2017 Huawei Codecraft Preliminary


一个多月的初赛终于在 4 月 5 号晚上 24:00 落下帷幕,最终取得杭厦赛区第三的佳绩,3500 行的代码发上来留个纪念,下载地址:



吼吼 ~~ 初级用例和中级用例都拿到了满分,也就是用例成绩赛区第一!


今年初赛题目仍然和去年类似,是一道 NP 问题,解空间大小为 2^n – 1,看好了,直接上题目啦!


~~~~~    华丽丽的分割线    ~~~~~

代码工程的 Makefile 如下:

# This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com>
CC = g++
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c++11
cdn: Log.o Utils.o Graph.o TopologyScanner.o Greedy.o main.o
    $(CC) -o $@ $^
main.o: main.cpp Greedy.h Graph.h
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
Greedy.o: Greedy.cpp Greedy.h TopologyScanner.h Graph.h
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
TopologyScanner.o: TopologyScanner.cpp TopologyScanner.h Graph.h Utils.h
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
Graph.o: Graph.cpp Graph.h Utils.h Timer.h 
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
Utils.o: Utils.cpp Utils.h Timer.h
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
Log.o: Log.cpp Log.h
    $(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
.PHONY: clean
    rm -f *.o
    rm -f cdn



 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Log.h                                                                      *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __LOG_H__
#define __LOG_H__

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>


#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ERROR_LEVEL      1
#define WARNING_LEVEL    2
#define INFO_LEVEL       3
#define DEBUG_LEVEL      4

#define uncond_log(...)     do { printf("%s: %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define error_log(...)      do { if (log_level >= ERROR_LEVEL)   { printf("ERROR | %s: %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define warning_log(...)    do { if (log_level >= WARNING_LEVEL) { printf("WARN | %s: %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define info_log(...)       do { if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)    { printf("INFO | %s: %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define debug_log(...)      do { if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)   { printf("DEBUG | %s: %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define uncond_log(...)     do { printf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define error_log(...)      do { if (log_level >= ERROR_LEVEL)   { printf("ERROR | "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define warning_log(...)    do { if (log_level >= WARNING_LEVEL) { printf("WARN | "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define info_log(...)       do { if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)    { printf("INFO | "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
#define debug_log(...)      do { if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)   { printf("DEBUG | "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } } while(0)
const char* getLogLevel();
#else /* __GNUC__ */
enum class LogLevel {

void log(LogLevel level, const char *file, const int line, const char *fmt, ...);
void log(LogLevel level, const char *fmt, ...);

#endif /* __LOG_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Log.cpp                                                                    *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Log.h"

int log_level = 3;

#ifdef __GNUC__
const char* getLogLevel()
    switch (log_level)
    case 1:
        return "ERROR";
    case 2:
        return "WARNNING";
    case 3:
        return "INFO";
    case 4:
        return "DEBUG";
        return "UNKNOWN";
static void printudec(unsigned int udec)
    if (udec == 0)
    putchar((char)(udec%10 + '0'));

static void printdec(int dec)
    if (dec < 0)
        dec = -dec;
    printudec((unsigned int)dec);

static void printdbl(double dbl)
    int tmpint = (int)dbl;
    dbl -= tmpint;
    tmpint = (int)(dbl * 1000000);

static void printstr(const char *str)
    while (*str)

static void printbin(int bin)
    if (bin == 0)
    putchar((char)(bin%2 + '0'));

static void printhex(int hex)
    if (hex == 0)
    if (hex < 10)
        putchar((char)(hex%16 + '0'));
        putchar((char)(hex%16 - 10 + 'a' ));

void log(LogLevel level, const char *file, const int line, const char *fmt, ...)
void log(LogLevel level, const char *fmt, ...)
    switch (level)
    case LogLevel::uncond:
        printf("%s: %d | ", file, line);
    case LogLevel::error:
        if (log_level >= static_cast<int>(LogLevel::error))
            printf("ERROR | %s: %d | ", file, line);
            printf("ERROR | ");
    case LogLevel::warning:
        if (log_level >= static_cast<int>(LogLevel::warning))
            printf("WARN | %s: %d | ", file, line);
            printf("WARN | ");
    case LogLevel::info:
        if (log_level >= static_cast<int>(LogLevel::info))
            printf("INFO | %s: %d | ", file, line);
            printf("INFO | ");
    case LogLevel::debug:
        if (log_level >= static_cast<int>(LogLevel::debug))
            printf("DEBUG | %s: %d | ", file, line);
            printf("DEBUG | ");
        fprintf(stderr, "Log level undefined!\n");

    va_list vl;
    va_start(vl, fmt);

    char vargch = 0;
    int vargint = 0;
    unsigned int varguint = 0;
    double vargdbl = 0.0;
    char *vargpch = NULL;

    char *pfmt = const_cast<char*>(fmt);

    while (*pfmt)
        if (*pfmt == '%')
            switch (*(++pfmt))
            case 'c':
                vargch = va_arg(vl, int); 
            case 'd':
            case 'i':
                vargint = va_arg(vl, int);
            case 'u':
                varguint = va_arg(vl, unsigned int);
            case 'f':
                vargdbl = va_arg(vl, double);
            case 's':
                vargpch = va_arg(vl, char*);
            case 'b':
            case 'B':
                vargint = va_arg(vl, int);
            case 'x':
            case 'X':
                vargint = va_arg(vl, int);
            case '%':



 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Timer.h                                                                    *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __TIMER_H__
#define __TIMER_H__


#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <string>
#include "Log.h"

class Timer
    explicit Timer(const char *s) : _note(s) { gettimeofday(&_start_time, NULL); }
        struct timeval _end_time;
        gettimeofday(&_end_time, NULL);
        printf("%ssecTime = %lds, usecTime = %ldus.\n", _note.c_str(), _end_time.tv_sec - _start_time.tv_sec, _end_time.tv_usec - _start_time.tv_usec);
    double elapsed()
        struct timeval _cur_time;
        gettimeofday(&_cur_time, NULL);
        double secTime = _cur_time.tv_sec - _start_time.tv_sec;
        double usecTime = _cur_time.tv_usec - _start_time.tv_usec;
        return secTime + usecTime/1000000;

    Timer(const Timer&);
    Timer& operator=(const Timer&);

    std::string _note;
    struct timeval _start_time;
class Timer
    explicit Timer(const char *s) : _note(s) { _start_time = clock(); }
    ~Timer() { printf("%s%fs.\n", _note.c_str(), elapsed()); }
    inline double elapsed() { return static_cast<double>(clock() - _start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }

    Timer(const Timer&);
    Timer& operator=(const Timer&);

    std::string _note;
    clock_t _start_time;

#endif /* __TIMER_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Utils.h                                                                    *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __UTILS_H__
#define __UTILS_H__

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>

#include "Timer.h"

struct LinkTuple
    LinkTuple(int _src, int _dst, int _bandwidth, int _rental) : src(_src), dst(_dst), bandwidth(_bandwidth), rental(_rental) {}

    LinkTuple(const LinkTuple& rhs) = default;
    LinkTuple& operator=(const LinkTuple& rhs) = default;

    int src;
    int dst;
    int bandwidth;
    int rental;

enum class Complexity {

void parseInput(char *filename, std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples);

void outputToFile(char *filename, std::list<std::vector<int> >& fluxPathList);

bool binarySearch(const std::vector<int>& vec, const int key);

Complexity defineDefaultComplexity();

const char* complexityString(Complexity complexity);

////////////////    convenient functions of std::vector and std::list    ////////////////
void printVector(std::vector<int>& _vector, const char *_note);

void printVector(std::vector<double>& _vector, const char *_note);

void printList(std::list<int>& _list, const char *_note);

void printList(std::list<double>& _list, const char *_note);

#endif /* __UTILS_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Utils.cpp                                                                  *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Utils.h"

extern int log_level;

extern uint32_t networkNodeNum;
extern uint32_t linkNum;
extern uint32_t consumptionNodeNum;
extern uint32_t serverDeploymentFee;

extern std::vector<int> accessTable;
extern std::vector<int> demandTable;

void parseInput(char *filename, std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples)
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (fp == NULL)
        error_log("Fail to open file %s.\n", filename);

    int srcNode = 0, dstNode = 0, bandwidth = 0, rental = 0;
    int cspID = 0, netID = 0, demand = 0;
    fscanf(fp, "%u %u %u", &networkNodeNum, &linkNum, &consumptionNodeNum);
    fscanf(fp, "%u", &serverDeploymentFee);

    uint32_t _linkNum = linkNum;
    uint32_t _consumptionNodeNum = consumptionNodeNum;
    while (_linkNum-- > 0)
        fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &srcNode, &dstNode, &bandwidth, &rental);
        linkTuples.emplace_back(srcNode, dstNode, bandwidth, rental);
    while (_consumptionNodeNum-- > 0)
        fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d", &cspID, &netID, &demand);
        accessTable[cspID] = netID;
        demandTable[cspID] = demand;


void outputToFile(char *filename, std::list<std::vector<int> >& fluxPathList)
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
    if (fp == NULL)
        error_log("Fail to open file %s.\n", filename);

    fprintf(fp, "%u\n\n", static_cast<uint32_t>(fluxPathList.size()));

    for (std::list<std::vector<int> >::iterator iter = fluxPathList.begin(); iter != fluxPathList.end(); ++iter)
        std::vector<int> &fluxPath = *iter; // alias
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fluxPath.size()-1; ++i)
            fprintf(fp, "%d ", fluxPath[i]);
        fprintf(fp, "%d\n", fluxPath.back());


bool binarySearch(const std::vector<int>& vec, const int key)
    int low = 0, high = (int)vec.size()-1, mid;
    while (low <= high)
        mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
        if (key == vec[mid])
            return true;
        else if (key < vec[mid])
            high = mid - 1;
            low = mid + 1;
    return false;

Complexity defineDefaultComplexity()
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 300)
        return Complexity::Hell;
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 200 || networkNodeNum > 800)
        return Complexity::UltraHard;
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 100 || networkNodeNum > 500)
        return Complexity::VeryHard;
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 50 || networkNodeNum > 300)
        return Complexity::Hard;
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 20 || networkNodeNum > 100)
        return Complexity::General;
    if (consumptionNodeNum > 10 || networkNodeNum > 50)
        return Complexity::Simple;
    return Complexity::Oversimplified;

const char* complexityString(Complexity complexity)
    switch (complexity)
    case Complexity::Oversimplified:
        return "oversimplified";
    case Complexity::Simple:
        return "simple";
    case Complexity::General:
        return "general";
    case Complexity::Hard:
        return "hard";
    case Complexity::VeryHard:
        return "very-hard";
    case Complexity::UltraHard:
        return "ultra-hard";
        return "hell";

////////////////    convenient functions of std::vector and std::list    ////////////////
void printVector(std::vector<int>& _vector, const char *_note)
    if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)
        printf("%s", _note);
        for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter = _vector.begin(); iter != _vector.end(); ++iter)
            printf("%d ", *iter);

void printVector(std::vector<double>& _vector, const char *_note)
    if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)
        printf("%s", _note);
        for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter = _vector.begin(); iter != _vector.end(); ++iter)
            printf("%f ", *iter);

void printList(std::list<int>& _list, const char *_note)
    if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)
        printf("%s", _note);
        for (std::list<int>::iterator iter = _list.begin(); iter != _list.end(); ++iter)
            printf("%d ", *iter);

void printList(std::list<double>& _list, const char *_note)
    if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)
        printf("%s", _note);
        for (std::list<double>::iterator iter = _list.begin(); iter != _list.end(); ++iter)
            printf("%f ", *iter);


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Graph.h                                                                    *
 * @author: Xu Le, He Jianfan                                                        *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __GRAPH_H__
#define __GRAPH_H__

#include "Utils.h"

#define INF    0x7fffffff

/** arc structure of graph. */
struct Arc
    int arcID;       ///< ID of this arc.
    int srcID;       ///< tail of this arc.
    int dstID;       ///< head of this arc.
    int bandwidth;   ///< max capacity of this arc.
    int rental;      ///< cost weight of this arc.
    int initialCap;  ///< initial capacity of this arc.
    int initialCost; ///< initial cost of this arc.
    Arc *nextArc;    ///< next out degree arc of the node this arc derived.
    Arc *reverseArc; ///< reverse arc used by minimum cost maximum flow algorithm.

/** node structure of graph. */
struct Node
    Node() : ID(0), firstArc(NULL), lastArc(NULL) {}
    int ID;        ///< ID of this node.
    Arc *firstArc; ///< first out degree arc of this node.
    Arc *lastArc;  ///< last out degree arc of this node.

/** adjacency list structure representing the graph. */
class Graph
    explicit Graph(uint32_t _node_num);

    /** @name regular methods of Graph. */
    void construct(std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples);
    void undirectify(std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples);
    void destruct();
    void display();

    /** @name API function members used by minimum cost maximum flow algorithm. */
    void preferZKW(bool _useZKW);
    void addSuperSource(std::list<int>& servers);
    void delSuperSource();
    void displaySuperSource();
    void preMinimumCostMaximumFlow();
    long minimumCostMaximumFlow(std::list<int>& servers);
    void postMinimumCostMaximumFlow();
    void revertStatusToInitialization();
    void recordFlowPath();

    /** @name API function members used by TopologyScanner. */
    void BFS(int src);
    void dijkstra(int src);
    void recordNodePath(std::vector<int>& path, int src, int dst);
    long recordArcPath(std::vector<struct Arc*>& path, int src, int dst);

    /** struct used by exchange operation in Greedy algorithm. */
    class FluxFee
        int from;
        int to;
        int fee;

        bool operator<(FluxFee rhs) const { return fee < rhs.fee; }

    std::priority_queue<FluxFee> fluxFeeQueue; ///< used by Greedy.
    void setExchangeOperation(bool _exchange_operation);

    enum Colortype
        White = 0, ///< denote this node has not been visited.
        Gray,      ///< denote this node has been visited but its all out degrees hasn't been visited.
        Black      ///< denote this node's all out degrees has been visited.

    Graph(const Graph&);
    Graph& operator=(const Graph&);

    /** @name internal function members used by minimum cost maximum flow algorithm. */
    long _SPFA();
    long _ZKW();
    int _augment(int u, int f, int from, long& totalCost);
    bool _modifyLabel();
    void _addSuperSink();
    void _delSuperSink();
    void _revertCapacityToInitialization();
    void _revertCostToInitialization();
    bool _DFS(int s, int t, std::vector<int>& path, int tmpFlow);

    uint32_t nodeNum;       ///< maintaining the node number of the graph.
    struct Node *NodeList;  ///< storing all the nodes in the graph.
    Colortype *color;       ///< recording a node's visited status when BFS or DFS traverse is called.
    int *dist;              ///< recording the time when a node is discovered.
    int *f;                 ///< recording the time when a node's all out degrees has been visited.
    int *pi;                ///< maintaining relationship of node's predecessor when BFS, DFS or dijkstra traverse is called.
    struct Arc **arcRecord; ///< maintaining relationship of arc's predecessor when to call recordArcPath method after BFS or dijkstra traverse is called.

    /** @name data members used by minimum cost maximum flow algorithm. */
    bool useZKW;            ///< true: use zkw algorithm as minimum cost flow algorithm, false: use spfa algorithm as minimum cost flow algorithm.
    bool exchangeOperation; ///< indicate whether the exchange operation in greedy algorithm has begun.
    bool *visited;          ///< used by zkw.
    long cost;              ///< used by zkw.
    FluxFee *fluxFeeArray;  ///< used by Greedy.
    FluxFee **feeMatrix;    ///< used by Greedy.
    int sumFlux;            ///< sum flux in graph, which is equals to sum up demand flux of all consumption node.
    int minFlow;            ///< used by _DFS function as a global variable.
    int superSourceID;      ///< ID of super source.
    int superSinkID;        ///< ID of super sink.
    uint32_t sourceNum;     ///< stores the number of chosen nodes where will be deployed with a server for reverting capacity of arcs that from super source to these chosen nodes.
    std::list<std::vector<int> > fluxPathList; ///< stores all flux paths from super source to super sink, which is certainly the result of this program.

bool verifyScheme(Graph& graph, std::list<std::vector<int> >& fluxPathList, long& totalRentalFee);

#endif /* __GRAPH_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Graph.cpp                                                                  *
 * @author: Xu Le, He Jianfan                                                        *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Graph.h"

extern int log_level;

extern uint32_t networkNodeNum;
extern uint32_t linkNum;
extern uint32_t consumptionNodeNum;
extern uint32_t serverDeploymentFee;

 * @brief maintaining the map from arc ID to the point to arc, cost only O(1).
 * 1. range of links that between network nodes is [0, 4*linkNum-1], and all integer indices are filled;
 * 2. range of links that between access network node and consumption node is
 *    [4*linkNum, 4*linkNum+4*consumptionNodeNum-2], and all even indices are filled;
 * 3. range of links that between consumption nodes and super sink node is
 *    [4*linkNum+4*consumptionNodeNum, 4*linkNum+8*consumptionNodeNum-2], and all even indices are filled;
 * 4. range of links that between super source node and server deployment nodes is
 *    [4*linkNum+1, 4*linkNum+4*sourceNum-1], and all odd indices are filled.
static std::vector<struct Arc*> arcTable;
/** maintaining the map from comsumption node ID to its access network node ID, cost only O(1). */
std::vector<int> accessTable;
/** maintaining the map from comsumption node ID to its bandwidth demand, cost only O(1). */
std::vector<int> demandTable;

/** automatically increase ID for all arcs. */
static int arcIDIncrement = 0;

struct Arc* oppositeArc(int ownID) // ownID must less than 4*linkNum
    if (ownID % 4 == 0)
        return arcTable[ownID+1]; // 0 to 1
        return arcTable[ownID-1]; // 1 to 0

struct Arc* oppositeReverseArc(int ownID) // ownID must less than 4*linkNum
    if (ownID % 4 == 0)
        return arcTable[ownID+3]; // 0 to 3
        return arcTable[ownID+1]; // 1 to 2

Arc::Arc() : arcID(arcIDIncrement), srcID(0), dstID(0), bandwidth(0), rental(INF), initialCap(0), initialCost(0), nextArc(NULL), reverseArc(NULL)
    arcIDIncrement += 2;

 * constructor of class Graph.
Graph::Graph(uint32_t _node_num) : nodeNum(_node_num), useZKW(false), exchangeOperation(false), cost(0), sumFlux(0)
    NodeList = new Node[_node_num + 2]; // plus two, one for super source, one for super sink
    color = new Colortype[_node_num + 2];
    dist = new int[_node_num + 2];
    f = new int[_node_num + 2];
    pi = new int[_node_num + 2];
    arcRecord = new Arc*[_node_num + 2];

 * destructor of class Graph.
    delete []arcRecord;
    delete []pi;
    delete []dist;
    delete []f;
    delete []color;
    delete []NodeList;

 * construct the graph in the structure of adjacency list.
void Graph::construct(std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples)
    std::list<struct LinkTuple>::iterator iter1 = linkTuples.begin(), iter2;
    std::vector<bool> arcIsAdded(nodeNum, false);
    uint32_t curNode = 0;
    uint32_t i = 0, rank = 2;
    struct Arc *firstarc = NULL, *parc = NULL, *qarc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;

    uint32_t arcTableSizeDecider = 4 * std::max(networkNodeNum, 2*consumptionNodeNum);
    arcTable.resize(4*linkNum + arcTableSizeDecider);

    firstarc = new Arc;
    firstarc->srcID = iter1->src;
    firstarc->dstID = iter1->dst;
    firstarc->bandwidth = iter1->bandwidth;
    firstarc->rental = iter1->rental;
    firstarc->initialCap = iter1->bandwidth;
    firstarc->initialCost = iter1->rental;
    firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
    rarc = new Arc;
    rarc->srcID = firstarc->dstID;
    rarc->dstID = firstarc->srcID;
    rarc->rental = -firstarc->rental;
    rarc->initialCost = rarc->rental;
    firstarc->reverseArc = rarc;
    rarc->reverseArc = firstarc;

    curNode = iter1->src; // node index start with 0
    arcIsAdded[curNode] = true;
    NodeList[curNode].ID = firstarc->srcID;
    NodeList[curNode].firstArc = firstarc;
    NodeList[curNode].lastArc = firstarc;
    arcTable[firstarc->arcID] = firstarc;
    arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;
    while (true)
        iter2 = iter1; // iter2 is always a forword element of iter1
        if (iter2 == linkTuples.end())
        if (iter2->src == iter1->src)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                parc = new Arc;
                parc->srcID = iter2->src;
                parc->dstID = iter2->dst;
                parc->bandwidth = iter2->bandwidth;
                parc->rental = iter2->rental;
                parc->initialCap = iter2->bandwidth;
                parc->initialCost = iter2->rental;
                parc->nextArc = NULL;
                rarc = new Arc;
                rarc->srcID = parc->dstID;
                rarc->dstID = parc->srcID;
                rarc->rental = -parc->rental;
                rarc->initialCost = rarc->rental;
                parc->reverseArc = rarc;
                rarc->reverseArc = parc;

                if (rank == 2)
                    firstarc->nextArc = parc;
                    qarc->nextArc = parc;
                NodeList[curNode].lastArc = parc;
                arcTable[parc->arcID] = parc;
                arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;
                qarc = new Arc;
                qarc->srcID = iter2->src;
                qarc->dstID = iter2->dst;
                qarc->bandwidth = iter2->bandwidth;
                qarc->rental = iter2->rental;
                qarc->initialCap = iter2->bandwidth;
                qarc->initialCost = iter2->rental;
                qarc->nextArc = NULL;
                rarc = new Arc;
                rarc->srcID = qarc->dstID;
                rarc->dstID = qarc->srcID;
                rarc->rental = -qarc->rental;
                rarc->initialCost = rarc->rental;
                qarc->reverseArc = rarc;
                rarc->reverseArc = qarc;

                parc->nextArc = qarc;
                NodeList[curNode].lastArc = qarc;
                arcTable[qarc->arcID] = qarc;
                arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;
            rank = 2;
            curNode = iter2->src;
            arcIsAdded[curNode] = true;

            firstarc = new Arc;
            firstarc->srcID = curNode;
            firstarc->dstID = iter2->dst;
            firstarc->bandwidth = iter2->bandwidth;
            firstarc->rental = iter2->rental;
            firstarc->initialCap = iter2->bandwidth;
            firstarc->initialCost = iter2->rental;
            firstarc->nextArc = NULL;
            rarc = new Arc;
            rarc->srcID = firstarc->dstID;
            rarc->dstID = firstarc->srcID;
            rarc->rental = -firstarc->rental;
            rarc->initialCost = rarc->rental;
            firstarc->reverseArc = rarc;
            rarc->reverseArc = firstarc;

            NodeList[curNode].ID = curNode;
            NodeList[curNode].firstArc = firstarc;
            NodeList[curNode].lastArc = firstarc;
            arcTable[firstarc->arcID] = firstarc;
            arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;
    for (i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
        curNode = accessTable[i];          // access network node
        arcIsAdded[curNode] = true;

        parc = new Arc;
        parc->srcID = curNode;
        parc->dstID = networkNodeNum + i;  // consumption node index
        parc->bandwidth = demandTable[i];  // demand bandwidth of each consumption node
        parc->rental = 0;                  // access link need no rental fee
        parc->initialCap = demandTable[i];
        parc->initialCost = 0;
        parc->nextArc = NULL;
        rarc = new Arc;
        rarc->srcID = parc->dstID;
        rarc->dstID = parc->srcID;
        rarc->rental = 0;
        parc->reverseArc = rarc;
        rarc->reverseArc = parc;

        NodeList[curNode].ID = curNode;
        if (NodeList[curNode].firstArc == NULL)
            NodeList[curNode].firstArc = parc;
            NodeList[curNode].lastArc->nextArc = parc; // append to the last
        NodeList[curNode].lastArc = parc; // update lastArc
        arcTable[parc->arcID] = parc;
        arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;
    for (i = 0; i < nodeNum; ++i)
        if (arcIsAdded[i] == false)
            NodeList[i].ID = i;

 * @brief tranform directed graph to be undirected graph.
void Graph::undirectify(std::list<struct LinkTuple>& linkTuples)
    std::list<struct LinkTuple>::iterator iter = linkTuples.begin();
    struct Arc *parc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;
    uint32_t curNode = 0;
    arcIDIncrement = 1; // set arc x and x+1 be the same link with opposite direction, x is an even integer
    for (; iter != linkTuples.end(); ++iter)
        curNode = iter->dst; // alias

        parc = new Arc;
        parc->srcID = curNode;
        parc->dstID = iter->src;
        parc->bandwidth = iter->bandwidth;
        parc->rental = iter->rental;
        parc->initialCap = iter->bandwidth;
        parc->initialCost = iter->rental;
        parc->nextArc = NULL;
        rarc = new Arc;
        rarc->srcID = parc->dstID;
        rarc->dstID = parc->srcID;
        rarc->rental = -parc->rental;
        rarc->initialCost = rarc->rental;
        parc->reverseArc = rarc;
        rarc->reverseArc = parc;

        if (NodeList[curNode].firstArc == NULL)
            NodeList[curNode].firstArc = parc;
            NodeList[curNode].lastArc->nextArc = parc; // append to the last
        NodeList[curNode].lastArc = parc; // update lastArc
        arcTable[parc->arcID] = parc;
        arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;

 * destruct the graph and free memory.
void Graph::destruct()
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodeNum; ++i)
        uint32_t rank = 0;
        struct Arc *freearc1 = NodeList[i].firstArc, *freearc2 = (freearc1 != NULL) ? freearc1->nextArc : NULL;

        while (freearc1 != NULL && freearc2 != NULL)
            if (rank % 2 == 0)
                delete freearc1->reverseArc;
                delete freearc1;
                freearc1 = freearc2->nextArc;
                delete freearc2->reverseArc;
                delete freearc2;
                freearc2 = freearc1->nextArc;
        if (freearc1 != NULL)
            delete freearc1->reverseArc;
            delete freearc1;
        if (freearc2 != NULL)
            delete freearc2->reverseArc;
            delete freearc2;

 * display the graph whose structure is adjacency list.
void Graph::display()
    if (log_level < DEBUG_LEVEL)

    printf("Graph's adjacency list displays: \n");
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++)
        struct Arc *darc;
        printf("node: [%d]", NodeList[i].ID);
        darc = NodeList[i].firstArc;
        while (darc != NULL)
            printf(" -> %d(%d,%d)", darc->dstID, darc->bandwidth, darc->rental);
            darc = darc->nextArc;

/** are you prefer ZKW algorithm to SPFA algorithm? */
void Graph::preferZKW(bool _useZKW)
    useZKW = _useZKW;

/** a collection of things to be done before executing minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, this function called only once. */
void Graph::preMinimumCostMaximumFlow()
    superSourceID = static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum + consumptionNodeNum);
    superSinkID = static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum + consumptionNodeNum + 1);
    NodeList[superSourceID].ID = superSourceID;
    NodeList[superSinkID].ID = superSinkID;
    for (uint32_t l = 0; l < consumptionNodeNum; ++l)
        sumFlux += demandTable[l];

    if (useZKW)
        visited = new bool[nodeNum+2];
        fluxFeeArray = new FluxFee[networkNodeNum*networkNodeNum];
        feeMatrix = new FluxFee*[networkNodeNum]; // a point array, convenient to use form feeMatrix[i][j]
        for (uint32_t k = 0; k < networkNodeNum; ++k)
            feeMatrix[k] = fluxFeeArray + k*networkNodeNum;
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++j)
                feeMatrix[i][j].from = i;
                feeMatrix[i][j].to = j;


/** API function for Greedy. */
void Graph::setExchangeOperation(bool _exchange_operation)
    exchangeOperation = _exchange_operation;

/** decide which concrete minimum cost maximum flow algorithm to be executed by bool variable useZKW. */
long Graph::minimumCostMaximumFlow(std::list<int>& servers)
    if (useZKW)
        return _ZKW();
        return _SPFA();

/** a minimum cost maximum flow algorithm using priority queue. */
long Graph::_SPFA()
    long totalCost = 0;
    int sumFlow = sumFlux;
    int u, v;
    uint32_t totalNodeNum = nodeNum + 2;
    struct Arc *parc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;
    std::vector<int> h(totalNodeNum, 0);
    std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >, std::greater<std::pair<int, int> > > priorityQ;

    while (sumFlow > 0)
        std::fill(dist, dist + totalNodeNum, INF);
        dist[superSourceID] = 0;
        priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(0, superSourceID));
        while (!priorityQ.empty())
            std::pair<int, int> qTop = priorityQ.top();
            u = qTop.second;
            if (dist[u] < qTop.first)

            parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->arcID < 4*static_cast<int>(linkNum)) // only arcs that between network nodes have opposite arc
                    rarc = oppositeReverseArc(parc->arcID);
                    if (parc->arcID % 2 == 0) // itself first, reverse arc of its opposite arc second
                        v = parc->dstID;
                        if (parc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                            pi[v] = u;
                            arcRecord[v] = parc;
                            priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
                        v = rarc->dstID;
                        if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                            pi[v] = u;
                            arcRecord[v] = rarc;
                            priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
                    else // reverse arc of its opposite arc first, itself second
                        v = rarc->dstID;
                        if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                            pi[v] = u;
                            arcRecord[v] = rarc;
                            priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
                        v = parc->dstID;
                        if (parc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                            pi[v] = u;
                            arcRecord[v] = parc;
                            priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
                    if (u >= static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum) && u < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum + consumptionNodeNum)) // u is a consumption node
                        rarc = NodeList[accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].firstArc;
                        while (rarc != NULL)
                            if (rarc->dstID == u)
                            rarc = rarc->nextArc;
                        rarc = rarc->reverseArc;

                        v = rarc->dstID;
                        if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + rarc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                            pi[v] = u;
                            arcRecord[v] = rarc;
                            priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));

                    v = parc->dstID;
                    if (parc->initialCap > 0 && dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v])
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->rental + h[u] - h[v];
                        pi[v] = u;
                        arcRecord[v] = parc;
                        priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
                parc = parc->nextArc;
        if (dist[superSinkID] == INF)
            return -1;
        for (u = 0; u < (int)totalNodeNum; ++u)
            h[u] += dist[u];

        int d = sumFlow;
        for (u = superSinkID; u != superSourceID; u = pi[u])
            parc = arcRecord[u];
            d = std::min(d, parc->initialCap);
        for (u = superSinkID; u != superSourceID; u = pi[u])
            parc = arcRecord[u];
            totalCost += d*parc->rental;
        sumFlow -= d;
        for (u = superSinkID; u != superSourceID; u = pi[u])
            parc = arcRecord[u];
            parc->initialCap -= d;
            parc->reverseArc->initialCap += d;
    return totalCost;

/** https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c1368h1020435 */
long Graph::_ZKW()
    long totalCost = 0;

    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int augFlow = 0;
    int sumFlow = sumFlux;
    cost = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++j)
            feeMatrix[i][j].fee = 0;

    do {
        do {
            memset(visited, false, (nodeNum+2) * sizeof(bool));
            augFlow = _augment(superSourceID, INF, superSourceID, totalCost);
            sumFlow -= augFlow;
        while ( augFlow );
    while ( _modifyLabel() );

    if (exchangeOperation)
        while (!fluxFeeQueue.empty())

        for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++i)
            for (j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++j)
                if (feeMatrix[i][j].fee > 0)

    return sumFlow > 0 ? -1 : totalCost;

/** find a augment path in graph, this function is called by _ZKW(). */
int Graph::_augment(int u, int f, int from, long& totalCost)
    if (u == superSinkID)
        totalCost += cost * f;
        // debug_log("totalCost: %ld, cost: %ld, f: %d\n", totalCost, cost, f);
        return f;

    visited[u] = true;

    int left = f;
    int v = -1;
    struct Arc *parc = NodeList[u].firstArc, *rarc = NULL;
    while (parc != NULL)
        if (parc->arcID < 4*static_cast<int>(linkNum)) // only arcs that between network nodes have opposite arc
            rarc = oppositeReverseArc(parc->arcID);
            if (parc->arcID % 2 == 0) // itself first, reverse arc of its opposite arc second
                v = parc->dstID;
                if (parc->initialCap > 0 && !parc->initialCost && visited[v] == false)
                    if (u == superSourceID)
                        from = v;
                    int delta = _augment(v, left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap, from, totalCost);
                    if (v == superSinkID)
                        feeMatrix[from][accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].fee += cost * (left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap);
                    parc->initialCap -= delta;
                    parc->reverseArc->initialCap += delta;
                    left -= delta;
                    if (left == 0)
                        return f;

                v = rarc->dstID;
                if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && !rarc->initialCost && visited[v] == false)
                    if (u == superSourceID)
                        from = v;
                    int delta = _augment(v, left < rarc->initialCap ? left : rarc->initialCap, from, totalCost);
                    if (v == superSinkID)
                        feeMatrix[from][accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].fee += cost * (left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap);
                    rarc->initialCap -= delta;
                    rarc->reverseArc->initialCap += delta;
                    left -= delta;
                    if (left == 0)
                        return f;
            else // reverse arc of its opposite arc first, itself second
                v = rarc->dstID;
                if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && !rarc->initialCost && visited[v] == false)
                    if (u == superSourceID)
                        from = v;
                    int delta = _augment(v, left < rarc->initialCap ? left : rarc->initialCap, from, totalCost);
                    if (v == superSinkID)
                        feeMatrix[from][accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].fee += cost * (left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap);
                    rarc->initialCap -= delta;
                    rarc->reverseArc->initialCap += delta;
                    left -= delta;
                    if (left == 0)
                        return f;

                v = parc->dstID;
                if (parc->initialCap > 0 && !parc->initialCost && visited[v] == false)
                    if (u == superSourceID)
                        from = v;
                    int delta = _augment(v, left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap, from, totalCost);
                    if (v == superSinkID)
                        feeMatrix[from][accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].fee += cost * (left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap);
                    parc->initialCap -= delta;
                    parc->reverseArc->initialCap += delta;
                    left -= delta;
                    if (left == 0)
                        return f;
            v = parc->dstID;
            if (parc->initialCap > 0 && !parc->initialCost && visited[v] == false)
                if (u == superSourceID)
                        from = v;
                int delta = _augment(v, left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap, from, totalCost);
                if (v == superSinkID)
                    feeMatrix[from][accessTable[u-(int)networkNodeNum]].fee += cost * (left < parc->initialCap ? left : parc->initialCap);
                parc->initialCap -= delta;
                parc->reverseArc->initialCap += delta;
                left -= delta;
                if (left == 0)
                    return f;
        parc = parc->nextArc;

    return f - left;

/** modify arcs' status in graph, this function is called by _ZKW(). */
bool Graph::_modifyLabel()
    int delta = INF;

    uint32_t u = 0;
    int v = 0;
    struct Arc *parc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;

    for (u = 0; u < nodeNum + 2; ++u)
        if (visited[u])
            for (parc = NodeList[u].firstArc; parc != NULL; parc = parc->nextArc)
                if (parc->arcID < 4*static_cast<int>(linkNum)) // only arcs that between network nodes have opposite arc
                    rarc = oppositeReverseArc(parc->arcID);
                    if (parc->arcID % 2 == 0) // itself first, reverse arc of its opposite arc second
                        v = parc->dstID;
                        if (parc->initialCap > 0 && visited[v] == false && delta > parc->initialCost)
                            delta = parc->initialCost;

                        v = rarc->dstID;
                        if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && visited[v] == false && delta > rarc->initialCost)
                            delta = rarc->initialCost;
                    else // reverse arc of its opposite arc first, itself second
                        v = rarc->dstID;
                        if (rarc->initialCap > 0 && visited[v] == false && delta > rarc->initialCost)
                            delta = rarc->initialCost;

                        v = parc->dstID;
                        if (parc->initialCap > 0 && visited[v] == false && delta > parc->initialCost)
                            delta = parc->initialCost;
                    v = parc->dstID;
                    if (parc->initialCap > 0 && visited[v] == false && delta > parc->initialCost)
                        delta = parc->initialCost;

    // info_log("delta: %d\n", delta);
    if (delta == INF)
        return false;

    for (u = 0; u < nodeNum + 2; ++u)
        if (visited[u])
            for (parc = NodeList[u].firstArc; parc != NULL; parc = parc->nextArc)
                if (parc->arcID < 4*static_cast<int>(linkNum)) // only arcs that between network nodes have opposite arc
                    rarc = oppositeReverseArc(parc->arcID);
                    if (parc->arcID % 2 == 0) // itself first, reverse arc of its opposite arc second
                        parc->initialCost -= delta;
                        parc->reverseArc->initialCost += delta;

                        rarc->initialCost -= delta;
                        rarc->reverseArc->initialCost += delta;
                    else // reverse arc of its opposite arc first, itself second
                        rarc->initialCost -= delta;
                        rarc->reverseArc->initialCost += delta;

                        parc->initialCost -= delta;
                        parc->reverseArc->initialCost += delta;
                    parc->initialCost -= delta;
                    parc->reverseArc->initialCost += delta;

    if (delta > 0)
        cost += delta; // TODO: handle the situation when delta < 0, try to avoid this happened.

    return true;

/** a collection of things to be done after executing minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, this function called only once. */
void Graph::postMinimumCostMaximumFlow()

    if (useZKW)
        delete []visited;
        delete []feeMatrix;
        delete []fluxFeeArray;

/** revert the status of all arcs to initialization, this function should be called every time right after algorithm finished. */
void Graph::revertStatusToInitialization()

    if (useZKW)

/** revert the capacity of all arcs to initialization, this function is called by revertStatusToInitialization(). */
void Graph::_revertCapacityToInitialization()
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4*linkNum; ++i)
        arcTable[i]->initialCap = arcTable[i]->bandwidth;
    for (i = 4*linkNum; i < 4*linkNum+8*consumptionNodeNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i]->initialCap = arcTable[i]->bandwidth;
    for (i = 4*linkNum + 1; i < 4*linkNum+4*sourceNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i]->initialCap = arcTable[i]->bandwidth;

/** revert the cost of all arcs to initialization, this function is called by revertStatusToInitialization(). */
void Graph::_revertCostToInitialization()
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4*linkNum; ++i)
        arcTable[i]->initialCost = arcTable[i]->rental;
    for (i = 4*linkNum; i < 4*linkNum+8*consumptionNodeNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i]->initialCost = arcTable[i]->rental;
    for (i = 4*linkNum + 1; i < 4*linkNum+4*sourceNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i]->initialCost = arcTable[i]->rental;

/** used to record flow paths after minimum cost maximum flow algorithm finished, this function should be called only once. */
void Graph::recordFlowPath()
    int source = superSourceID;
    int terminal = superSinkID;
    std::vector<int> path;
    while ( _DFS(source, terminal, path, INF) )

/** called by recordFlowPath(). */
bool Graph::_DFS(int s, int t, std::vector<int>& path, int tmpFlow)
    if (s == t)
        minFlow = tmpFlow;
        return true;
    struct Arc *parc = NodeList[s].firstArc;
    while (parc != NULL)
        if (parc->bandwidth - parc->initialCap > 0)
            if (parc->dstID != t)
            if ( _DFS(parc->dstID, t, path, std::min(tmpFlow, parc->bandwidth - parc->initialCap)) )
                parc->initialCap += minFlow;
                return true;
        parc = parc->nextArc;
    return false;

/** add the super source node, this function should be called every time right before algorithm starts. */
void Graph::addSuperSource(std::list<int>& servers)
    struct Arc *parc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;

    sourceNum = static_cast<uint32_t>(servers.size());

     * 1. range of links that between network nodes is [0, 4*linkNum-1], and all integer indices are filled;
     * 2. range of links that between access network node and consumption node is
     *    [4*linkNum, 4*linkNum+4*consumptionNodeNum-2], and all even indices are filled;
     * 3. range of links that between consumption nodes and super sink node is
     *    [4*linkNum+4*consumptionNodeNum, 4*linkNum+8*consumptionNodeNum-2], and all even indices are filled;
     * 4. in order to use unfilled indices effectively, let range of links that between
     *    super source node and server deployment nodes be [4*linkNum+1, 4*linkNum+4*sourceNum-1].
    arcIDIncrement = 4*linkNum + 1;

    for (std::list<int>::iterator iter = servers.begin(); iter != servers.end(); ++iter)
        parc = new Arc;
        parc->srcID = superSourceID;
        parc->dstID = *iter;         // network node which deploys a CDN server
        parc->bandwidth = INF;       // throughput of the CDN server is infinite
        parc->rental = 0;            // access link need no rental fee
        parc->initialCap = INF;
        parc->initialCost = 0;
        parc->nextArc = NULL;
        rarc = new Arc;
        rarc->srcID = parc->dstID;
        rarc->dstID = parc->srcID;
        rarc->rental = 0;
        parc->reverseArc = rarc;
        rarc->reverseArc = parc;

        if (NodeList[superSourceID].firstArc == NULL)
            NodeList[superSourceID].firstArc = parc;
            NodeList[superSourceID].lastArc->nextArc = parc; // append to the last
        NodeList[superSourceID].lastArc = parc; // update lastArc too

        arcTable[parc->arcID] = parc;
        arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;

/** delete the super source node, this function should be called every time right after algorithm finished. */
void Graph::delSuperSource()
    struct Arc *freearc1 = NodeList[superSourceID].firstArc, *freearc2 = NULL;

    if (freearc1 != NULL)
        freearc2 = freearc1->nextArc;
        warning_log("have you add super source before? Or are you trying to delete super source twice?\n");

    uint32_t rank = 0;

    while (freearc1 != NULL && freearc2 != NULL)
        if (rank % 2 == 0)
            delete freearc1->reverseArc;
            delete freearc1;
            freearc1 = freearc2->nextArc;
            delete freearc2->reverseArc;
            delete freearc2;
            freearc2 = freearc1->nextArc;
    if (freearc1 != NULL)
        delete freearc1->reverseArc;
        delete freearc1;
    if (freearc2 != NULL)
        delete freearc2->reverseArc;
        delete freearc2;
    NodeList[superSourceID].firstArc = NULL;
    NodeList[superSourceID].lastArc = NULL;

    for (uint32_t i = 4*linkNum + 1; i < 4*linkNum+4*sourceNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i] = NULL;

/** display arcs from super source to deployment node, only useful when debugging. */
void Graph::displaySuperSource()
    if (log_level < DEBUG_LEVEL)

    printf("Super source node's adjacency list displays: \n");

    struct Arc *darc;
    printf("node: [%d]", NodeList[superSourceID].ID);
    darc = NodeList[superSourceID].firstArc;
    while (darc != NULL)
        printf(" -> %d(%d,%d)", darc->dstID, darc->bandwidth, darc->rental);
        darc = darc->nextArc;

/** add the super sink node, this function is called by preMinimumCostMaximumFlow(). */
void Graph::_addSuperSink()
    struct Arc *parc = NULL, *rarc = NULL;
    arcIDIncrement = 4*linkNum + 4*consumptionNodeNum;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
        uint32_t curNode = networkNodeNum + i; // consumption node index

        parc = new Arc;
        parc->srcID = curNode;
        parc->dstID = superSinkID;         // super sink node
        parc->bandwidth = demandTable[i];  // demand bandwidth of each consumption node
        parc->rental = 0;                  // access link need no rental fee
        parc->initialCap = demandTable[i];
        parc->initialCost = 0;
        parc->nextArc = NULL;
        rarc = new Arc;
        rarc->srcID = parc->dstID;
        rarc->dstID = parc->srcID;
        rarc->rental = 0;
        parc->reverseArc = rarc;
        rarc->reverseArc = parc;

        NodeList[curNode].firstArc = parc; // consumption node firstArc must be NULL before
        NodeList[curNode].lastArc = parc;  // update lastArc too

        arcTable[parc->arcID] = parc;
        arcTable[rarc->arcID] = rarc;

/** delete the super sink node, this function is called by postMinimumCostMaximumFlow(). */
void Graph::_delSuperSink()
    uint32_t i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
        struct Arc *freearc = NodeList[networkNodeNum+i].firstArc;

        if (freearc != NULL) // avoid crashing when repeat call this function
            delete freearc->reverseArc;
            delete freearc;

        NodeList[networkNodeNum+i].firstArc = NULL;
        NodeList[networkNodeNum+i].lastArc = NULL;

    for (i = 4*linkNum+4*consumptionNodeNum; i < 4*linkNum+8*consumptionNodeNum; i += 2)
        arcTable[i] = NULL;

 * use BFS algorithm to traverse the graph at the start node src.
void Graph::BFS(int src)
    int i, u, v;
    for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(nodeNum); ++i)
        color[i] = Colortype::White;
        dist[i] = INF;
        pi[i] = -1;
    color[src] = Colortype::Gray;
    dist[src] = 0;
    pi[src] = -1;
    arcRecord[src] = NULL;

    std::queue<int> Q;
    while (!Q.empty())
        u = Q.front();
        struct Arc *parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            v = parc->dstID;
            if (color[v] == Colortype::White && parc->rental != INF)
                color[v] = Colortype::Gray;
                dist[v] = dist[u] + 1;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = parc;
            parc = parc->nextArc;
        color[u] = Colortype::Black;

 * use dijkstra algorithm to calculate the minimum distance from node src to other nodes.
void Graph::dijkstra(int src)
    int i, u, v;
    for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(nodeNum); ++i)
        dist[i] = INF;
        pi[i] = 0;
    dist[src] = 0;
    pi[src] = -1;
    arcRecord[src] = NULL;

    std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >, std::greater<std::pair<int, int> > > priorityQ;
    priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(0, src));
    while (!priorityQ.empty())
        u = priorityQ.top().second;
        struct Arc *parc = NodeList[u].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            v = parc->dstID;
            if (dist[v] > dist[u] + parc->rental)
                dist[v] = dist[u] + parc->rental;
                pi[v] = u;
                arcRecord[v] = parc;
                priorityQ.push(std::pair<int, int>(dist[v], v));
            parc = parc->nextArc;

 * obtain the node path from src to dst after call BFS() or dijkstra().
void Graph::recordNodePath(std::vector<int>& path, int src, int dst)
    std::stack<int> S;
    while (dst != src)
        dst = pi[dst];
    while (!S.empty())

 * obtain the arc path from src to dst after call BFS() or dijkstra().
long Graph::recordArcPath(std::vector<struct Arc*>& path, int src, int dst)
    std::stack<int> S;
    long costSum = 0;
    while (dst != src)
        int tmp = dst;
        dst = arcRecord[dst]->arcID;
        dst = pi[tmp];
    while (!S.empty())
        costSum += arcTable[S.top()]->rental;
    return costSum;

/** verification of the final CDN server deployment scheme. */
bool verifyScheme(Graph& graph, std::list<std::vector<int> >& fluxPathList, long& totalRentalFee)
    if (fluxPathList.size() > 50000)
        error_log("The number of flux paths has overstep the limits!\n");
        return false;

    size_t i = 0;
    totalRentalFee = 0;
    std::vector<int> demandSatified(consumptionNodeNum, 0);
    std::vector<int> arcLeftBandwidth(arcTable.size(), 0);
    for (i = 0; i < arcTable.size(); ++i)
        if (arcTable[i] != NULL)
            arcLeftBandwidth[i] = arcTable[i]->bandwidth;

    int fluxPathIdx = 1;
    for (std::list<std::vector<int> >::iterator iter = fluxPathList.begin(); iter != fluxPathList.end(); ++iter, ++fluxPathIdx)
        debug_log("verify flux path %d...\n", fluxPathIdx);
        std::vector<int>& fluxPath = *iter; // alias
        if (fluxPath.size() < 3)
            error_log("The number of nodes in a flux path less than 3, it must be an invalid flux path!\n");
            return false;
        if (fluxPath.size() > 1000)
            error_log("The number of nodes in a flux path has overstep the limits!\n");
            return false;

        struct Arc *parc = graph.NodeList[fluxPath[0]].firstArc;
        size_t accessNodeIdx = fluxPath.size() - 3;
        int consumptionNodeID = fluxPath[accessNodeIdx+1];
        int consumptionBandwidth = fluxPath.back();
        for (i = 1; i <= accessNodeIdx; ++i)
            while (parc != NULL)
                if (parc->dstID == fluxPath[i])
                    totalRentalFee += parc->rental*consumptionBandwidth;
                    arcLeftBandwidth[parc->arcID] -= consumptionBandwidth;
                    if (arcLeftBandwidth[parc->arcID] < 0)
                        error_log("The left bandwidth of arc[%d] which is %d -> %d belows zero!\n", parc->arcID, parc->srcID, parc->dstID);
                        return false;
                    parc = graph.NodeList[parc->dstID].firstArc;
                parc = parc->nextArc;
            if (parc == NULL)
                error_log("The flux path has an arc that is not in the graph!\n");
                return false;

        if (fluxPath[accessNodeIdx] != accessTable[consumptionNodeID])
            error_log("The access network node[%d] in the flux path is not the same with that required[%d]!\n", fluxPath[accessNodeIdx], accessTable[consumptionNodeID]);
            return false;
        demandSatified[consumptionNodeID] += consumptionBandwidth;
    for (uint32_t k = 0; k < consumptionNodeNum; ++k)
        if (demandSatified[k] < demandTable[k])
            error_log("The flux scheme cannot satify the bandwidth requirement of consumption node[%u]!\n", k);
            return false;
    return true;


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: TopologyScanner.h                                                          *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *

#include "Graph.h"

/** A class undertaking to scan graph topology to find some useful results. */
class TopologyScanner
    explicit TopologyScanner(Graph& _graph);

    TopologyScanner(const TopologyScanner& rhs) = delete;
    TopologyScanner& operator=(const TopologyScanner& rhs) = delete;

    void scan();
    void recommend(std::list<std::vector<int> >& initialServerGroups);

    /** API for Greedy. */
    int* getOutLinkCap() { return outLinkCap; }
    /** API for Greedy. */
    double* getRentalDeployFeeRatio() { return rentalDeployFeeRatio; }

    /** description of the density of arcs in graph. */
    enum class ArcDensity {
        Unknown = 0,
    /** description of the density of consumption nodes in graph. */
    enum class CspDensity {
        Unknown = 8,
    const char* _arcDensityString();
    const char* _cspDensityString();
    void _defineDensity();
    void _mustDeployOnAccess();
    void _decideMultiplicativeFactor();
    void _selectByScore();

    Graph &graph; ///< reference to graph.
    ArcDensity arcDensity; ///< stores the density of arcs in graph.
    CspDensity cspDensity; ///< stores the density of consumption nodes in graph.
    int mNetworkNodeNum;      ///< equals to networkNodeNum, just get rid of annoying type incompatible warning.
    int mServerDeploymentFee; ///< equals to serverDeploymentFee, just get rid of annoying type incompatible warning.
    int lowerBoundNum;  ///< lower bound number of network nodes needed to deploy server.
    int upBoundNum;     ///< up bound number of network nodes needed to deploy server.

    /** @name status of all network nodes. */
    int *outLinkNum;    ///< the number of links of a network node.
    int *outLinkCap;    ///< the sum up capacity of all links of a network node.
    double *outLinkFee; ///< the weighted average rental fee of all links of a network node.
    double *capRank;    ///< the sum up capacity rank of a network node.
    double *feeRank;    ///< the weighted average rental fee rank of a network node.
    int *scoreTable;    ///< stores score of all network nodes.

    /** @name status of access network nodes. */
    double *rentalDeployFeeRatio; ///< when an access node doesn't deploy server, it will need a minimum link rental fee X, this ratio value certainly is X/singleServerFee.

    double multiplicativeFactor;  ///< the result multiplied by consumption node num is the number of network nodes to be selected as possible servers' deployment location. (decided by cspDensity)
    std::vector<int> possibleServers; ///< all network nodes with high score that are possibly chosen as where to deploy servers.

#endif /* __TOPOLOGYSCANNER_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: TopologyScanner.cpp                                                        *
 * @author: Xu Le                                                                    *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "TopologyScanner.h"

extern int log_level;

extern uint32_t networkNodeNum;
extern uint32_t linkNum;
extern uint32_t consumptionNodeNum;
extern uint32_t serverDeploymentFee;

extern std::vector<int> accessTable;
extern std::vector<int> demandTable;

TopologyScanner::TopologyScanner(Graph& _graph) : graph(_graph), arcDensity(ArcDensity::Unknown), cspDensity(CspDensity::Unknown), lowerBoundNum(0), multiplicativeFactor(1.0)
    mNetworkNodeNum = static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum);
    mServerDeploymentFee = static_cast<int>(serverDeploymentFee);
    upBoundNum = static_cast<int>(consumptionNodeNum);
    outLinkNum = new int[networkNodeNum];
    outLinkCap = new int[networkNodeNum];
    outLinkFee = new double[networkNodeNum];
    capRank = new double[networkNodeNum];
    feeRank = new double[networkNodeNum];
    scoreTable = new int[networkNodeNum];
    rentalDeployFeeRatio = new double[consumptionNodeNum];
    std::fill(outLinkNum, outLinkNum + networkNodeNum, 0);
    std::fill(outLinkCap, outLinkCap + networkNodeNum, 0);
    std::fill(outLinkFee, outLinkFee + networkNodeNum, 0.0);

    delete []outLinkNum;
    delete []outLinkCap;
    delete []outLinkFee;
    delete []capRank;
    delete []feeRank;
    delete []scoreTable;
    delete []rentalDeployFeeRatio;

/** scan the network topology of graph. */
void TopologyScanner::scan()
    printf("\n====================    Enter topology scanner category    ====================\n");


    uint32_t i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        struct Arc *parc = graph.NodeList[i].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            if (parc->dstID < mNetworkNodeNum)
                outLinkCap[i] += parc->bandwidth;
                outLinkFee[i] += parc->bandwidth*parc->rental;
            parc = parc->nextArc;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > sortLinkCap;
    std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > sortLinkFee;

    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        outLinkFee[i] /= outLinkCap[i];
        sortLinkCap.emplace_back(outLinkCap[i], i);
        sortLinkFee.emplace_back(outLinkFee[i], i);
    std::sort(sortLinkCap.begin(), sortLinkCap.end(), std::greater<std::pair<int, int> >());
    std::sort(sortLinkFee.begin(), sortLinkFee.end());
    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        capRank[sortLinkCap[i].second] = 1.0 - static_cast<double>(i)/mNetworkNodeNum;
        feeRank[sortLinkFee[i].second] = 1.0 - static_cast<double>(i)/mNetworkNodeNum;
    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        debug_log("node[%u] -> outLinkCap: %d, outLinkFee: %f, capRank: %f, feeRank: %f\n", i, outLinkCap[i], outLinkFee[i], capRank[i], feeRank[i]);

    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        scoreTable[i] = 200 * capRank[i] + 200 * feeRank[i];



/** recommend some node groups, combinations of them may be good as the input of the next algorithm. */
void TopologyScanner::recommend(std::list<std::vector<int> >& initialServerGroups)
    uint32_t i = 0, j = 0, definiteNum = 0;
    std::vector<int> certainGroup;
    info_log("definite servers:");
    for (size_t k = 0; k < possibleServers.size(); ++k)
        if (scoreTable[possibleServers[k]] != INF)
        printf(" %d", possibleServers[k]);
    for (i = definiteNum; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(possibleServers.size()); ++i) // shift to overlaying definite servers, pop_back() operation is not necessary
        possibleServers[i-definiteNum] = possibleServers[i];

    info_log("possible servers:");
    if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL) // print possible servers
        for (i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(possibleServers.size())-definiteNum; ++i)
            printf(" %d", possibleServers[i]);
    if (definiteNum == 0)
        certainGroup.push_back(-1); // indicates there is no network nodes have to deploy a server

    // divide possible servers into groups in order to use different combination of them,
    // obviously, different combination lead to different link rental fee
    uint32_t CN = static_cast<uint32_t>(possibleServers.size()) - definiteNum; // alias of short name "CandidateNumber"

    int *hopAmongCandidates = new int[CN*CN];
    int **hopAmong = new int*[CN]; // a point array, convenient to use form hopAmong[i][j]
    for (i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
        hopAmong[i] = hopAmongCandidates + i*CN;

    int *minimumHop = new int[CN];
    double *averageHop = new double[CN];
    std::unordered_set<int> accessNodeSet;
    for (i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
    std::vector<std::pair<int /* group */, bool /* determined */> > partion;
    for (i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
        partion.emplace_back(0, false);
        minimumHop[i] = INF;
        averageHop[i] = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < CN; ++j)
            int hops = graph.dist[possibleServers[j]]; // alias
            hopAmong[i][j] = hops;
            averageHop[i] += hops;
            if (minimumHop[i] > hops && j != i)
                minimumHop[i] = hops;
            if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)
                printf("%d ", hops);
        averageHop[i] /= (CN-1);
        if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)
            printf("    ---    %d,%f\n", minimumHop[i], averageHop[i]);

    int curGroup = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
        if (partion[i].second == false)
            partion[i].first = curGroup;
            for (j = i+1; j < CN; ++j)
                if (partion[j].second == false && hopAmong[i][j] == 1 && (accessNodeSet.find(possibleServers[i]) == accessNodeSet.end() || accessNodeSet.find(possibleServers[j]) == accessNodeSet.end()))
                    partion[j].first = curGroup;
                    partion[j].second = true;
    if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)
        for (i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
            printf("%d ", partion[i].first);

    for (int groupIdx = 1; groupIdx < curGroup; ++groupIdx)
        for (i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
            if (partion[i].first == groupIdx)
        // info_log("group %d:", groupIdx);
        // printVector(certainGroup, " ");

    delete []minimumHop;
    delete []averageHop;
    delete []hopAmong;
    delete []hopAmongCandidates;

    printf("====================    Exit topology scanner category    ====================\n\n");

const char* TopologyScanner::_arcDensityString()
    switch (arcDensity)
    case ArcDensity::UltraSparse:
        return "ultra-sparse";
    case ArcDensity::VerySparse:
        return "very-sparse";
    case ArcDensity::Sparse:
        return "sparse";
    case ArcDensity::General:
        return "general";
    case ArcDensity::Dense:
        return "dense";
    case ArcDensity::VeryDense:
        return "very-dense";
    case ArcDensity::UltraDense:
        return "ultra-dense";
        return "unknown";

const char* TopologyScanner::_cspDensityString()
    switch (cspDensity)
    case CspDensity::UltraSparse:
        return "ultra-sparse";
    case CspDensity::VerySparse:
        return "very-sparse";
    case CspDensity::Sparse:
        return "sparse";
    case CspDensity::General:
        return "general";
    case CspDensity::Dense:
        return "dense";
    case CspDensity::VeryDense:
        return "very-dense";
    case CspDensity::UltraDense:
        return "ultra-dense";
        return "unknown";

void TopologyScanner::_defineDensity()
    double _arc_density = static_cast<double>(2*linkNum) / mNetworkNodeNum;
    if (_arc_density < 2.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::UltraSparse;
    else if (_arc_density >= 2.0 && _arc_density < 3.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::VerySparse;
    else if (_arc_density >= 3.0 && _arc_density < 4.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::Sparse;
    else if (_arc_density >= 4.0 && _arc_density < 6.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::General;
    else if (_arc_density >= 6.0 && _arc_density < 9.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::Dense;
    else if (_arc_density >= 9.0 && _arc_density < 14.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::VeryDense;
    else // (_arc_density >= 14.0)
        arcDensity = ArcDensity::UltraDense;
    info_log("arc ratio: %f, its density level: %s\n", _arc_density, _arcDensityString());
    double _csp_density = static_cast<double>(consumptionNodeNum) / mNetworkNodeNum;
    if (_csp_density < 0.1)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::UltraSparse;
    else if (_csp_density >= 0.1 && _csp_density < 0.15)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::VerySparse;
    else if (_csp_density >= 0.15 && _csp_density < 0.2)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::Sparse;
    else if (_csp_density >= 0.2 && _csp_density < 0.3)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::General;
    else if (_csp_density >= 0.3 && _csp_density < 0.4)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::Dense;
    else if (_csp_density >= 0.4 && _csp_density < 0.5)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::VeryDense;
    else // (_csp_density >= 0.5)
        cspDensity = CspDensity::UltraDense;
    info_log("csp ratio: %f, its density level: %s\n", _csp_density, _cspDensityString());

void TopologyScanner::_mustDeployOnAccess()
    std::vector<std::pair<int /* rental */, int /* bandwidth */> > feeCapPair;
    feeCapPair.reserve(32); // 2^5 > 20

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
        int accessNode = accessTable[i]; // alias
        int demandFlux = demandTable[i]; // alias
        if (outLinkCap[accessNode] < demandFlux)
            scoreTable[accessNode] = INF; // large enough, indicating this network node must be deployed with a server

        struct Arc *parc = graph.NodeList[accessNode].firstArc;
        while (parc != NULL)
            if (parc->dstID < mNetworkNodeNum)
                feeCapPair.emplace_back(parc->rental, parc->bandwidth);
            parc = parc->nextArc;

        std::sort(feeCapPair.begin(), feeCapPair.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int>& lhs, const std::pair<int, int>& rhs) {
            if (lhs.first == rhs.first)
                return lhs.second > rhs.second;
            return lhs.first < rhs.first;

        int inputFlux = 0, inputRentalFee = 0;
        size_t j = 0;
        for (; inputFlux < demandFlux && j < feeCapPair.size(); ++j)
            inputFlux += feeCapPair[j].second;
            inputRentalFee += feeCapPair[j].first * feeCapPair[j].second;
        inputRentalFee -= (inputFlux - demandFlux) * feeCapPair[j-1].first;
        rentalDeployFeeRatio[i] = static_cast<double>(inputRentalFee) / mServerDeploymentFee;

        debug_log("minimum input rental fee of access node [%d] is %d, rental deploy ratio %f\n", accessNode, inputRentalFee, rentalDeployFeeRatio[i]);

        if (inputRentalFee >= mServerDeploymentFee)
            info_log("access node [%d] have to deploy a server.\n", accessNode);
            scoreTable[accessNode] = INF; // large enough, indicating this network node must be deployed with a server


    for (uint32_t k = 0; k < consumptionNodeNum; ++k)
        if (scoreTable[accessTable[k]] != INF) // avoid int type overflow
            scoreTable[accessTable[k]] += 1000 * rentalDeployFeeRatio[k];

void TopologyScanner::_decideMultiplicativeFactor()
    switch (cspDensity)
    case CspDensity::UltraSparse:
        multiplicativeFactor = 4.0; break;
    case CspDensity::VerySparse:
        multiplicativeFactor = 3.0; break;
    case CspDensity::Sparse:
        multiplicativeFactor = 2.5; break;
    case CspDensity::General:
        multiplicativeFactor = 2.0; break;
    case CspDensity::Dense:
        multiplicativeFactor = 1.0; break;
    case CspDensity::VeryDense:
        multiplicativeFactor = 0.8; break;
    case CspDensity::UltraDense:
        multiplicativeFactor = 0.6; break;
        multiplicativeFactor = 2.0; // the same as general case

void TopologyScanner::_selectByScore()

    std::vector<std::pair<int /* score */, int /* ID */> > scoreIDPair;

    uint32_t i = 0, candidateNum = static_cast<uint32_t>(multiplicativeFactor*consumptionNodeNum);
    for (i = 0; i < networkNodeNum; ++i)
        scoreIDPair.emplace_back(scoreTable[i], i);

    std::sort(scoreIDPair.begin(), scoreIDPair.end(), std::greater<std::pair<int, int> >());

    debug_log("score sort from high to low: ");
    for (i = 0; i < candidateNum; ++i)
        if (log_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL)
            printf("%d ", scoreIDPair[i].first);


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Greedy.h                                                                   *
 * @author: Xu Le, He Jianfan                                                        *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#ifndef __GREEDY_H__
#define __GREEDY_H__

#include "TopologyScanner.h"

/** Greedy algorithm implemented by a finite state machine(FSM). */
class Greedy
    Greedy(Graph& _graph, std::list<std::vector<int> >& _serverGroups);

    Greedy(const Greedy& rhs) = delete;
    Greedy& operator=(const Greedy& rhs) = delete;

    void initialize(std::list<int>& servers);
    bool optimize(std::list<int>& servers, long justResultFee);

    void obtainOutLinkCap(int *_out_link_cap);
    void obtainRentalDeployFeeRatio(double *_rental_deploy_fee_ratio);

    enum Progress {
        ZOM, ///< Zero Order Minus
        ZOP, ///< Zero Order Plus
        FOP, ///< First Order Plus
        FOM, ///< First Order Minus
        EX   ///< Exchange Operation

    void _sortCspNode(double *_rental_deploy_fee_ratio);
    uint32_t _selectRestNode(bool onlyAbandon);

    Graph &graph;

    std::set<int> definiteServers;     ///< set of access nodes that have to deploy a cdn server.
    std::unordered_set<int> accessSet; ///< set of all access nodes.

    Progress progress;   ///< indicates current optimize progress.

    int curIdx;          ///< current possible consumption node index.
    int curNBIdx;        ///< current possible selected neighbor node index.
    uint32_t cspCN;      ///< only count those possible consumption node.
    uint32_t totalCN;    ///< only count those possible consumption node before ZOM progress.
    uint32_t neighborCN; ///< only count those possible neighbor node selected by _selectRestNode().

    bool *deployed;      ///< if node x has deployed a server, then deployed[i] is true, otherwise false.
    int *cspRank;        ///< consumption rank used in zero order plus and zero order minus progress.
    int *neighborRank;   ///< neighbor rank used in first order plus progress.
    int *outLinkCap;     ///< the sum up capacity of all links of a network node, it is a point to TopologyScanner::outLinkCap.
    double *cspRDFR;     ///< when an access node doesn't deploy server, it will need a minimum link rental fee X, this ratio value certainly is X/singleServerFee.

    bool hasExecutedZOP;  ///< whether ZOP progress has been executed.
    bool rightAfterExchange; ///< whether we have just executed an exchange operation.
    bool inExchangeProgress; ///< whether current zero order minus operation is a sub operation of exchange operation.
    int lastChangedNode;  ///< store the node in previous minus operation for undo operation.
    int tryExchangeTimes; ///< store the number we have tried to exchange, it is used to resume curIdx when return to exchange operation.
    long lastResultFee;   ///< store the total fee result by previous operation for comparsion purpose.

    std::list<int>::iterator itS; ///< iterate servers list for remove a certain server.

#endif /* __GREEDY_H__ */


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: Greedy.cpp                                                                 *
 * @author: Xu Le, He Jianfan                                                        *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Greedy.h"


#define REMOVE_ACCESS_NODE    for (itS = servers.begin(); itS != servers.end(); ++itS) { if (*itS == cspRank[curIdx]) { servers.erase(itS); break; } }

extern int log_level;

extern uint32_t networkNodeNum;
extern uint32_t linkNum;
extern uint32_t consumptionNodeNum;
extern uint32_t serverDeploymentFee;

extern std::vector<int> accessTable;
extern std::vector<int> demandTable;
extern std::list<int> bestServers;

Greedy::Greedy(Graph& _graph, std::list<std::vector<int> >& _serverGroups) : graph(_graph), progress(Progress::ZOM), curIdx(0), curNBIdx(0), hasExecutedZOP(false), rightAfterExchange(true), inExchangeProgress(false)
    std::vector<int> &firstGroup = _serverGroups.front(); // alias
    if (firstGroup.size() != 1 || firstGroup[0] != -1)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < firstGroup.size(); ++i)

    for (uint32_t k = 0; k < consumptionNodeNum; ++k)

    deployed = new bool[networkNodeNum];
    memset(deployed, false, networkNodeNum*sizeof(bool));
    cspCN = consumptionNodeNum - static_cast<uint32_t>(definiteServers.size());
    totalCN = cspCN;
    cspRank = new int[cspCN];
    cspRDFR = new double[cspCN];

    delete []deployed;
    delete []cspRank;
    delete []cspRDFR;

/** API function of CDN server list initialization required by deploy.cpp. */
void Greedy::initialize(std::list<int>& servers)
    printf("====================    Enter greedy category    ====================\n");
    info_log("====================    Progress::ZOM(1) starts    ====================\n");

    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < cspCN; ++i) // the least rank access node has been removed
        deployed[cspRank[i]] = true;

    for (std::set<int>::iterator itDef = definiteServers.begin(); itDef != definiteServers.end(); ++itDef)
        deployed[*itDef] = true;

    lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx];
    lastResultFee = consumptionNodeNum * serverDeploymentFee; // initial total fee only include server deployment fee

 * @brief API function of CDN server list optimization required by deploy.cpp.
 * 1. initial state is Progress::ZOM and bool variable hasExecutedZOP == false, thus starts at line 127, when it is time to exit this state, then go to line 146,150;
 * 2. when state switched to Progress::ZOP, starts at line 172, when it is time to exit this state, set bool variable hasExecutedZOP = true, then go to line 193,205;
 * 3. when state switched back to Progress::ZOM, starts at line 97, when it is time to exit this state, then go to line 120;
 * 4. when state switched to Progress::EX, starts at line 412, when an exchange action was actually done, set bool variable inExchangeProgress = true and go to line 473, next loop will switch to sub Progress::ZOM;
 *      4.1. the same as step 3. but when it is time to exit loop, then go to line 115, next loop will go to line 146,154;
 *      4.2. the same as step 2. but when it is time to exit loop, then go to line 193,197, next loop return back to Progress::EX and then starts at line 423;
 *    when tryExchangeTimes has exceed the default set or priority_queue graph.fluxFeeQueue is empty, exit Progress::EX at line 456 and switch to state Progress::FOP the next loop;
 * 5. when state switch to Progress::FOP, starts at line 224, here will call function _selectRestNode() at line 266, the next loop will starts at line 306,
 *    when it is time to exit this state, go to line 323 and the switch state to Progress::FOM, the next loop will starts at line 335,
 *    note that this function will return false at line 346, thus the bool variable continueLoop will be assigned false and quit the loop in deploy.cpp.
bool Greedy::optimize(std::list<int>& servers, long justRentalFee)
    long deploymentFee = static_cast<long>(servers.size()) * serverDeploymentFee;
    uint32_t i = 0;

    switch (progress)
    case Progress::ZOM:
        if (hasExecutedZOP) // usually will enter this part
            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // restore the most recently removed node
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = true;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] && curIdx < static_cast<int>(cspCN-1))
            if (curIdx < static_cast<int>(cspCN-1)) // quit above while loop due to the first condition
                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx++];
            else if (inExchangeProgress)
                curIdx = -1; // prepare to start ZOP progress
                hasExecutedZOP = false;
                curIdx = 0;
                graph.setExchangeOperation(true); // needed by exchange progress
                progress = Progress::EX;
        else if (curIdx != -1) // only the initial state ZOM will enter this part
            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // restore the most recently removed node
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = true;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            if (++curIdx >= static_cast<int>(cspCN-1))
                curIdx = -1; // prepare to start ZOP progress
                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx];
        else // curIdx == -1, actually here is a transitional state when the next loop will switch to Progress::ZOP
            lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            if (!inExchangeProgress)
                info_log("Total fee after Progress::ZOM(1) is %ld\n\n", lastResultFee);
                info_log("====================    Progress::ZOP starts    ====================\n");
                info_log("Total fee after sub Progress::ZOM is %ld\n", lastResultFee);

            curIdx = 0; // return to 0, loop restarts again
            while (deployed[cspRank[curIdx]])

            deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = true;
            lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx++];

            progress = Progress::ZOP;
    case Progress::ZOP:
        if (!hasExecutedZOP) // each time when state has just switched to zero order plus, hasExecutedZOP is always false, see line 116
            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // remove the most recently added node
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = false;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            while (deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] && curIdx < static_cast<int>(cspCN-1))
            if (curIdx < static_cast<int>(cspCN-1)) // quit above while loop due to the first condition
                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = true;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx++];
                hasExecutedZOP = true;
            lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            if (inExchangeProgress) // return to exchange progress
                info_log("Total fee after sub Progress::ZOP is %ld\n", lastResultFee);

                curIdx = 1; // assign any number that larger than 0
                graph.setExchangeOperation(true); // update the whole fluxFeeQueue for next exchange preparation
                progress = Progress::EX;
            else // go to zero order progress
                curIdx = 0; // return to 0, loop restarts again
                while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]])

                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx++];

                progress = Progress::ZOM;
                info_log("Total fee after Progress::ZOP is %ld\n\n", lastResultFee);
                info_log("====================    Progress::ZOM(2) starts    ====================\n");
    case Progress::FOP:
        if (curIdx == 0 && curNBIdx == 0)
            lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            // return false;
            info_log("Total fee after Progress::EX is %ld\n\n", lastResultFee);
            info_log("====================    Progress::FOP starts    ====================\n");

            // resort consumption node
            uint32_t newIdx = 0, abandonIdx = 0;
            int *abandonRank = new int[totalCN + definiteServers.size() - servers.size()];
            double *abandonRDFR = new double[totalCN + definiteServers.size() - servers.size()];
            for (i = 0; i < totalCN; ++i)
                if (deployed[cspRank[i]])
                    cspRank[newIdx] = cspRank[i];
                    cspRDFR[newIdx] = cspRDFR[i];
                    abandonRank[abandonIdx] = cspRank[i];
                    abandonRDFR[abandonIdx] = cspRDFR[i];
            if (totalCN + definiteServers.size() - servers.size() != abandonIdx)
                error_log("assert failed.\n");
            cspCN = newIdx; // update cspCN
            for (i = cspCN; i < totalCN; ++i)
                cspRank[i] = abandonRank[i-cspCN];
                cspRDFR[i] = abandonRDFR[i-cspCN];
            delete []abandonRank;
            delete []abandonRDFR;

            for (i = 0; i < totalCN; ++i)
                debug_log("[%u] -> cspRank: %d, cspRDFR: %f\n", i, cspRank[i], cspRDFR[i]);

            neighborCN = _selectRestNode(false);

            if (neighborCN == 0)
                return false;

            if (log_level >= INFO_LEVEL)
                printf("INFO |");
                for (i = 0; i < neighborCN; ++i)
                    printf(" %d", neighborRank[i]);

            servers.push_front(neighborRank[0]); // curIdx == curNBIdx == 0
            deployed[neighborRank[0]] = true;
            progress = Progress::FOM; // note that curIdx still equals to 0
            lastChangedNode = neighborRank[curIdx++];
            curIdx = 0; // test starts from least access node
            info_log("curNBIdx: %d\n", curNBIdx);
            if (curNBIdx == static_cast<int>(neighborCN)) // all selected neighbor nodes have been tested
                delete []neighborRank;

                printf("====================    Exit greedy category    ====================\n\n");
                return false; // quit FOP-FOM atom operation
                deployed[neighborRank[curNBIdx]] = true;
                progress = Progress::FOM; // starts FOM operation
            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // restore the most recently added neighbor node
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = false;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;
                info_log("a neighbor[%d] pass the test\n", lastChangedNode);

            deployed[neighborRank[curIdx]] = true;
            lastChangedNode = neighborRank[curIdx];

            if (++curIdx == static_cast<int>(neighborCN))
                curIdx = -1; // return to -1, loop restarts again
                progress = Progress::FOM;
    case Progress::FOM:
        if (curIdx == -1)
            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // restore the most recently added neighbor node
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = false;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

            delete []neighborRank;

            printf("====================    Exit greedy category    ====================\n\n");
            return false;
        else if (curIdx == 0)
            if (lastResultFee < justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // remove the least access node
                while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]]) // ensure the current access node to remove soon is deployed with a server now
                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx];
                while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]]) // here will enter loop at least once, ensure the next access node to remove is deployed with a server now
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;
                info_log("a neighbor[%d] pass the test\n", neighborRank[curNBIdx]);
                progress = Progress::FOP; // return to progress FOP, then test the next neighbor node
            if (lastResultFee < justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // remove the least access node
                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = true;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx];
                while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] && curIdx < static_cast<int>(cspCN)) // here will enter loop at least once, ensure the next access node to remove is deployed with a server now
                if (curIdx == static_cast<int>(cspCN))
                    // remove current neighbor node added before, because this neighbor node cannot decrease the total fee and failed to pass the test
                    for (itS = servers.begin(); itS != servers.end(); ++itS) { if (*itS == neighborRank[curNBIdx]) { servers.erase(itS); break; } }

                    servers.push_front(lastChangedNode); // note lastChangedNode has been assigned at 8 lines up here, it is not neccessary to test the last access node
                    deployed[lastChangedNode] = true;

                    progress = Progress::FOP; // return to progress FOP, then test the next neighbor node
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;
                info_log("a neighbor[%d] pass the test\n", neighborRank[curNBIdx]);
                progress = Progress::FOP; // return to progress FOP, then test the next neighbor node
    case Progress::EX:
        Graph::FluxFee fluxFee;
        if (curIdx == 0 || rightAfterExchange)
            if (curIdx == 0)
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;

                info_log("Total fee after Progress::ZOM(2) is %ld\n\n", lastResultFee);
                info_log("====================    Progress::EX starts    ====================\n");

                inExchangeProgress = true;
                tryExchangeTimes = 0;

            fluxFee = graph.fluxFeeQueue.top();

            debug_log("from: %d, to: %d, fee: %d\n", fluxFee.from, fluxFee.to, fluxFee.fee);
            // exchange from and to, that is, remove 'from' node as well as add 'to' node
            for (itS = servers.begin(); itS != servers.end(); ++itS) { if (*itS == fluxFee.from) { servers.erase(itS); break; } }
            deployed[fluxFee.from] = false;
            deployed[fluxFee.to] = true;
            lastChangedNode = fluxFee.from;
            graph.setExchangeOperation(false); // avoid changing fluxFeeQueue
            rightAfterExchange = false;

            if (lastResultFee <= justRentalFee + deploymentFee || justRentalFee == -1) // undo previous exchange operation
                deployed[servers.front()] = false;
                servers.pop_front(); // remove the 'to' node added in previous exchange operation
                servers.push_front(lastChangedNode); // restore the 'from' node removed in previous exchange operation
                deployed[lastChangedNode] = true;

                if (graph.fluxFeeQueue.empty() || tryExchangeTimes > 1000) // exit EX progress
                    info_log("tryExchangeTimes: %d\n", tryExchangeTimes);

                    curIdx = 0;
                    while (!graph.fluxFeeQueue.empty())
                    graph.setExchangeOperation(false); // no need to change fluxFeeQueue anymore
                    inExchangeProgress = false; // after now, zero order operation is not a sub operation of exchange operation anymore
                    progress = Progress::FOP;
                    return true;

                fluxFee = graph.fluxFeeQueue.top();

                debug_log("from: %d, to: %d, fee: %d\n", fluxFee.from, fluxFee.to, fluxFee.fee);
                for (itS = servers.begin(); itS != servers.end(); ++itS) { if (*itS == fluxFee.from) { servers.erase(itS); break; } } // exchange from and to
                deployed[fluxFee.from] = false;
                deployed[fluxFee.to] = true;
                lastChangedNode = fluxFee.from;
                lastResultFee = justRentalFee + deploymentFee;
                info_log("node [%d] and [%d] exchanged, now total fee is %ld\n", lastChangedNode, servers.front(), lastResultFee);

                rightAfterExchange = true;

                // prepare to begin sub zero order minus progress
                curIdx = 0; // return to 0, loop restarts again
                while (!deployed[cspRank[curIdx]])

                deployed[cspRank[curIdx]] = false;
                lastChangedNode = cspRank[curIdx++];

                progress = Progress::ZOM;

        error_log("Unknown progress!\n");

    return true;

void Greedy::obtainOutLinkCap(int *_out_link_cap)
    outLinkCap = _out_link_cap;

void Greedy::obtainRentalDeployFeeRatio(double *_rental_deploy_fee_ratio)

void Greedy::_sortCspNode(double *_rental_deploy_fee_ratio)
    std::vector<std::pair<double /* RDFR */, int /* cspID */> > cspSortVec;

    uint32_t i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < consumptionNodeNum; ++i)
        if (definiteServers.find(accessTable[i]) == definiteServers.end())
            cspSortVec.emplace_back(demandTable[i], accessTable[i]);

    std::sort(cspSortVec.begin(), cspSortVec.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int> lhs, const std::pair<int, int> rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; } );

    for (i = 0; i < cspCN; ++i)
        cspRank[i] = cspSortVec[i].second;
        cspRDFR[i] = cspSortVec[i].first;
        debug_log("[%u] -> cspRank: %d, cspRDFR: %f\n", i, cspRank[i], cspRDFR[i]);

uint32_t Greedy::_selectRestNode(bool onlyAbandon)
    uint32_t i = 0, NB_NUM = 0;

    std::vector<std::pair<int /* capacity */, int /* ID */> > neighbors;

        std::set<int> neighborSet;
        for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum); ++j)
            if (accessSet.find(j) == accessSet.end())
        NB_NUM = static_cast<uint32_t>(neighborSet.size());
        for (std::set<int>::iterator itNS = neighborSet.begin(); itNS != neighborSet.end(); ++itNS)
            neighbors.emplace_back(0, *itNS);

    info_log("NB_NUM: %u\n", NB_NUM);

    uint32_t SELECTED_NB_NUM = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < NB_NUM; ++i)
        neighbors[i].first = outLinkCap[neighbors[i].second];

    SELECTED_NB_NUM = NB_NUM; // this can be modified

    std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(), std::greater<std::pair<int, int> >());

    neighborRank = new int[SELECTED_NB_NUM];
    for (i = 0; i < SELECTED_NB_NUM; ++i)
        neighborRank[i] = neighbors[i].second;

    return SELECTED_NB_NUM;


 * @copyright: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.                                          *
 * @file: main.cpp                                                                   *
 * @author: Xu Le, He Jianfan                                                        *
 * This file is part of 2017 Huawei CodeCraft solution <http://codecraft.huawei.com> *
#include "Greedy.h"

extern int log_level;

extern std::vector<int> accessTable;
extern std::vector<int> demandTable;

uint32_t networkNodeNum = 0;
uint32_t linkNum = 0;
uint32_t consumptionNodeNum = 0;
uint32_t serverDeploymentFee = 0;

std::list<int> bestServers;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Timer procedureTimer("Elapsed Time: ");
     ********************     Time elapsing ...     ********************
    printf("current log level: %s\n\n", getLogLevel());

    std::list<struct LinkTuple> linkTuples;

    // 1. ===============    parse input char* array    ===============
    parseInput(argv[1], linkTuples);

    debug_log("NetworkNodeNum: %u, LinkNum: %u, ConsumptionNodeNum: %u\n", networkNodeNum, linkNum, consumptionNodeNum);
    debug_log("ServerDeploymentFee: %u\n", serverDeploymentFee);

        Complexity defaultComplexity = defineDefaultComplexity(); // local variable, just print the complexity for debug, not used to optimize case according to its size
        info_log("default complexity: %s\n", complexityString(defaultComplexity));

    linkTuples.sort([](const struct LinkTuple& lhs, const struct LinkTuple& rhs) { return lhs.src < rhs.src; });

    // 2. ===============    construct graph    ===============
    Graph graph(networkNodeNum + consumptionNodeNum);
    linkTuples.clear(); // we don't need it anymore, release its memory

    // 3. ===============    display graph    ===============
    // graph.display(); // log control inside

    // 4. ===============    add minimum cost flow algorithm related components into graph    ===============

    // 5. ===============    critical part of finding a server deployment solution    ===============
    std::list<int> newServers;
    std::list<std::vector<int> > initialServerCombinations;

    // 5.1. ==========    scan topology to obtain combinations of some carefully selected network nodes as initial scheme    ==========
    TopologyScanner topoScanner(graph);


    // 5.2. ==========    deploy CDN servers on one of these combinations of network nodes    ==========
    Greedy greedy(graph, initialServerCombinations);

    // info_log("initial servers: ");
    // printList(newServers, "");

    int loop = 1;
    bool continueLoop = true;
    double elapsedTime = 0.0;
    long minRentalDeploymentFee = INF;
    while (true)
        // 5.3. ==========    add a super source onto graph    ==========

        // 5.4. ==========    execute minimum cost flow algorithm    ==========
        long rentalFee = graph.minimumCostMaximumFlow(newServers);
        long deploymentFee = serverDeploymentFee * static_cast<long>(newServers.size());

        // info_log("Link fee is %ld, server fee is %ld, sum up %ld.\n", rentalFee, deploymentFee, rentalFee + deploymentFee);

        // 5.5. ==========    a better deployment solution ?    ==========
        if (minRentalDeploymentFee > rentalFee + deploymentFee && rentalFee != -1)
            minRentalDeploymentFee = rentalFee + deploymentFee;
            bestServers.assign(newServers.begin(), newServers.end());

        continueLoop = greedy.optimize(newServers, rentalFee);

        // 5.6. ==========    time is not enough    ==========
        if (loop % 50 == 0)
            elapsedTime = procedureTimer.elapsed();
        if (loop % 1000 == 0)
            info_log("Time elapsed: %fs\n", elapsedTime);
        // how many loops do you want?
        if (++loop > 10000 || !continueLoop || elapsedTime > 87.0) // we have to exit loop when only 3 seconds left
            printf("INFO | Exit loop: %d\n", loop);
            info_log("best servers: ");
            printList(bestServers, "");

            // 5.6.1. =====    delete current super source from graph and revert the capacity of arc to initialization    =====

            // 5.6.2. =====    add the super source of best servers' union onto graph    =====

            // 5.6.3. =====    calculate minimum cost flow using best servers and then record corresponding flow path    =====

            // 5.6.4. =====    in fact, it is not must to revert capacity and delete super source    =====

        // 5.7. ==========    delete the super source from graph and revert the capacity of arc to initialization    ==========

        // info_log("new servers: ");
        // printList(newServers, "");


    info_log("Minimum link rental fee plus server deployment fee is %ld.\n", minRentalDeploymentFee);

    for (std::list<std::vector<int> >::iterator itfp = graph.fluxPathList.begin(); itfp != graph.fluxPathList.end(); ++itfp)
        std::vector<int>& fluxPath = *itfp;
        fluxPath[fluxPath.size()-2] -= static_cast<int>(networkNodeNum);
        // printVector(fluxPath, "");

    // 6. ===============    verify server deployment and flux paths scheme    ===============
    long totalRentalFee = 0;
    bool schemeOK = verifyScheme(graph, graph.fluxPathList, totalRentalFee);
    uint32_t totalDeploymentFee = serverDeploymentFee * static_cast<uint32_t>(bestServers.size());
    if (schemeOK == true)
        uncond_log("Congratulations! Total link rental fee is %ld, deployment fee is %u, sum up %ld.\n", totalRentalFee, totalDeploymentFee, totalRentalFee + totalDeploymentFee);
        error_log("Shit! The scheme failed to pass verification!\n");
    // 7. ===============    destruct graph    ===============

    // 8. ===============    output flux path list to result file    ===============
    outputToFile(argv[2], graph.fluxPathList);

     ********************     Time elapsing end     ********************

注:本文开头处的超链接提供下载的代码包中附带有 24 个测试用例,三种级别的各 8 个,分别是初级用例、中级用例、高级用例,规模分别为 160、300、800 个网络结点,消费结点比例均为 40%。

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