

Quadtree 是一棵空间四叉树,用于将二维平面递归地四等分,每个树结点对应一块矩形区域,每个树结点的四个子结点就是该矩形区域的四个子区域,根结点表示整块大的区域,叶子结点表示不再细分的区域。

Quadtree 可用于在二维平面中进行快速的碰撞检测,可以将时间复杂度由 O(n) 降至 Θ(log4n)。



完整的由 C++ 实现的 Quadtree 模板类如下,其中 Boundary 表示矩形边界,该实现要求存储在其中的 object 对象含有一个 Boundary 类型的数据成员 bounds,而 bounds 表示的矩形是 object 的外接矩形:

#ifndef __QUADTREE_H__
#define __QUADTREE_H__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>

class Boundary
    Boundary() : x(0.0), y(0.0), width(0.0), height(0.0) {}
    Boundary(double X, double Y, double W, double H) : x(X), y(Y), width(W), height(H) {}
    Boundary(const Boundary& rhs) : x(rhs.x), y(rhs.y), width(rhs.width), height(rhs.height) {}
    ~Boundary() {}

    double x;
    double y;
    double width;
    double height;

template<typename ObjectType>
class Quadtree
    Quadtree(double X, double Y, double W, double H, uint8_t _level) : boundary(X, Y, W, H), level(_level), northWest(NULL), northEast(NULL), southWest(NULL), southEast(NULL) {}
    Quadtree(Boundary& bounds, uint8_t _level) : boundary(bounds), level(_level), northWest(NULL), northEast(NULL), southWest(NULL), southEast(NULL) {}
    ~Quadtree() { objects.clear(); }

    void split(); // Split the node into 4 subnodes
    Quadtree* getSub(Boundary& bounds);
    void insert(ObjectType *object);
    void erase(ObjectType *object);
    void retrieve(ObjectType *object, std::list<ObjectType*>& returnObjects);
    void clear();

    Boundary boundary;
    // Children
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *northWest;
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *northEast;
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *southWest;
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *southEast;
    uint8_t level;
    uint8_t padding;
    std::list<ObjectType*> objects;

    static uint8_t max_objects; // max objects a node can hold before splitting into 4 subnodes (default: 10)
    static uint8_t max_levels;  // total max levels inside root Quadtree (default: 4)

template<typename ObjectType>
uint8_t Quadtree<ObjectType>::max_objects = 10;
template<typename ObjectType>
uint8_t Quadtree<ObjectType>::max_levels = 4;

 * Split the node into 4 subnodes
template<typename ObjectType>
void Quadtree<ObjectType>::split()
    uint8_t nextLevel = level + 1;
    double X = boundary.x, Y = boundary.y, subWidth = boundary.width/2, subHeight = boundary.height/2;
    northWest = new Quadtree<ObjectType>(X, Y+subHeight, subWidth, subHeight, nextLevel);
    northEast = new Quadtree<ObjectType>(X+subWidth, Y+subHeight, subWidth, subHeight, nextLevel);
    southWest = new Quadtree<ObjectType>(X, Y, subWidth, subHeight, nextLevel);
    southEast = new Quadtree<ObjectType>(X+subWidth, Y, subWidth, subHeight, nextLevel);

 * Determine which node the object belongs to
 * @param bounds        bounds of the area to be checked, with x, y, width, height
 * @return Quadtree*    point to the subnode, or NULL if bounds cannot completely fit within a subnode and is part of the parent node
template<typename ObjectType>
Quadtree<ObjectType>* Quadtree<ObjectType>::getSub(Boundary& bounds)
    double horizontalMidpoint = boundary.x + (boundary.width / 2);
    double verticalMidpoint = boundary.y + (boundary.height / 2);
    // bounds can completely fit within the top quadrants
    bool topQuadrant = (bounds.y > verticalMidpoint && bounds.y + bounds.height < boundary.y + boundary.height);
    // bounds can completely fit within the bottom quadrants
    bool bottomQuadrant = (bounds.y > boundary.y && bounds.y + bounds.height < verticalMidpoint);
    // bounds can completely fit within the left quadrants
    bool leftQuadrant = (bounds.x > boundary.x && bounds.x + bounds.width < horizontalMidpoint);
    // bounds can completely fit within the right quadrants
    bool rightQuadrant = (bounds.x > horizontalMidpoint && bounds.x + bounds.width < boundary.x + boundary.width);
    if (topQuadrant && leftQuadrant)
        return northWest;
    else if (topQuadrant && rightQuadrant)
        return northEast;
    else if (bottomQuadrant && leftQuadrant)
        return southWest;
    else if (bottomQuadrant && rightQuadrant)
        return southEast;
        return NULL;

 * Insert the object into the node. If the node exceeds the capacity, it will split and add all
 * objects to their corresponding subnodes.
 * @param ObjectType *object    bounds of the object to be added, with x, y, width, height
template<typename ObjectType>
void Quadtree<ObjectType>::insert(ObjectType *object)
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *subNode;
    if (northWest != NULL) // if we have subnodes ...
        if ((subNode = getSub(object->bounds)) != NULL)
    if (objects.size() > max_objects && level < max_levels)
        if (northWest == NULL) // split if we don't already have subnodes
        for (typename std::list<ObjectType*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end();) // add all objects to there corresponding subnodes
            subNode = getSub((*it)->bounds);
            if (subNode != NULL)
                it = objects.erase(it);

 * Erase the object in the Quadtree.
 * @param ObjectType *object    bounds of the object to be added, with x, y, width, height
template<typename ObjectType>
void Quadtree<ObjectType>::erase(ObjectType *object)
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *subNode;
    if (northWest != NULL) // if we have subnodes ...
        if ((subNode = getSub(object->bounds)) != NULL)
    for (typename std::list<ObjectType*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end();)
        if (*it == object)
            it = objects.erase(it);

 * Return all objects that could collide with the given object
 * @param ObjectType *object    bounds of the object to be checked, with x, y, width, height
 * @return list<ObjectType*>& returnObjects        list with all detected objects
template<typename ObjectType>
void Quadtree<ObjectType>::retrieve(ObjectType *object, std::list<ObjectType*>& returnObjects)
    Quadtree<ObjectType> *subNode = getSub(object->bounds);
    returnObjects.insert(returnObjects.end(), objects.begin(), objects.end());
    if (northWest != NULL) // if we have subnodes ...
        if (subNode != NULL) // if bounds fits into a subnode ..
            subNode->retrieve(object, returnObjects);
        else // if bounds does not fit into a subnode, check it against all subnodes
            northWest->retrieve(object, returnObjects);
            northEast->retrieve(object, returnObjects);
            southWest->retrieve(object, returnObjects);
            southEast->retrieve(object, returnObjects);

 * Clear the quadtree
template<typename ObjectType>
void Quadtree<ObjectType>::clear()
    if (northWest != NULL)
        delete northWest;
        northWest = NULL;
    if (northEast != NULL)
        delete northEast;
        northEast = NULL;
    if (southWest != NULL)
        delete southWest;
        southWest = NULL;
    if (southEast != NULL)
        delete southEast;
        southEast = NULL;


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