolutionToFile(resultFile, bestPath1.arcPath, bestPath2.arcPath);
        vector<int>::iterator itNode, itArc;
        cout << "***************   The best admissible Shortest Path1   ***************" << endl;
        cout << "bestPath1 - NodeRoute: ";
        for (itNode = bestPath1.nodePath.begin(); itNode != bestPath1.nodePath.end(); ++itNode)
            cout << nodeIndex2ID.at(*itNode) << " ";
        cout << endl << "bestPath1 - ArcRoute: ";
        for (itArc = bestPath1.arcPath.begin(); itArc != bestPath1.arcPath.end(); ++itArc)
            cout << *itArc << " ";
        cout << endl << "bestPath1 - CostSum: " << bestPath1.costSum << endl << endl;
        cout << "***************   The best admissible Shortest Path2   ***************" << endl;
        cout << "bestPath2 - NodeRoute: ";
        for (itNode = bestPath2.nodePath.begin(); itNode != bestPath2.nodePath.end(); ++itNode)
            cout << nodeIndex2ID.at(*itNode) << " ";
        cout << endl << "bestPath2 - ArcRoute: ";
        for (itArc = bestPath2.arcPath.begin(); itArc != bestPath2.arcPath.end(); ++itArc)
            cout << *itArc << " ";
        cout << endl << "bestPath2 - CostSum: " << bestPath2.costSum << endl << endl;
        cout << "identical ArcNum: " << identicalElementNum(bestPath1.arcPath, bestPath2.arcPath);
        cout << "\t\t\t\tCostSum - Added up: " << bestPath1.costSum + bestPath2.costSum << endl << endl;
        cout << "NA" << endl;

    if (checkValidityOfSolution(NodeList, NodeNum, SourceID, DestinationID, specifiedNode1, specifiedNode2, bestPath1, bestPath2) == true)
        cout << "Congratulations! Solution is correct!!!" << endl;
        cout << "Please check over! Solution is error!!!" << endl;

    //     ===============================================
    // 12. ===============   free memory   ===============
    //     ===============================================
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        rank = 0;
        Arc *freearc1, *freearc2 = NULL;
        freearc1 = NodeList[i].firstArc;
        if (freearc1 != NULL)
            freearc2 = freearc1->nextArc;
        while (freearc1 != NULL && freearc2 != NULL)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                delete freearc1;
                freearc1 = freearc2->nextArc;
                delete freearc2;
                freearc2 = freearc1->nextArc;
        if (freearc1 != NULL)
            delete freearc1;
        if (freearc2 != NULL)
            delete freearc2;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
    delete []NodeList;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
        rank = 0;
        rArc *rfreearc1, *rfreearc2 = NULL;
        rfreearc1 = rNodeList[i].firstArc;
        if (rfreearc1 != NULL)
            rfreearc2 = rfreearc1->nextArc;
        while (rfreearc1 != NULL && rfreearc2 != NULL)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                delete rfreearc1;
                rfreearc1 = rfreearc2->nextArc;
                delete rfreearc2;
                rfreearc2 = rfreearc1->nextArc;
        if (rfreearc1 != NULL)
            delete rfreearc1;
        if (rfreearc2 != NULL)
            delete rfreearc2;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeNum; i++)
    delete []rNodeList;

    gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);
    long secTime  = endTime.tv_sec - beginTime.tv_sec;
    long usecTime = endTime.tv_usec - beginTime.tv_usec;
    cout << "Elapsed Time: SecTime = " << secTime << "s, UsecTime = " << usecTime << "us." << endl;
    clock_t tEndTime = clock();
    double fCostTime = (double)(tEndTime - tBeginTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    cout << "[clock] Cost Time = " << fCostTime << 's' << endl;
     ********************     Time elapsing end     ********************
    return 0;

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